I'm still working on the western.
I changed the look for the main character, so I have to go back and redo all of the sprites for him -ex...sitting in a chair, eating, drinking, the quickdraw frames, climbing, etc. I've been working on some spriting for other projects I have rattling around in my head at the same time. I'm also trying to decide whether or not I should use the quick draw mechanic for all in game gunfights, or if I'll end up keeping the clunky ABS I have in place for "random" skirmishes.
By the way, when that room is running - the bartender's neutral animation is wiping down glasses from the counter, he looks up when you walk in. When you order, he turns and gets a bottle, pours a glass and sets it down for the player to pick up.
@Killer Wolf: AWESOME, I think the female looks a lot like Jill from Resident Evil 3, just like a 2D version with a palette swap.
Thanks! I hadn't noticed the Jill thing until you pointed it out. She's supposed to be the protagonist for that cyberpunk game I mentioned a while back. A more "final" version of the sprite has red hair and a leather jacket.