Classic Merry Christmas. (Read 4365 times)

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mom got me FIRST TIME VOTER FOR OBAMA ornament lol
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Merry christmas to all the Christian GW members out there!
Insert anything here
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Real talk im celebrating Hanukkah next year instead of christmas
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Edited the topic title, but only to prevent other Merry Christmas topics from popping up.

there was a much better reason to do this btw and it really looks awful to have a topic about YOU FAGGOTS that isn't pro gay rights and some kind of irony.





seriously at least the original wasn't just using hate speech as everyday talk, it was OH GOSH WHATS THIS *clicks* OP...YOU FOOLED ME! HAHA!

whereas here you've reappropriated as a colloquialism.
Last Edit: December 25, 2008, 07:46:52 pm by Pidgeotto221
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I got a nuvi  350 personal travel assistant which is like a nifty little GPS thing. That should help when I get a ship because I'll prolly drive to it.

I also got some axe body  set thing
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My parents gave me an ipod touch, my sister says she won't be able to give me her gift until tomorrow. I guess that's about all I got, even though i'm very happy with that alone.
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Okay now that I can actually say it, Merry Christmas.

:) My dad finally got me a magic bullet set. Now I am officially prepared for college.

EDIT: By the way, what exactly does that test mean, Steel?
Last Edit: December 25, 2008, 10:58:52 pm by Juris
"I would be totally embarassed to write this, even as a fakepost. it's not funny except in how you seem to think it's good. look at all the redundancies, for fuck's sake. "insipid semantics, despicable mediocrity" ugh gross gross. I want to take a shower every time I read your prose." -Steel
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I got nothing this year. I gave this time.

Mom: Bath & Body shit from Walmart. She loved it.
Dad: Some Adidas body spray. He like it.
Grandma: Some body spays and a purse. She went ballistic.
My friend, DJ: Got him that Bod Spray Christmas pack. He loved it. Looked like he was gonna cry.

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- Clothes/Shoes/Bath Stuff for Mom
- Chrono Trigger, Sonic Chronicles, Smackdown v. Raw 09 Wii and some clothes for my brother
- Some "Twilight" stuff for a friend who is really into it, we did a gift exchange (she gave me an XBL card)


- Tales of Symphonia Dawn of the New World
- Wii Music
- Castlevania Judgment
- $500 towards paying off my car
- Three month XBL subscription
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Gave: Bootlegged AC/DC Black Ice and Guns N' Roses Chinese Democracy. lol.

Recieved: Guitar Hero: World Tour, Dell XPS m1530 laptop.

Best xmas ever.
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Sister - Cocoa butter cause she's pregnant and it gets rid of stretch marks
Her hubby - One of those little bells for your motorcycle that supposedly bring you luck.
Other sister - Cookie cutters shaped like trains
Her hubby - One of those really big calender things and a planner
Nephew - Thomas the train set with the regular circle train track.
Niece - This pink teething thing.
Mom - A necklace that has a heart and says mom.
Grandma - A mug that has a really cute I love you grandma phrase on it that made her cry and I started to cry to a bit (lol emo).
Coworker from our party - Partini game

A total of $1145 dollars
A cheap book with pictures of The Beatles
A gift card to Target
A little set thing for growing your own cucumbers and carrots.
Beatles Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band t-shirt

Dok Choy
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A book
Some mugs
A journal thing for my mom

Wii play
Board game
Some big good photo frames (my walls are all bare and in need of occupying)
A bunch of clothes, etc

I couldn't think of anything to ask for (within price range) until it was too late, but that's ok, because everything I received is useful anyway!
Now I have to figure out how to use my money. Usually I stash it all on the bank but I think for once I will buy myself something nice. Possibly an mp3 player (ipod touch?? I used to like sony mp3 players because they used to be superior, but they are falling behind (actually they haven't improved at all)) or put it towards a new camera... or another wiimote and something else, I dunno.
fuck it all, dd is dead
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Three shirts (one of which is one of those irritating "Phrase" shirts I strongly despise. But it is the thought that counts...), and a pair of camouflage slippers.

Gave: Cards, and a DVD for my grandmother. Would've brought gifts for other friends/family, but I'm broke because the the managers at the store I work at are assholes who specifically cut hours during holidays.
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Recieved: Nintendo Wii


Yougest sister: Harvest Moon: More Friends of Mineral Town, Harvest Moon:Island of Happiness, Sims 2 Castaway, Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants book collection.
Brother: Turok, Fallout 3, The Darkness, and 3 books on the Yankees.
Mom: Cow salt and pepper shakers, cow bell.
Dad: the new albums from AC/DC and the Eagles.

Nephew1: Burnout Dominator, Super Smash Bros. Melee, Spiderman Friend or Foe.
Nephew 2: Batman Vengeance, Superman: Shadow of Apokolips, Joker action figure.
Nephew 3: 50 games plug and play, Miuchiz: Roc
Nephew 4: Oversized Elmo doll

Niece 1: An MP3 player, watch, and necklace.
Niece 2: Plug and play Diego game, Diego helicopter
Niece 3: WowWee Alive Panda cub
Niece 4: High School Musical doll, High School Musical dance along game.
Niece 5: Teddy bear and rattle.
Niece 6: $25 Visa gift card
Last Edit: December 26, 2008, 03:47:36 pm by Grunthor
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how much money did you spend on all that grunthor
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vinyl LP case
Tascam 424 mkiii (!)
Electric Shaver
75 cash total
ipod car set
Dumped :(
it's ok i'm sure you and treg will work out your differences... (edit: this joke is now AU)

got some gifts gave some gifts, everyone seemed pretty happy with the things i spent money on though unappreciative of my dollar store presents?? what???
Last Edit: December 26, 2008, 05:18:19 pm by esiann
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Jesus Christ, Grunthor! You're such a generous soul.
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I only wanted one thing and I got it: the Calvin & Hobbes Complete Collection.

Goddamn you you son of a bitch.

I got lots of money, a pretty ballin' surround sound system, and a Nintendo wallet from Gamestop that has lots of cheat codes on it that I think are for the SNES?

For every moment of triumph, for every instance of beauty, many souls must be trampled.
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how much money did you spend on all that grunthor

Approximately $600.
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So I made cheesecakes for Christmas dinner for my in-laws. I bought the cream cheese on Christmas Eve and made the cheesecakes the same day. Today my sister-in-law calls me and says my mother-in-law, the only one to eat the cheesecakes, is sick as a dog. So I checked the leftover cream cheese bricks in my fridge. The expiration date (written on an inside flap of the box) was in November. So yeah, I gave my mother-in-law food poisoning for Christmas. I feel horrible. Anyway. . .

Mum: Spa stuff and picture frame for grandkid pictures
Dad: PSP (also sharing picture frame for grandkids), drive tires for truck
Siblings (all six of them): Wal-Mart Gift Cards, Midnight Club LA for 360, Bionicles, half a flute (my parents went in on the other half)
Autumn: She got spoiled rotten. We'll leave it at that. This year, at least, she was more interested in the toys than the boxes they came in.
Nephew, Marcus: He's only 2 months old so he got bright, colorful, noisy toys that will never come into my house.
Mom-in-law: Spa stuff and ginormous picture frame
Dad-in-law: Silver tenor sax mouthpiece (to match the silver tenor sax he has), socks
Bros-in-law: Shirts, various memorabilia for their favorite hockey teams
Sisses-in-law: Manicures, gift cards, perfume and a blankie
Pseudo-nieces: Color Wonder markers and books, clothes, Little People stuff

My dad is farting around with my Christmas present to myself: a faster laptop.

Received: A printer, gift cards, new outfit, new slippers, a comfy blankie (that Autumn won't let go of), hot stone massage set, card box, manicure set and a hangover the likes of which no human should ever experience.
Check it out! I'm doing NaNoWriMo this year!