News Teen commits suicide live on camera. (Read 3624 times)

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all those stupid kids who kill themsleves are just little shitheads who are too lazy to try and get help

What do you mean?
Play Raimond Ex (if you haven't already)

I'll not TAKE ANYTHING you write like this seriously because it looks dumb
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I was gonna stay out of it, but since ase wants my opinion. *shrugs*

I think it's pretty sad that no one helped the dude, but I don't think I would have taken it seriously either. Back in the late 90's when Excite Chat (or Virtual Places as it was also called) was popular there were ALOT of teenies making these types of suicide threats. And they were all full of crap (as far as I know).

I don't know if these ppl that go thru with it are weak or not, but I know they have alot to answer to on the other side. Suicide is seen as being just as sinful as murder in most religions.
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Exactly people who have no self control. Just sad that someone would ever think life was so horrible they had to kill themselves. I can't feel sorry for them. The kid obviously had suicide in mind before, this just provoked it. If he actually wanted to be alive, he would be here today. Also, whoever warned me assumes I know nothing of depression. Idiotic? So expressing my views is idiotic? Oh, forget it, apparently we're not aloud to have minds here.

But my point is, to just say "screw it my life sucks!" is the easy way out. To go through the pain and actually try to get help or get over it is hard. So before you warn me for calling my statements idiot, read them before in blind rage you warn me. Before telling me to stop assuming, stop assuming yourself. Stop assuming I've never been through deppression, stop assuming I've never had to deal with suicidal thoughts.

Oh, Marmaduke. An analogy for every situation.
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Oh, Marmaduke. An analogy for every situation.
Slight derail but CHRIST this comic sucks. Suits the situation well enough, but where's the joke?

Just note: I'd never seen Marmaduke comics before. Are they all bad?
Last Edit: November 23, 2008, 01:29:22 am by extravagant grandpa for acorns
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Slight derail but CHRIST this comic sucks. Suits the situation well enough, but where's the joke?

Just note: I'd never seen Marmaduke comics before. Are they all bad?

they're notoriously bad but that's kind of why they're funny
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I don't know if these ppl that go thru with it are weak or not, but I know they have alot to answer to on the other side. Suicide is seen as being just as sinful as murder in most religions.

"I give you this miserable form and poisoned spirit so you can spend the entirety of your existence in inner conflict and strife, but what do you do with it? Kill yourself...  Say hello to Judas for me, son." - God
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Depressed because someone took their own life? Heh. I don't have any sympathy for people like that. Especially ones who want to be the ultimate attention whore going out and broadcasting it. People don't usually kill themselves without warning; I'm sure somebody knew this kid was depressed or something. ::sigh:: There's a big difference between suicidal thoughts and suicide, one of these doesn't end in death.

not sure if you're trolling but god damn son.

People don't just commit suicide because they are whiny little babies, almost all the time they are mentally ill and the rest of the time they have been through incalcuable heartache
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truth is there..... someting youd like to share with the class
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....You can warn me until you ban me I don't care, but I feel the need to clear things up. I have empathy for someone with suicidal thoughts because
1. I've been there myself
2. You can lead them away from suicide before they actually do it, give them hope, get shit into perspective for them.

But I can't forgive someone who actually goes through with it. I've had to deal with a few friends who've chosen to do this and obviously it incites all kinds of emotions. It just sucks to have shit like that get to you so much that you think your life is over because of x happened. To hurt other people close to you that much shows how much they really cared for you. Or perhaps they cared and didn't really fucking think about it. It's really aggrivating and I'm sorry if you guys are usually the first one to empathize with the victim, but there's more here than just a tragedy. It's a preventable one if we just help each other out and listen and not be the "LOL EMO FAG" dickhead. But if we keep things to ourselves (I don't really know if the kid gave warnings, but in almost all cases there usually is some type of red flag that goes off), or nobody asks their friend why he's depressed and helps them out we can end up with shit like this. Selfish, mindless, permanent solutions to temporary problems.

It's a cheap way to solve your problems because they don't have to deal with them when they're dead.  The moment their existence ends is the last time they have to deal with it instead of living through it.

People have different views than you. Enjoy it.
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brian chemicals
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Go get cancer again and die this time. You're a fucking scumbag. Good forever to you GW.
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I do not understand how you can call a suicidal person "selfish"

What the fuck.
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Go get cancer again and die this time. You're a fucking scumbag. Good forever to you GW.

that's three times so far, I fucking own.
brian chemicals
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Alright, let's try and get somewhat back on topic. This topic isn't really going anywhere so unless there's some interesting updates soon from the police, I'll probably lock this.
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wait lemme get this out of my system this goes out to all the idiots who keep thinking HEH I'LL MENTION HE HAD CANCER AND SHOULD HAVE DIED FROM IT, THAT WILL SURELY PWN HIM.

I know you are banned now you fuck but do you really think that will hurt me? I've got a foot long scar going up my back where they pulled two tumors the size of baseballs out of. I had a tube the diameter of a quarter forcibly pulled out of my lung with no anesthesia. my veins pumped poisons 24/7 for four fucking months. there are burns on my skin from the muscles inside being destroyed by chemotherapy. you think you can insult me and hurt my feelings by saying GET CANCER AGAIN? are you fucking stupid? are you dense? you're going to level a fucking threat at me and it's not with a gun to my head? you think I'm going to be afraid of death, you goddam idiot? ME? the guy who NEARLY DIED is gonna suddenly start bawling because you told him to die? do you realize who you're talking to? christ you're so fucking stupid.
brian chemicals
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serious post I would slap someone that said this in real life not out of anger or sadness but disgust and say "shut up, you're very stupid"

does it surprise anyone though that the guy chanting SUICIDAL PEOPLE SUCK is quick to sink to the lowest levels and ask someone to die slow and painfully?

edit: god i cannot get over this. it's not like a cheating wife or an embarassing tidbit, it's fucking cancer, I'm not going to blush and say OH MY YOUVE HOISTED ME ON MY OWN PETARD you fucking shithead.
Last Edit: November 23, 2008, 06:01:28 am by Pidgeotto221
brian chemicals
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serious post I would slap someone that said this in real life not out of anger or sadness but disgust and say "shut up, you're very stupid"

does it surprise anyone though that the guy chanting SUICIDAL PEOPLE SUCK is quick to sink to the lowest levels and ask someone to die slow and painfully?

edit: god i cannot get over this. it's not like a cheating wife or an embarassing tidbit, it's fucking cancer, I'm not going to blush and say OH MY YOUVE HOISTED ME ON MY OWN PETARD you fucking shithead.
yes actually... when I read that I was actually pretty shocked... there are a lot of morons that say that suicide is a selfish/sinful thing, but that is just what they are, they're morons, it is ignorance, but yeah saying "go get cancer again and die a gruelingly slow and painful death" is a pretty disgusting thing to say and does not just show their idiocy but that they are reaching the edge of humanity itself.

I'm also shocked he could say something so fucking stupid and vile and yet have 1770 posts and
Joined on December 14, 2002. Like, has he also been known as an idiot here? or did his idiocy just reveal itself now? has he been temp banned before? I mean seriously... he must of held back if 'no' to all those questions (except "or did his idiocy just reveal itself now?").
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Go get cancer again and die this time. You're a fucking scumbag. Good forever to you GW.
Man......that's just a line you don't cross. What's your fucking problem?
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alright this is done
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btw i would say that saying ITS A MENTAL ILLNESS THEY DONT UNDERSTAND WHAT THEYRE DOING...... isnt necessarily true.  like it is not always some guy who doesnt understand the impact of his decisions and isn't fit to be taking care of himself.  i will admit that at that point you are probably past what you would call definitively rational thought but i very much disagree with the idea that ALL PEOPLE who kill themselves acknowledge that suicide is bad and just can't control themselves or whatever.  people really want to die sometimes, man.  like, they cease having any reason, compulsion, or will to continue living. idk i think saying anyone who is really depressed/suicidal is the victim of a mental illness that renders them unable to control their actions despite how they might feel is pretty misleading.