Topic: James Bond Fan (Marcus Schrenker) (Read 1364 times)

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This guy is the man!

38 year old Marcus Schrenker, a money manager and investor life gets absolutely ruined. Apparently he made some bad trades and mishandled a lot of investors money (there are a lot of pending cases from investors). I read that his step father died recently, his wife filed for divorce while alleging he was cheating on him. His life was just a mess... So what did he do? He plans his escape... The 007 way of course. Marcus had an amateur piloting license and he kept it handy for special times like these. He rented a plane and took off for a better life. No, that would be too easy. While piloting the plane he made a radio distress signal stating that he lost control of the airplane and was going down. Apparently, a few f16 jets were sent in as well as the U.S Marshall. Typically, in cases like this they would assess the situation and make the call to shoot the plane down if it threaten the lives of civilians. What happen next was pretty shocking. The cockpit door was found open and the plane was completely empty (plane eventually crashed) . Marcus was not in the plane at all. Instead, what he did was jump out of the plane, parachuted down to a marked landing spot and then later walked to a storage facility where he had placed a motorcycle he rented earlier. He then zoomed off with a load of cash and some supplies :shocking:​.

The U.S Marshalls, Coast Guards, military jets continued to search for him and they sort of pieced the whole scenario together. They figured out he had jumped and the whole incident was staged. Where was Marcus? He was later found at a camp site where he had slit his wrist by Federal Agents. He muttered the word "die" when he was found.


Last Edit: January 15, 2009, 09:23:35 am by The Ghost
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Yeah like I said those jets were flying around my house and were loud as fuck the entire town could hear them and this fucker's plane landed right down the street.
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That is pretty cool. But why did he call the authorities?

I mean, if it were me, I would've either just not called, leaving an airplane with mysterious invisible pilot to crash somewhere, or I would've stolen something, forcing them to chase me, where I would've jumped the plane and got away on my motorcycle.

I'm glad he got his big finish at least.

Wait did he die...?
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haha yeah i tricked all you mother fuckers i'm not really dea- whoops!  EXIT STAGE LEFT
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That is pretty cool. But why did he call the authorities?

I mean, if it were me, I would've either just not called, leaving an airplane with mysterious invisible pilot to crash somewhere, or I would've stolen something, forcing them to chase me, where I would've jumped the plane and got away on my motorcycle.

I'm glad he got his big finish at least.

Wait did he die...?

No, he was saved and hospitalized. The irony of it all is that he is being slammed with even more cases like reimbursting the authorities for the cost of the man hunt for one. The whole purpose of this Monogloid is that he wanted to stage his death. Obviously it fell through and he must have known it did since he later tried to end his life before he was caught.
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Ah gotcha. Well then it was a good plan! Just gotta make sure there's no paper trail next time!
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This is pretty awesome. I mean, he might have got away with it if he had realised that calling the authorities would *actually make them search for him*. Or at least search for him earlier.
Upon arriving the attending doctor could find no abnormal physical symptoms other than extremely dilated pupils. After spending several hours terrified that his body had been possessed by a demon, that his next door neighbor was a witch, and that his furniture was threatening him, Dr. Hofmann feared he had become completely insane.
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I just read this story in the newspaper today, it sounded interesting... although couldn’t he have just flown to some remote country where the jurisdiction couldn’t reach him for his crimes?  Idk maybe Mexico or something..][/url]
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Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

Also I think Massy meant to go to a country with no extradition treaty with the US like China.

Mexico would be a bad choice.
Last Edit: January 15, 2009, 05:54:55 pm by Rowain
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Errm yeah China is what I meant lol][/url]
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Wow, that's pretty freaking awesome. I had no idea things like these even really happen in real life to be honest...
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His company had two huge lawsuits (the millions), and his wife filed divorce in a span of three weeks. He shouldn't have called the police, otherwise he might've been successful.
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This is probably the only thing that will give my hometown national news coverage.  This dude's plane crashed near a lake at the end of my friend's street.  Milton, FL.  Actually, for this small town, there's been a lot of excitement lately.  Mysterious deaths, train wreck, raging downtown fire (on the 100th anniversary of another massive fire), plane crashes here from an attempted faked death.  What the fuck.

Anyway, I hear this asshole was running some kind of pyramid scheme, is that what he's on the run from?
keep posting...
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I read about this in the paper a few days ago. Yeah, that's what I thought too: This guy is like James Bond! Too bad he didn't get away. I would have loved to hear of his further adventures. Now he just has jail to look forward too. That's not nearly as exciting.
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He shouldn't have called the police, otherwise he might've been successful.
If he didn't want 'the police' to think he'd gotten into actual plane-crashing-dying-in-fireball trouble, he could have just landed the plane instead of making it crash. He wanted to stage his death, but it didn't work out because the wreckage was recognizable enough to see the door was open and his corpse wasn't in it. If he wanted to disappear, why rent an airplane instead of, you know, crossing the border and growing a beard?

Still, nice try. He might be a bastard, but at least he's a bastard in style.
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I find this really awesome 0_0
<richcollins> christ how long does a reboot take
<w3wsrmn> took him 3 days
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Now he just has jail to look forward too. That's not nearly as exciting.
He could escape and start the long path towards proving his innocence, bringing down the massively corrupt corporation he used to work for.

Or maybe he could stay in jail.
Upon arriving the attending doctor could find no abnormal physical symptoms other than extremely dilated pupils. After spending several hours terrified that his body had been possessed by a demon, that his next door neighbor was a witch, and that his furniture was threatening him, Dr. Hofmann feared he had become completely insane.
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Sounds like Traitor is getting a sequel.

This is so weird yet somewhat funny at the same time. Who knew something like this could happen in real life.

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At least he tried... although failing wasn't the best option he made a pretty lame attempt at faking death, he might as well put a dead hobo in the cockpit and lit it on fire, who would argue with that?