serious post I would slap someone that said this in real life not out of anger or sadness but disgust and say "shut up, you're very stupid"
does it surprise anyone though that the guy chanting SUICIDAL PEOPLE SUCK is quick to sink to the lowest levels and ask someone to die slow and painfully?
edit: god i cannot get over this. it's not like a cheating wife or an embarassing tidbit, it's fucking cancer, I'm not going to blush and say OH MY YOUVE HOISTED ME ON MY OWN PETARD you fucking shithead.
yes actually... when I read that I was actually pretty shocked... there are a lot of morons that say that suicide is a selfish/sinful thing, but that is just what they are, they're morons, it is ignorance, but yeah saying "go get cancer again and die a gruelingly slow and painful death" is a pretty disgusting thing to say and does not just show their idiocy but that they are reaching the edge of humanity itself.
I'm also shocked he could say something so fucking stupid and vile and yet have 1770 posts and
Joined on December 14, 2002. Like, has he also been known as an idiot here? or did his idiocy just reveal itself now? has he been temp banned before? I mean seriously... he must of held back if 'no' to all those questions (except "or did his idiocy just reveal itself now?").