I mainly just go to local bars and clubs with local bands (someones gotta support them!!) We do have beyonce and nickelback coming!!!!! but blah...
Also....Not a show I will be going to, but just a weird thing I kind of noticed. The Eagles came to our city for 3 shows... 1 was on sunday, and tonight and tomorrow night. All three shows sold out and everybody I know is like oh man eagles I am totally going!!! Even my little brother, who is only like 16 and knows the eagles as only hotel califonia and maybe desperato or something of the likes, is going for like 150 buckaroos.
So like when did everyone become an eagle fan is what I wanna know. I mean, if you like the eagles, its cool and all, but it just seems like some people just got caught up in all the hype and are gonna go, only knowing the songs that they hear on the local fm radio. Which for over $100 seems pretty weird.