Hotdog WoW Megathread (Read 64779 times)

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Moonkins exist so in Karazhan my heals crit more, that's about it really.
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They tank Kiggler at High King Maulgar!

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Buck Fush!!! it is his fault i am a retard
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Well, Moonkins are actually incredibly powerful.  When I specced moonkin (I'm back to feral because I finally got the Burning Crusade, and I want to solo fast), I was usually in the top 3 for damage in AV, with a hunter always besting me.  My starfire hits for 800 normal, 1.6k crits, wrath gets 450 damage and 800 crits, and if I get a critical, my next cast is .5 seconds faster.  The problem, though, is once you get out of mana, you are basically done, and you just go on a suicide mission to die to refill back up.
I think they are basically an armored mage.  They get the same buff as dire bears for armor (400%), so I was hitting 6k armor and 50% damage migation while in moonkin form.  That is pretty good!
Also, all of these stats are based on a level 60 which is moderately geared.
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I see, that is a fair bit of damage

I was more thinking of pvp though (you said about AV but that's not pvp). Like usually when I see a moonkin I think "oh look a soul shard" because they barely ever put up a fight. Admittedly that might be because heh nref warlocks but feral druids always seem to have much more going for them and most actually change form and do other shit if they're in trouble while moonkins just KEEP TRYING to hit me with 3.5 second starfire or whatever the spell is.

So do I just meet really shitty moonkins? :( I like their antlers
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A good moonkin would not try and cast starfire in pvp.

I have some limted experience playing my druid in arena and what they have going for them is:

>A fast cast nuke that hits for 1k damage with mediocre gear.
>Decent armour, my druid wears cloth so hes still somewhat squishy, but put one in glad gear and I imagine they'll actually be quite tough to kill.

They're also immune to polymorph which is kind of useful and can actually backup heal if needed.

Franklin the Freedom Mouse says: If you really want to make the world a better place, join the fight against international communism!

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Moonkins with gear are dangerous, I got hit by a 6k starfire crit in EotS once. The guy didn't even have zerker.
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Cyclone +  winding up a starfire is the THING TO DO, apparently.  It's like the new seduce + soulfire, especially in terms of how many faggots actually win that way and walk away thinking HEH OUTPLAYED.  It's kind of sad and extremely cheeseball, but I honestly don't think I've ever lost to a moonkin that didn't start the fight out with a moonfire from 40 yards away while I was at half health.  It's probably kind of a hard spec to play extremely well, I'd imagine.
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Ok so I've started WoW again after my account got hacked and all my chars were deleted. (mostly a 60 undead priest and 45 warlock (pre-tbc))
I've started a night elf hunter because I always wanted to play one since they just look so damn cool in my opinion at max level, but I was always afraid of NOT GETTING IN RAIDING GUILDS and NOT BEING USEFUL AT ALL, but yeah fuck that, I'm just gonna play one, it's lvl 25 now, so I might post some cool screenshots in the future.

EDIT: Also how COOL is that I Am Murloc track huh
EDIT EDIT: How do I transfer my character sheet on the armory to a sig like yours?
Last Edit: July 21, 2007, 12:09:05 pm by Devnore
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Cyclone +  winding up a starfire is the THING TO DO, apparently.  It's like the new seduce + soulfire, especially in terms of how many faggots actually win that way and walk away thinking HEH OUTPLAYED.  It's kind of sad and extremely cheeseball, but I honestly don't think I've ever lost to a moonkin that didn't start the fight out with a moonfire from 40 yards away while I was at half health.  It's probably kind of a hard spec to play extremely well, I'd imagine.
I don't see the problem with seduce nuke or cyclone starfire really or how they're CHEESEBALL if I understand what that means correctly. Like, that is how the specs work and they're the most effective ways to fight solo with them. I honestly can't see how it's more sad or lame or whatever to do either than it is to stunlock someone from 100-0 except you have to press more buttons which is somehow indicative of skill.
And I'd say in a fair fight if they manage to do that to you then they HAVE outplayed you considering you know they have the tools at their disposal and you have ways of countering them.
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I don't think stunlocks are any less cheesy, fyi.  Except, unless a person's really undergeared, I can't stunlock them, and even then it's only certain classes.  A stunlock is only a portion of the fight, against any decently geared/skilled player.  For a warlock, if you really don't think seduce + soulfire + seduce + shadowbolt + seduce + get some range or whatever it is they do to automatically win versus anyone who wasn't undead for the majority of the game was cheeseball, then I'm just going to assume you were never on the receiving end of such a SKILLFULLY PLAYED combo on enough occasions for it to get old.  I wouldn't say any less about a rogue prepping twice so he could blind in some sort of ornate, 45-second stunlock, though.  Only, you can do that once every 10 minutes, whereas you can chain seduce + nuke pretty much without limit.

They have tools at their disposal, and I have ways of countering them, with the new PVP trinkets, and being that I am undead.  But uh, did you play way back when, when PVP trinkets were on enormously long cooldowns, so that you could only beat one lock every 5 minutes in a BG, and as anything BUT undead?  If you did, you'd understand that that is what makes people say such things are cheeseball.  If you're not undead, and your trinket isn't up (it rarely ever would be on a 5 minute cooldown), you just lost.  Automatically.  Even being undead didn't guarantee anything.  So nah I don't really think it takes skill or amounts to them being able to outplay me, especially when you consider how, if you can find a way to trump their cheap strategy, they just roll over and die because they're one trick ponies with no actual knowledge of PVP beyond the three buttons they generally needed to win.  It's just a gross imbalance in the mechanics of 1v1, and that's probably why you don't see silly limitations on what PVP trinkets can break, so people aren't just fucked automatically.  I think it's also why they have much, much shorter cooldowns.
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I pvped a fair bit at 60 and I know about the 5 minute trinket since I only got the two minute about 3 weeks ago or something having had the other from level 15 or so. But it seems like a bit of a double standard going on. Like, at 60 you could stunlock someone through the whole fight pretty easily even with good gear I'm pretty sure. You could also loloneshot soulfire and if that didn't work reseduce immolate/conflag. You can't do either at 70 unless your opponent is both alone and really undergeared.

I was never on the recieving end of that too much though because I was always affliction and ran with felhunter so destro locks were utterly simple untill they got nether protection. I can see how it's really gay but it's no more gay than a lot of other shit going, especially at 70.
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Man, you really don't have to be so defensive about your class and how gay warlocks are in most situations.  I know you got fucked over by rogues for the majority of the game, and I know that's usually how it continues to be, except slightly less bad because of the trinket change.  I stunlock warlocks all the time, and pre-BC, if I even OPENED on a non-SL one, it was already over for them, but that doesn't mean that it's as good versus everybody as it is versus you.  All I said was that cyclone + starfire is the new seduce + soulfire, in terms of exactly what it does, and how many idiots use it, probably as a crutch.  I didn't say it was somehow more cheesy than stunlocks (meaning, it's not a double standard), because I don't especially think it is.  Although, I do think both combos are a bit more universally applicable and easier to pull off than stunlocks, so maybe they are a BIT more cheesy.  But not by much, as I'm definitely aware of how gay it is to stunlock/be stunlocked all the time, and win/lose because of it when it requires very skill or execution to do.
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My original reply to that was really shit and a bit nasty (not really much more so than you were about warlocks but :(​) so I decided to just delete the whole thing.

But yeah, I don't think I'm being overly defensive about my class or anti-rogue because of PAST ANGUISH or whatever. I just don't think cyclone/starfire is that bad compared to a lot of other things and I just said STUNLOCKS because I seemed to remember you were a rogue.
Rogues aren't too bad for me these days either, I'd say if I have deathcoil and howl of terror free at the start of the fight I beat more than half the equal-ish geared rogues I fight one-on-one, which I'm happy with really.

Also by double standard I wasn't meaning you were like STUNLOCKS ARE FINE BUT SEDUCE AND CYCLONE ARE GAY. It seemed that you were saying you can't stunlock someone through the whole fight unless you do the ridiculous blind/out-of-combat/restealth 50 second stunlock routine at 70, but then you were talking about what warlocks could do at 60 with seduce nuke when you could do the same thing at 60 no worries. Seduce nuke isn't half as fucking stupid as it was at 60 and is even less so now the trinket's changed.

edit: which is why hardly any pvp warlocks spec destruction these days
Last Edit: July 22, 2007, 08:37:18 pm by Mark
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are you guys seriously saying moonkins are good


it's ALL clearly about whose nuke does more dmg, nothing else matters!

Thanks to The Dragon Slayer for the signature.
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6k starfire up your kister!

Actually a geared moonkin does suprising damage in raids as well, one tops or comes near top of damage in my raids. I used to think that our other dps was just shit but it can't be that as it happens all the time and hes up there with players I know do good damage.

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Less bickering, more posting screenshots:

I finally got BC, am already three fourths through level 62.  There are so many quests it is amazing,  and I've been gaining gold like crazy.  Maybe one day... I'll get my swift mount!  Also, asking all the druids out there, at level 68 you get flight form.  I've also heard at that level you automatically get 150 riding skill if you didn't have it.  Is this true?
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are you guys seriously saying moonkins are good


it's ALL clearly about whose nuke does more dmg, nothing else matters!
i thought they were kind of a dumb novelty with pretty respectable burst damage and okay sustained damage but feoria told me otherwise!  his little article seemed to insinuate they are actually not bad at all in pvp if played well so now i am sort of wondering if he is right, since he's a pretty good druid and knows his class very well.
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blizz and schmity lost to a double moonkin 2v2 team, hes just mad
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I did a 5v5 moonkin team for shits and giggles.

Quite funny all going in stealth, targeting one member, popping up and 5 moonfires appearing on him along with a forest of treants running around aimlessly. What generally happened is the original target got annihilated in seconds then once the other team realised what was happening the fact that they had proper team balance made them win. I guess it also didn't help that most of us had like zero spelldamage as 2 of them had respecced from resto/feral to do the arena, plus the ones that did were wearing cloth (yes it was STOLEN FROM MAGES).

Franklin the Freedom Mouse says: If you really want to make the world a better place, join the fight against international communism!

Buck Fush!!! it is his fault i am a retard
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plus the ones that did were wearing cloth (yes it was STOLEN FROM MAGES).
mage cloth is awful, gotta steal the warlocks cloth MUCH BETTER FOR ME ALL ROUND

I'm a bitter warlock who had his oblivion robes ninja'd by a mage who thought the set bonus would work for his water elemental
Last Edit: July 25, 2007, 12:37:37 am by Mark