Hotdog WoW Megathread (Read 64779 times)

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That's a fun quest. =D
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Warriors have a tradition of being nerfed (even if in some patches the "nerf" was not even noticable or was a bugfix), but it got to the stage where anyone without the very best end game gear and weapons simply lost, all the time in PvP, to basically every class. Then they nerfed rage generation which caused a lot of whining (personally i didn't notice it much, don't know why, I guess due to my playstyle but I know a lot of other warriors had problems with it). After patch 2.0 i noticed how utterly gimped I was in PvP and simply stopped going into the BG's as it was pretty pointless, I mean, I had Ashkandi so it wasn't like I couldn't kill anyone but I spent most of my time being kited/CC'd or stunlocked while jonny mage launched salvoes of pewpew death into my face. I basically HAD to get the jump to stand any chance, in arenas - forget it.

In TBC Blizzard made feral druids way too strong in their decision to make them viable tanks. It pissed off warriors as not only were they an equal tank as a full protection warrior (better armour/hp, but lesser overall mitigation), but they had all their DPS talents to hand as well, wheras a protec tank sacrifices his ability to DPS and PvP with his spec. Also the average player percieved druids as better tanks as they can come in and LOL SWIPE TANK a group of 5 mobs easily, thus allowing the mages/locks/whatever to spray nukes around wherever without consequence, while if they did that to a frantic tab sundering warrior tank they'd have 3 things chewing on their keester before they knew it.  And in the PUG'ers eyes, this is clearly the warriors fault rather than their own inability to focus on the proper target, therefore they labeled druids as the better tanks as they were easier to work with. Which meant warriors being ousted from groups in favour of druid tanks.

With this patch the chunderclap change hopefully puts an end to the hell of tab sunder, as well as being able to debuff hard hitting mobs that you didn't necessarily have the opportunity to before (hi maulgar). The change to intercept is a long time coming as well, though they're being lazy and not implementing it in this patch -.-. The change to victory rush I don't really think is warranted, it worked before, but without a cooldown its just... crazy. I predict it'll get nerfed one or two patches down the line into something closer to what it was after some fury warrior in the BG kills 5 clothies in a row with a string of never ending victory rushes.

Right now my sympathy lies with rogues, as they recieved probably the most mundane new abilities of all the classes (maybe tie with warriors), and right now affliction warlocks, mages, hunters etc beat them at single target DPS (this my guild have tested), which is just plain wrong as the class is fundamentally designed to damage one target with combo points, yet is being bested by classes like warlocks who are more designed towards multi-target dps. Not to mention the fact that being a melee class means they inevitably get hit more by AoE's and the like. Very stupid.

Franklin the Freedom Mouse says: If you really want to make the world a better place, join the fight against international communism!

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At this point, I think the best way to fix druids is make feral more of a two way street, they can go up one side of the feral with skills that help tanking but hinder dps and vice-versa. The druids probably wont be in favor of having to choose between dps and tanking insted of getting both, but ateast now they'll have a choice, before they were pretty much stuck healing. Warriors don't want to see hybrids being just as good of tanks as them because the other classes get the other utility (self rez/healing/battle rez/whatever.) Blizzard just wants them to be viable tanks, they should get full feral druids the talents/skills to tank a pre-raid instance/offtank raids and leave main tanking to warriors, I think that should solve the problem. (Paladins should be as good of tanks as druids, they would probably hold agro differently then warriors skills/druids... I think they hold ago with damage?)

As for rogues, I've been feeling for them as of late too, seems they've had their share of bad luck since pre 60 at launch. Back then people found stealth REALLY overpowered from what I saw (it wasn't all that bad though) now I think rogues are in need of a tune up. Hope the warriors get what they hope for too.

I play a mage, so I may not have the best view on these things.
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The only thing rogues really need is some measure of PVE viability.  Mages and warlocks are touching on the single-target damage we do... from almost 40 yards away. They require less healing/maintenance, and they can do OTHER things.  AOE, soulstones, foods, health stones, etc.  They either need to make rogues the clearcut highest single target DPS again, or if they're going to leave our damage as just above casters, give us some form of utility in a raid.  Maybe something having to do with poisons, I dunno.  I personally would prefer the former, honestly.  Utility tends to end up being a pain (lol suppression room being probably the best example of attempts at rogue usefulness in a raid), but extremely, extremely high sustained damage is always a boon!

But for PVP, rogues are pretty much fine.  We got most of the things (kiting, mainly, but other stuff too) we had problems with addressed in the expansion.  Deadly Throw and CoS go a long way.
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A cool pic I took when I was in Nagrand in the bird's nest on that trampoline quest.  Got the moon in the BG just Perfect.

Also... DING 70 last night!  Woo!
Still making games at  Also active on twitter at:  @TrueYomic
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The warriors who post on the official forums are pretty much the hugest babies ever. I didn't even notice the difference pre and post-normalization, but given the pissing and moaning I heard, I expected that as soon as they patched the normalization in I wouldn't be able to charge and immediately use Mortal Strike after the first hit anymore. Which wasn't the case at all! I never had trouble in PvP either, but that's probably because I've got Escape Artist and my cheater engineering shit.

Although I do agree with them that warrior tanking pretty much turned to dog shit after level 60! I can't even pull away from HEALING AGGRO using sunders anymore. I've switched my little tanking routine to Shield Block/Revenge, Heroic Strike, and Mortal Strike (which does i've found works surprisingly well for generating threat!) in that order, and I only really use Sunder Armor if I have rage left over after that. This is with Defiance, too, by the way. So Thunderclap in defensive stance will be very nice to have!

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You have enough rage to Mortal Strike while tanking? What! Use that for sunders or Heroic Strikes, they generate more aggro.

But, yeah, the rage thing isn't as bad as people made it out to be. But it was pretty fucking annoying when I couldn't kill priests, and to some extent mages, because of the goddamn shields.

Also, what do you have against orc females PUNK?
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Do you USUALLY kill mages?
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You have enough rage to Mortal Strike while tanking? What! Use that for sunders or Heroic Strikes, they generate more aggro.

I don't know what happened to Sunder Armor, but it really doesn't do it's job anymore. Today I was doing Sethekk Halls, charged one of the single elite hawks, and put 3 sunders (plus white hits) on it. The mage fired one frostbolt that didn't crit, and they pulled aggro. This, as you could imagine, caused me to yell very loudly at my monitor

After a bit more experimentation, I decided that a Heroic Strike + Mortal Strike works much better than sunders do now, especially if either one crits. Then again, I could just be full of shit! I don't tank much anymore, and I only came to this conclusion over my 3 most recent instance runs.

Also, what do you have against orc females PUNK?

they are pretty gross to look at though not as bad as troll females which pretty much make me want to barf more than anything else in the world
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are you sure you upgraded the level of sunder armor.

i remember when i was an idiot in early 2005 on my warrior, i didn't buy sunder past like 28 and i was wondering why i couldn't hold aggro in rfd
--- Back when we were young and loved the internet....
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Hmm, can't say I have a problem with sunders, however I generally found that tanking as arms/fury is pretty much tanking with taunt permantly on cd in this expansion.

As protection I use Shield Slam/Revenge to build threat anyway, sunders are there to prep devastate and fill the time in between the aformentioned abilities cooldowns.

If you ever plan on setting foot in a raid or heroic instance though, starting at Karazhan, you won't get anywhere tanking if your not protection, and you'll be lucky to get a spot as a dpser. Sucks but thats the way it is now. Perhaps when warriors get the best high end gear (and high level dps plate doesn't seem to exist anymore), they can hope to be useful as dps again, but now, any other option will deliver superior damage.

Franklin the Freedom Mouse says: If you really want to make the world a better place, join the fight against international communism!

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troll females are just generic fantasy dark elf females with big toes and tiny little tusks
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Do you USUALLY kill mages?

Frost Mages do the same thing every fight. I charge, they frost nova/blink, I count with EA or intercept, they try to cast with me attack them I pummel their frostbolts, then its basically over.

I have a harder time with fire mage, ones with dragon's breath anyway.
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Frost Mages do the same thing every fight. I charge, they frost nova/blink, I count with EA or intercept, they try to cast with me attack them I pummel their frostbolts, then its basically over.

I have a harder time with fire mage, ones with dragon's breath anyway.
oh.  those are bad mages!  i thought most knew you're supposed to save blink for your intercept.  imo they should just eat the charge, frost nova, and polymorph.  OR........ just frost nova and spam icelance until you're dead, which takes about 3 seconds when you're in a nova (lol balance).
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FACT: Its about a 30 minute run from Mulgore to Durotar

(My guild needs Warriors, so I volunteered to reroll)

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oh.  those are bad mages!  i thought most knew you're supposed to save blink for your intercept.  imo they should just eat the charge, frost nova, and polymorph.  OR........ just frost nova and spam icelance until you're dead, which takes about 3 seconds when you're in a nova (lol balance).
If I do it fast enough, I can Pummel the poly, or Int Shout, and I've only had one 1v1 against one mage with Ice Lance and I was 61.

He was 70 and just spammed it with his WE out.
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Raggh I want my mount again. I also need a better video card. :blarg:

parents don't love me (litterally they told me)
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r.i.p. jargon tiberious and dragonx

they are still alive in our hearts...