Gay scenery shots, that's what!
Here's the intersection between Nagrand, Zangarmarsh, and Terokkar Forest. Shut up i thought this was
very cool!!!!
When I saw a pirate ship floating out in the abyss in Netherstorm, there was basically no deliberation at all about whether or not I was gonna drop what I was doing and fly all the way out there to take screenshots

The Area 52 Transporter is pretty awesome and entirely worth the materials. It DOESN'T share the Everlook Transporter cooldown, so between that and my hearthstone, I can pretty much go anywhere I need to be in less than 5 minutes. It's not as easy as being a mage, obviously, but I'll take it over having to go through the Dark Portal twice a day! And then there is the debuff that turns DELMONDO into a DELMONDINA, which is fun as hell for killing the opposing faction with. I was surprised how thorough the developers were too, since a quest NPC said to me "It would appear that we are in luck, young lady"!

You also change races when you switch stances. It's pretty badass to transform into a BIG BURLY TAUREN before charging in and beating the hell out of someone, and also thoroughly gross when transforming from a big burly tauren into a big burly orc female (i am not ashamed to admit that i have
a problem with orc and troll females)