Topic: The Screenshot Topic (Read 106132 times)

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not jealous, just wishing he'd apply them to something of his own design instead of making something that will always be immensely overshadowed by the game he is attempting to emulate.

vanit: from the videos i've seen, you look to be pretty capable at this, and i don't even care that it's HURR COPYING. maybe in a few years you will be interested in making something original, once you're done with this. just throwing my hat into the basket of people who (as you said) feel compelled to inform you that making something original would be far more worth your time.

jealous of mah skillz

gross oversimplification: check
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Thanks for ignoring everything I've said Vanit.
Last Edit: February 08, 2010, 09:14:47 pm by Kaempfer
The Misadventures of Crimebot
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@Kaempfer: Your last post was confusing and frustrating to read. I did my best to interpret it but you were too vague. If I wanted to ignore you I wouldn't have spent half an hour trying to decipher what you said. I'm not going to redraw a third of a scene because one person thinks its too big, the suggestion is actually absurd. I'm not going to do something unless I see reason for it, a reason which you've yet to provide aside from it being an end in itself. Your advice has been little more than "I don't like it, do it again" so I'm not sure what to tell you. No, I guess?

@the bloddy ghost, Pasty: I generally don't answer this question anymore because I find myself justifying it only to have people repeat the question. But I will give you some in-a-nutshell reasons why I'm not making an original game.

1) I'm not trying to practice game design, I'm practicing implementation - implementation of design which isn't mine. And I believe this is something I want to do if I'm planning on entering the game industry.
2) The target audience for an FF7 remake, even in 2D, is monumentally larger than an original 2D rpg.
3) Its easier when the things slowly production are technical and not part of the creative process.

These are a couple of reasons, and this is the last I'll say on the matter. I answer the question to give you guys an insight into my line of thought, not as a defense in a debate in which there is a chance for you to change my mind.

@Brent: Thanks for your support.
Last Edit: February 08, 2010, 11:00:14 pm by Vanit
"the way you speak about rm2k3, like "modules, arrays, pointers" sounds like
you're some badass c++ programmer stuck in the past and only has rm2k3 to
work with"
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2) The target audience for an FF7 remake, even in 2D, is monumentally larger than an original 2D rpg.

why does this matter? not trying to be a dick particularly but are you planning on using this as SPRINGBOARD INTO THE INDUSTRY or something because otherwise i'm not sure why the target audience size would matter for a freeware demake technical experiment thing.
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How many people will play the game matters to me. Please, everyone, stop asking me about this.
"the way you speak about rm2k3, like "modules, arrays, pointers" sounds like
you're some badass c++ programmer stuck in the past and only has rm2k3 to
work with"
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Vanit, the RTP sprite is awful. I'm not sure how to describe this to you objectively, but I'll try: It shows very little detail, it is very cartoony (and therefore doesn't fit the backgrounds), and it is poorly drawn. What else is there, to a sprite? Aside from that, I haven't once said I didn't like it. Let me reiterate, because apparently you somehow gathered my attempts to refine what you already have were an insult:

The number of tiles that you, the player, can step on is too high, but only vertically. There is no need for that many open tiles. I am not advocating making them one-tile paths, but it is just empty, excess space at this point. After looking at it again, there is nothing wrong with the size of the background, it is just under-textured. With images of that size, the variation and detail of the texture has to jump up exponentially. I'm sure some of it has to do with the quality of the video, but the texture quality is just dramatically too low to serve the area. Since you need the large area to emulate FF7's backdrops, you'll need to up the detail of the textures to match. Like, a lot.

edit: Also, you'll notice I've never said you should work on something else!

edit2: If you're using panoramas as backgrounds then you should get away from such strict adherence to basic geometric shapes. So long as the scaling is right, you can draw just about anything. Look at that building at the top of the stairs compared to the rest of the map; it had all manner of shapes and the edges aren't just straight lines. It stands out (in a good way).
Last Edit: February 08, 2010, 11:19:39 pm by Kaempfer
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@Kaempfer: If you're talking about the area in front of the building, then I think you might be right about it being too long vertically and I'll probably reduce that by 1 tile. The platform has to be 4 tiles wide though to fit everything on it without it looking ridiculously cramped. Also that's the main reason I'm using panorama's... I don't think anything there is anymore geometrical than in the original. And thanks for not saying I should work on something else. :P
Last Edit: February 08, 2010, 11:27:26 pm by Vanit
"the way you speak about rm2k3, like "modules, arrays, pointers" sounds like
you're some badass c++ programmer stuck in the past and only has rm2k3 to
work with"
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You guys are all losers... Vanit! Do what makes you feel happy and ignore them haters. All they are, are jealous of your skills! It's the same reason why I left this dump behind --- and I couldn't be happier!

My advice is to do what you love to do, enjoy the moment (because once you finish, you will surely miss FF7 2D), release the game, and watch the kudos roll in! I think if you finish this game, it will be one of the most downloadable titles to date (assuming that you do everything right)!

Also, I think you should add some of your own things to the game, such as new dungeons or towns! Mini-games are great too! Just a few things, because even "I" (and I hate FF7) would love to play this again.

So, ignore these...imbeciles, and just focus on making a really good game! I'll be watching you from beyond the wall!

Better get back to my own stuff, nice screenshots everyone!  :fogetsmile:

Does it matter? Does it REALLY matter what someone chooses to make or not? I for one, loved making Monopoly, having a good time with Scuba Steve, and I can't wait for NFL Primetime in 2011! Who cares if they are not orginal titles, the point is --- Vanit is having fun! And that's a good thing!  :fogetbackflip:

Bold indicates what parts of your message I found hilarious. But please, answer me this...

If you left this place, why do you come back every few days? Also, who has admitted that they are jealous of your Rm2k3 prowess?
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An isometric town I'm working on.
Last Edit: February 09, 2010, 01:14:53 am by Sanosuke

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@Sanosuke: that looks VERY nice keep it up :woop:

for my uni project they've got us turning Conway's game of life into an actual game. so to start with i got the rules working (finnaly) then i made it work for two differant cell types (was doozy becuase i scewed up some checks) and now the rulles are working, the first version of the game is simple, each round you can place so many blocks down, then you press play, the one with the most wins. once i've got that working, the second version is going introduce a thhird conender, this one spreads slower but is harder to kill (thus to beat) but it doesn't appear right away, and it has slightly differant rules. the best way to win is to do a bit of research and learn what you can make like spaceships or guns to spread your cells around faster, any way i only have two screens worth showing atm

main menu:

and ingame (atm):

graphics arn't fantastic but it's the best i can do, but i will say this, despite that many squares, it's really eficent, wanna know why? cos it only loads one square sprite, all it does is draw the same one OVER and OVER, changing the colour depending on the cell.
originaly i only had 100 cells, but i realised that wasn't enough so now it's 200, any more and it becomes unfeasbly small.
EDIT: what i really wanted was a sort of Geometry wars style, but i didn't know how to make it in photoshop, if some one could give directions on how to do it, i would ... well i dunno give you a copy?
Last Edit: February 09, 2010, 03:24:18 am by Swordfish
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The clash IS in the original.  Nothing wrong with it, though, as there should be at least some sort of difference like this to keep the menus and stuff from being muddled with the gameplay graphics.

Yes, but it didn't look cartoony. It's the thick black outline that makes it look cartoony.

Notice how the tiles don't have outlines and the tiles themselves have an intricate design.
The tiles you have going now look a bit like Mother, except the shading is different.
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You guys are all losers... Vanit! Do what makes you feel happy and ignore them haters. All they are, are jealous of your skills! It's the same reason why I left this dump behind --- and I couldn't be happier!

My advice is to do what you love to do, enjoy the moment (because once you finish, you will surely miss FF7 2D), release the game, and watch the kudos roll in! I think if you finish this game, it will be one of the most downloadable titles to date (assuming that you do everything right)!

Also, I think you should add some of your own things to the game, such as new dungeons or towns! Mini-games are great too! Just a few things, because even "I" (and I hate FF7) would love to play this again.

So, ignore these...imbeciles, and just focus on making a really good game! I'll be watching you from beyond the wall!
Way to not understand the concept of constructive criticism. The screenshot topic isn't just a place to let everyone stroke your dick, it's a place to get suggestions on how to improve.

EDIT: Dammit, top of page and nothing to show. Sorry. I'll probably edit this with crits later.
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Yes, but it didn't look cartoony. It's the thick black outline that makes it look cartoony.

Notice how the tiles don't have outlines and the tiles themselves have an intricate design.
The tiles you have going now look a bit like Mother, except the shading is different.

I was referring to the menus only.  I do agree with you about the chipsets and panoramas being used, but I was not talking about them earlier.
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You guys are all losers... Vanit! Do what makes you feel happy and ignore them haters. All they are, are jealous of your skills! It's the same reason why I left this dump behind --- and I couldn't be happier!

My advice is to do what you love to do, enjoy the moment (because once you finish, you will surely miss FF7 2D), release the game, and watch the kudos roll in! I think if you finish this game, it will be one of the most downloadable titles to date (assuming that you do everything right)!

Also, I think you should add some of your own things to the game, such as new dungeons or towns! Mini-games are great too! Just a few things, because even "I" (and I hate FF7) would love to play this again.

So, ignore these...imbeciles, and just focus on making a really good game! I'll be watching you from beyond the wall!

yeah this is pretty much why people don't listen to you. you don't take in constructive criticism as Clucky said. Posting your screenshots is supposed to be for feedback.
I was referring to the menus only.  I do agree with you about the chipsets and panoramas being used, but I was not talking about them earlier.

Yeah, it was kind of a double thing. I was saying 1. the cartooniness clashes with the menu and 2. the cartooniness doesn't fit FF7. The way the graphics are done in the original FF7 is fine, but I would suggest finding a spriter to help you out for the tilesets.
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@Sanosuke: that looks VERY nice keep it up :woop:

Thank you very much =)

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Welcome to Ice Dungeon.

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Way to not understand the concept of constructive criticism. The screenshot topic isn't just a place to let everyone stroke your dick, it's a place to get suggestions on how to improve.

EDIT: Dammit, top of page and nothing to show. Sorry. I'll probably edit this with crits later.

I understand what you are trying to say, and I forget that sometimes people are here to help... I guess the best advice is really to take someone's own opinion with a grain of salt; ultimately, in the end, it is the decision of the creator to decide what gets done and what is left out on the final product.

yeah this is pretty much why people don't listen to you. you don't take in constructive criticism as Clucky said. Posting your screenshots is supposed to be for feedback.

Depends on what the criticism is about. Hearing people say that Monopolo was a bad game because it had anime and it is packed in molebox and receiving no reviews is not really criticism, but a mystery. Although, a lot of people said the game ran a bit slow in some parts and one person suggested that the graphics were not the greatest --- then I can understand. In the end, I did not really care what everyone else said on this board, and ended up enjoying the great game for what it is anyways...maybe next time I will make it 100x better? Maybe yes, maybe no?  :welp:

Bold indicates what parts of your message I found hilarious. But please, answer me this...

If you left this place, why do you come back every few days? Also, who has admitted that they are jealous of your Rm2k3 prowess?

(You enjoy feasting on my misery, don't you, Confaisus?  :fogetshifty:​)

I still hang around because, I dunno...maybe I just miss this place a lot, I guess... I really can't pinpoint one reason, but I think it is because so much BS happened after "The Anti-Christ" was released that I kind of think that it was a little unfair and uncalled for... But, whatever, it is all in the past... Kind of a shame that the ~final mix~ will not be released anywhere...but who knows? Maybe I'll throw you guys a bone or something.

I don't think things will ever return to normal here, or anywhere, for that matter; however, I can move on knowing that my stuff is great, and I can make these games thanks to the gentle motivation that you guys have shown me throughout the years. I really don’t make these games anymore for pride, self-actualization, or to be famous, just to have a good ol’ fashion time and make something fun! I think the last year with the overwhelming stress, having to log on 20 different forums, blogs, really just made me go like, “WTF? WHY CAN’T I JUST MAKE MY GAMES AND HAVE SOME FUN!? GWD!?” So, that’s what I’m doing.

I apologize for turning the screenshot into another blog post; so, let’s get back on topic, shall we?

@ Mister Big T: Nice ice cave! It looks pretty good from a standard look, but maybe you might wanna add some more details to the map? Maybe some torches, snow-men (naked lady statues, because it seems to be the type of approach you like to deal with ^_-), rocks…I’m pretty sure you can think of something!

@ Swordfish - Looks pretty cool, actually. Remember! It’s not about the look, it is about the gameplay!

ME - On step. 3 of the CPU process. A lot of stuff is generally the same like I did from the last attempt, so this is nothing special. I’ll get a movie up once I start progressing a bit more (like maybe on the weekend or something).

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Its not always constructive here, that much is true. But most of us are not professionals in video game making, so you can't expect people to always be professional in terms of feedback. I say if people are willing to be polite and constructive than I try to listen. On the other hand I have had plenty of people tell me and others things that can at times be very rude. Safe to say I just ignore those sort of people.

Good luck to you

Edit: I finished designing a store for that town, also isometric.

Last Edit: February 10, 2010, 12:29:40 am by Sanosuke

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I understand what you are trying to say, and I forget that sometimes people are here to help... I guess the best advice is really to take someone's own opinion with a grain of salt; ultimately, in the end, it is the decision of the creator to decide what gets done and what is left out on the final product.
Well yeah, that's the goal. Ultimately you should make what you enjoy, but sometimes it's best to listen to others because they probably have a better idea of what works. This is especially true when you're attempting to appeal to a large audience, as Vanit is trying to do.

@Big T: That looks like an exceptionally boring dungeon. I'm not sure if you had something planned to occupy the player, but it's basically a bunch of empty rooms and hallways with no redeeming qualities. Maybe you should try adding some more elevation, ice crystals, special events, etc.

@Sano: I like that, it has a cool vibe to it. The only thing that bothers me is the colors are so pastel that some of the objects seem to run together and lack definition, namely the pillars (trees?) inside the store. Also, in the outdoor scenes the area where the water meets the shore doesn't really have any definition, it almost looks like it's a blue rock surface.
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Depends on what the criticism is about. Hearing people say that Monopolo was a bad game because it had anime and it is packed in molebox and receiving no reviews is not really criticism, but a mystery. Although, a lot of people said the game ran a bit slow in some parts and one person suggested that the graphics were not the greatest --- then I can understand. In the end, I did not really care what everyone else said on this board, and ended up enjoying the great game for what it is anyways...maybe next time I will make it 100x better? Maybe yes, maybe no?  :welp:

No, the fact that you don't like to listen to people. Like when people repeatedly told you to stop with the long bloggy posts in the screenshot topic and creating an unnecessary ruckus.