I don't think stunlocks are any less cheesy, fyi. Except, unless a person's really undergeared, I can't stunlock them, and even then it's only certain classes. A stunlock is only a portion of the fight, against any decently geared/skilled player. For a warlock, if you really don't think seduce + soulfire + seduce + shadowbolt + seduce + get some range or whatever it is they do to automatically win versus anyone who wasn't undead for the majority of the game was cheeseball, then I'm just going to assume you were never on the receiving end of such a SKILLFULLY PLAYED combo on enough occasions for it to get old. I wouldn't say any less about a rogue prepping twice so he could blind in some sort of ornate, 45-second stunlock, though. Only, you can do that once every 10 minutes, whereas you can chain seduce + nuke pretty much without limit.
They have tools at their disposal, and I have ways of countering them, with the new PVP trinkets, and being that I am undead. But uh, did you play way back when, when PVP trinkets were on enormously long cooldowns, so that you could only beat one lock every 5 minutes in a BG, and as anything BUT undead? If you did, you'd understand that that is what makes people say such things are cheeseball. If you're not undead, and your trinket isn't up (it rarely ever would be on a 5 minute cooldown), you just lost. Automatically. Even being undead didn't guarantee anything. So nah I don't really think it takes skill or amounts to them being able to outplay me, especially when you consider how, if you can find a way to trump their cheap strategy, they just roll over and die because they're one trick ponies with no actual knowledge of PVP beyond the three buttons they generally needed to win. It's just a gross imbalance in the mechanics of 1v1, and that's probably why you don't see silly limitations on what PVP trinkets can break, so people aren't just fucked automatically. I think it's also why they have much, much shorter cooldowns.