Topic: The Screenshot Topic (Read 106133 times)

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Ignore the empty maps, there just testing ares, anyway my first attempt at lighting overlays.

The second one looks like it's still bright outside, why are there streetlights on? =P I like the first one though.
The maps look like Ascendence.

Overall, fairly unimpressive.

Hmmm... The map graphics are really cartoony looking, and don't feel like FF7 (or at least the bit I've played of FF7.) And there is quite an ugly clash between the menu and the map graphics.
Last Edit: February 06, 2010, 02:30:52 am by Chipotle
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Vanit...keep up the good work! Your a god in my eyes!!!

...And Confaisus, if you don't have anything good to say than just go away. Vanit has done a very nice job up to this point, and I would gladly like to play his game when he is finished with it.

(Fades back into the darkness)

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...And Confaisus, if you don't have anything good to say than just go away.

I didn't kiss the ground he walked on for making a rectangular walkway, with what I assume is custom graphics, therefore my opinion overall mustn't be heard? I didn't say it was terrible, I just didn't say it was amazing... His custom menu is one of the best I've seen out of RM*, despite being a copy/paste of the original, though that was what he aimed for.
Last Edit: February 06, 2010, 06:26:32 am by Corfaisus
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I didn't kiss the ground he walked on for making a rectangular walkway, with what I assume is custom graphics, therefore my opinion overall mustn't be heard? I didn't say it was terrible, I just didn't say it was amazing... His custom menu is one of the best I've seen out of RM*, despite being a copy/paste of the original, though that was what he aimed for.
I encourage criticism and I agree its not amazing by any stretch of the imagination. I'm not sure I understand the clash you mention between the map and the menu though. For me I've always thought of the scenes in FF7 as dirty, gritty and derelict, and thats what I've tried to replicate (and yeah its custom) so in theory the clash should've also been there in the original. As for the cartoony thing, I'm not sure what to say - giving the walkway a more varied texture (its pretty plain atm) might go some ways towards alleviating that.
"the way you speak about rm2k3, like "modules, arrays, pointers" sounds like
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The clash IS in the original.  Nothing wrong with it, though, as there should be at least some sort of difference like this to keep the menus and stuff from being muddled with the gameplay graphics.
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Vanit, there are a few major things I'd suggest before you move on, graphically.

1) Enlist a spriter. I'm sure you can find someone to do this. RTP-styled sprites are just about the worst possible choice for a game like this. FF6/Chrono Trigger/RS3 or a new style (depending on the spriter, that is) would be MILES ahead. Seriously, I am looking forward to this project but my experience will be grievously soured if I have to stare at RTP-style sprites. I know you've stated in the past that you're not a huge fan of FF6's graphics (somehow, perhaps a sharp blow to the head at a young age), but if you can't see how they're better than RTP you have no eyes.

2) Work on textures. There is no point in converting a game into Rm2k3 if you're not even going to use 2D graphics to some positive effect. I applaud the custom aspect, but right now it's very boring and the areas are too large. You might think about scaling them back. There were a few areas in the initial area of FF7 that were only 1-2 Clouds wide, whereas you have them at 5-6 tiles in lots of places. Smaller areas are always easier to manage and almost always look better.
Last Edit: February 07, 2010, 02:10:49 am by Kaempfer
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All of your games look boring.
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All of your games look boring.

You should change your display name to Pessimistic Guy.
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Vanit, there are a few major things I'd suggest before you move on, graphically.

1) Enlist a spriter. I'm sure you can find someone to do this. RTP-styled sprites are just about the worst possible choice for a game like this. FF6/Chrono Trigger/RS3 or a new style (depending on the spriter, that is) would be MILES ahead. Seriously, I am looking forward to this project but my experience will be grievously soured if I have to stare at RTP-style sprites. I know you've stated in the past that you're not a huge fan of FF6's graphics (somehow, perhaps a sharp blow to the head at a young age), but if you can't see how they're better than RTP you have no eyes.

2) Work on textures. There is no point in converting a game into Rm2k3 if you're not even going to use 2D graphics to some positive effect. I applaud the custom aspect, but right now it's very boring and the areas are too large. You might think about scaling them back. There were a few areas in the initial area of FF7 that were only 1-2 Clouds wide, whereas you have them at 5-6 tiles in lots of places. Smaller areas are always easier to manage and almost always look better.
1) Are you talking about field or battle sprites? The field sprites are not RTP, and the battle sprites I'm using are custom by me. Here's Cloud's attack animation as an example:

2) Which parts do you think are twice as large as they should be? The building on the top right is probably 1/5 larger than it should be... but I'm not sure what else is out of scale.

EDIT: Just played through the intro to double check, I think its all to scale now I look at it.
Last Edit: February 07, 2010, 10:24:30 am by Vanit
"the way you speak about rm2k3, like "modules, arrays, pointers" sounds like
you're some badass c++ programmer stuck in the past and only has rm2k3 to
work with"
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Finished coding the "Sight See" Ability, Its mostly used for puzzles and finding hidden truesure outside of battle.



The fog has a zoom effect that loops
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that's a nice touch. reminds me of force sense in the jedi knight games, very useful. is it dependent on some sort of depleting guage? unlimited sense would seem a bit game-breaking, you'd just leave it on all the time.
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It has a gauge, After i finished coding it and took the screenshots I realized I forgot one. The gauge is just a simple bar that's on the top of the screen and recharges when you end the ability (or when you enter the menu or interact with an object that you can see without the ability as doing so will force the ability to end) But in battle all it dose is act like the Scan Ability  :shrug:
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ooh, i'm glad it carries over to battle, i've always been a fan of continuity between the map and battling. keep it up and show some more soon! :)
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1) Are you talking about field or battle sprites? The field sprites are not RTP, and the battle sprites I'm using are custom by me. Here's Cloud's attack animation as an example:

2) Which parts do you think are twice as large as they should be? The building on the top right is probably 1/5 larger than it should be... but I'm not sure what else is out of scale.

EDIT: Just played through the intro to double check, I think its all to scale now I look at it.

I love that animation.
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fuck you all

one more concrete tileset left
then woo, going to sprite jungle, desert, and alien warship

the lower you go, the newer the shot

blood effect, although not shown, was totally hand drawn frame by frame unlike that random pixely shit

i'm thinking of killing all the characters off one by one in part iii
Last Edit: February 08, 2010, 05:52:52 am by skarik
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@skarik: I love random pixelly blood =(

edit: It looks good so far! It reminds me of Iji.The in game font is pretty horrid, though.

@Vanit: Cloud's field sprite is absolutely drawn in the style of RTP characters. He himself isn't an RTP character set or anything, but he emulates the terrible style. One thing you need to realize is that you can't drawn 3D graphics perfectly to scale in RPGMaker. It's just ridiculous. You need to allow for concessions to keep the RM2k3 version looking solid. There is no reason, so long as the general length remains the same, that the traversable areas can't be scaled down appropriately. My suggestion would be to make less use of the chipsets and more use of panoramas. There is no reason the area that you can move around in needs to be that size. The actual level size itself is fine, but the playable area is just too big. I really like the battle sprite, though. Why not draw your own field sprites, as well?
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 Possible answer: it means more work for the artist.
But why bother to remake FF7 in RM2k3?  It's not an obscure game or one that benefits from a graphical tweak- in fact it represents a significant downgrade. Wouldn't it make more sense to spend the same energy creating an entirely new tale?
Last Edit: February 08, 2010, 11:09:30 am by Terrorantula
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One thing you need to realize is that you can't drawn 3D graphics perfectly to scale in RPGMaker. It's just ridiculous. You need to allow for concessions to keep the RM2k3 version looking solid.
I'm trying the best I can to scale everything so it lines up with the size of an average rm2k3 sprite, unfortunately the building up the top right was too detailed and didn't quite work to scale, so I increased its size a tad.
Why do you think I don't understand this principle if you're repeating exactly what I said?

There is no reason, so long as the general length remains the same, that the traversable areas can't be scaled down appropriately. My suggestion would be to make less use of the chipsets and more use of panoramas.
I already said the reason, and you can see it in the quote above. And it is a panorama, the only things on a chipset there are the overlay for both doors so it looks like you walk into them.

The actual level size itself is fine, but the playable area is just too big.
Hazard a guess, you're probably referring to the platform looking so long. That's because it IS too long. In the original when the train pulls in Cloud jumps down at the middle storehouse, the one on the left is visible as the intro zooms in. I, too, need it there for panning when the train pulls into the station, and whether I'll prevent the player from walking there or not is still up in the air.

Also I'm not sure I understand your issue with the field sprite, it looks fine to me.

@Terrorantula: I'd like to answer that question for you but even trying will just fuel the fire. Many people feel compelled to inform me that they think an original game would be time better spent. I disagree.
"the way you speak about rm2k3, like "modules, arrays, pointers" sounds like
you're some badass c++ programmer stuck in the past and only has rm2k3 to
work with"
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How is working on an original game not time better spent?
has a girl in his bed. pot in his pipe and family guy on the tube. i like life
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You guys are all losers... Vanit! Do what makes you feel happy and ignore them haters. All they are, are jealous of your skills! It's the same reason why I left this dump behind --- and I couldn't be happier!

My advice is to do what you love to do, enjoy the moment (because once you finish, you will surely miss FF7 2D), release the game, and watch the kudos roll in! I think if you finish this game, it will be one of the most downloadable titles to date (assuming that you do everything right)!

Also, I think you should add some of your own things to the game, such as new dungeons or towns! Mini-games are great too! Just a few things, because even "I" (and I hate FF7) would love to play this again.

So, ignore these...imbeciles, and just focus on making a really good game! I'll be watching you from beyond the wall!

Better get back to my own stuff, nice screenshots everyone!  :fogetsmile:

How is working on an original game not time better spent?

Does it matter? Does it REALLY matter what someone chooses to make or not? I for one, loved making Monopoly, having a good time with Scuba Steve, and I can't wait for NFL Primetime in 2011! Who cares if they are not orginal titles, the point is --- Vanit is having fun! And that's a good thing!  :fogetbackflip:

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