1.) Items have been introduced: Things like BLAST BOMBS which destory players buildings, CELL PHONES which allow you to buy properties without even landing on them, UNDERCOVER COP which allows you to become a cop, arresting other players and fooling Stephanie & Robbie to thinking you work with the force, RENT RAISER which doubles rent owed to you for 5 turns...just some of the many zany things you can get.
2.) Bonus game: Instead of Community Chest & Chance, you'll enter a small mini-game which requires you to pick up a card with a random bonus, everything from money, to items...to losing everything.
3.) Tax Man Takes More: He can go from taking nothing, 5%, 10%, 20% to everything...yes, EVERYTHING!!! Muahahahahahahaha!!!
4.) Bailout Money Goes Up: Everytime you hit the slammer, it's going to cost you $50 to break out of jail...those keys come in handy now MORE THEN EVAR!!!
5.) Duplexes & Highrises: You can now build two additional buildings, which means...more rent!!! But there are only so many available in each game, you might need to use a BLAST BOMB to be able to build some...hehehehe...
6.) Additonal Music: 25 different songs for the new version board, the classic has it's own.
7.) Utilities do more damage: Owning one is x10 rent, owning BOTH is x50 rent. OMFG!!! THEY ARE USEFUL NOW!!!
8.) Railroads...same thing: They are now a hella lot more, just owning all 4 is a quick $500 cash grab. DAMN!!!
9.) Jackpot Space: As turns go on, the jackpot starts at $500 and can rise & fall with every complete turn...once someone lands on Jackpot, they will get it ALL!!! SWEET MONEY!!!
10.) You can buy mortgaged property: Well...if the flag is down...then MINE!!!
11.) Cops patrol the board: Since their space has been replaced by a GIFT one...they will patrol the board and will change their shifts every 3 turns. Land on them and it's off to jail.