Myra Hindley the infamous child murderer who died behind bars despite protests for her release. She suffered from dependant personality(perhaps caused by witnessing the death of her best friend at a young age?), was taken in and basically brainwashed by the dominating/charasmatic Ian Brady and basically acted out what he wanted, including horrific crimes. In prison after time and the brianwashing wore off she found religion, got educated showed absolute remorse for what she had commited. She was totally reformed and as an old woman posed no threat anymore. She wasn't allowed to go free.
She was used as an example by the government to show they were tough on crime by keeping her locked up. Why? Because the public hate her and see her as a face of evil rather than someone who was manipulated, and the government couldn't allow someone so hated to be allowed to go. An old dying woman kept locked up. She wasn't innocent, nobody will really claim she was, but she was a whole different person and one that deserved another chance.
Choosing the exception to apply to the majority doesn't work, however just because I believe in what I said doesn't mean you do not handle these situations on a case by case basis like everything else, why would you assume its just a broad stroke across all criminals? That is illogical.
1. She had a mental illness or a poor mental state(?)
2. She was abused mentally by someone (brainwashed)
These two facts alone make ENTIRELY DIFFERENT from two men who said
"hey, lets use this poison to rack up our profits! it might kill the babies? who cares~ its worth the risk."
There is a difference between a serial killer who is mentally disturbed..and these two men who killed people for MONEY. they were not mentally ill or miss guided or manipulated/brainwashed ...they made a choice.
I never thought I would have to explain the difference, but then again it's my fault for not implying that case by case review still applies...(Jesus.)
Any deterrent has neglegable/no effect on violent crime, because of the mindset of people when commiting such crimes. But fuck it, let's isolate them all and not try to understand, and therefore be able to predict the causes for such problems.
Really, did I ever say to cancel all research into why crimes of this level are commited? find that quote for me.
This is just a bad debate tactic... taking something I said and pushing it to the extreme.
If you think that people don't commit crimes out of the goodness of their hearts instead of a solid combination of morals and "well, I'm ganna go to jail or have to pay a fine I can't afford or have this go on my permanent record and never be able to get a decent job."