i've enjoyed some blink 182. i remember before i had heard any of the "commercial punk" bands when i was younger and figured they had the same sound as sum 41. probably because my juvenile head saw that they both had numbers in their names.
anywho, i got a kick out of a few songs and still do. dude ranch, buddha, cheshire cat, and that old side project they had are still a mystery to me. i liked enema, pants/jacket album blew mostly, and the last one was surprisingly pretty decent. i always liked how "i miss you" was built around one guitar riff and still came out great.
Django only had one finger,its as big as four cats, and hes got a retractable leg so he can leap up at you better and you know what?He lights up at night, and hes got four ears.Two of them are for listening and the other two are kind of back-up ears,and his claws are as big as cups and for some reason hes got a tremendous fear of stamps and Mrs Doyle was tellin me that hes got magnets on his tail so if youre made out of metal he can attach himself to you,and instead of a mouth its got four arses