I had gotten myself to level 36 the previous weekend, and was pretty excited that I could very easily get my mount by this weekend. I didn't manage to play all week, so I had some catching up to do.
SaturdaySo I start running instances. I mostly do cath, and some armory. Got with a couple of good dudes and we ran SM over and over all fucking day. Aside from nub tanks we did pretty well.
Sometime on saturday I had gotten the quest to kill all the dudes in SM, so at fucking 10 o clock at night, me and this one guy i had been running with all day (who was in romania or something and it was lik 7am for him), managed to scrape a group together and we ran, cath, then armory, then lib. Turned in the quest and got
a sweet sword. Ding.
SundaySunday was all about RFD. Originally I was really wanting
this dagger which drops off Amnennar. But I managed to get
this quest which drops
this sword. So I went from 2 like, 23 or so dps weapons to 2 fucking 30 dps weapons. Instant poison III on mh, deadly poison II on oh, i am a dps machine. I fucking love rogues. Ding.
So I run RFD like 6 times. I started playing at about 10-11am, and it's around 5 or 6 that i ding 39. I pretty much know that unless I go questgrind somewhere I am not getting to 40 this weekend. I have to get to 40. I
need to get to 40. So I head off to STV, do probably 10 quests in like 2 1/2 or 3 hours. I hate questing in areas like STV, because alliance will never fucking leave you alone so I have to be on constant lookout which suxxx. Right as I was finishing up my quests, I get into a group for Cath. I turn in all my quests to Grom'Gol, and am ported to sm. So I think I am about 72-75% through 39. We run SM, it goes well. Fucking 98%. I hearth to BB, turn in the remaining STV quests there. I need like 1300 xp to level, fuck. So I go outside to Grom'Gol, kill fucking murlocs for 5 minutes. Ding.
Of course I don't have the FP from STV to UC, so I fly to BB, take the boat to rachet, fly to Org, get on the zep, port to SMC, stop by the rogue trainer to get skills and
re-spec (i had two wasted points in endurance, which i put there since i didnt have a mount i wanted to use sprint as often as possible), make the short run to my riding instructor.
Fucking payoff.