Nope, semper internet arguments
Uh, basically this post sounds like "whoops i shouldn't have said dialogue because i didn't know there wasn't any" and trying to turn it into some sort of argument against me?
Nope, wrong again! I misused the words "the dialogue" when I should have said "words I've seen" because I was too lazy to go back and edit it. That's all there is to this. Don't read more into this. Don't assume I secretly thought I had read all the dialogue because it helps your argument.
And no. How to argue like Azn: write statements based on logic and evidence? If you actually look through my history of posts on RMN where I argue things, I provide sources and evidence often. If you look a few posts up, you can see I have done so too here, where I did a side-by-side comparison, linked some NES images, and linked another post. That point was hardly the crux of my argument.
Evidence, I'll give you. Logic? No. Learn what logic is. The evidence you give always supports the narrowest sliver of actual points in the other persons argument; like I said, you just skirt around the points you can't defend. I'll admit that the points you do tend to focus on (invariably the least important points) do tend to have evidence to support them. But I guess that's why you choose those points in the first place! Your last post was a four point rebuttal. Three of the points were either "uh, what?" or "WRONG", one (the dialogue rebuttal) was three times as long as obviously has research put behind it. Learn what "crux" means.
You responding to Origin had nothing to do with me. I didn't bring it up. I didn't compare the two games. They don't look the same, I never thought they did. I understand that you are trying to prove your amazing arguing ability, but that was a fucking slam dunk. When you are losing an argument due to your own incompetence you don't do half as well.
And no, you are wrong. Other than a general atmosphere of quirkiness, the game's writing is not really influenced by Earthbound or Mother 3. I don't see how funky stat names relates to those... Those had normal stat names? Yes the graphics are influenced but honestly not much else more. The majority of the game is actually much more inspired by an entirely different game (that is still quirky) but Chromatose still has a strongly separate identity from it.
If you don't see how the irreverence of Chromatose and the irreverence of Earthbound are similar, you are seriously retarded. Like, actually mentally handicapped. I am not saying they are IDENTICAL but based on THE SCREENSHOTS YOU HAVE PROVIDED they are so strongly reminiscent of one another you would have to literally not have eyes to spot it.
You're right about me not seeing the dialogue, and likewise I haven't seen anything but... what I've seen. Which is exactly what you've provided me to see. What else am I going to draw conclusions from? You are so knee-deep in Chromatose that it has obviously taken on a life of its own in your eyes and has nothing to do with the Mother series. I am not knee-deep in it. Like I said before, I am trying to give you an outside opinion. You are furiously arguing it is because I don't know what I'm talking about. Only a fool assumes everyone else knows what he knows.
Also calling me a cunt doesn't really prove anything... and I definitely do make a lot of changes to my games based on what people say.
I didn't say you were a cunt. I said you act like a cunt when people give you criticism. If you are changing your games based on what people say, that is great. There is no sarcasm there, that is very good. But if you respond by arguing their opinion every time (or almost every time, I'm sure there are exceptions which you have found and are waiting to post) then it doesn't matter what you do when you log off, because you're still coming across as a douche. "NO YOUR ADVICE IS WRONG HERE IS A TEN POINT DISSERTATION ON WHY" *later* "hmmm better secretly take his advice..."