You are ridiculous. Why do you care that he doesn't use 10 minutes of filler time to stretch his legs instead of playing Minesweeper?
I never even said this but are you really suggesting ten minutes of exercise is not better than ten minutes of minesweeper? ya sure that shitty gamesmasterjasper comic isn't what you really think? gotta maximize games.
like idk if you guys are getting this seeing as how you keep suggesting spelunky or adventure games but the appeal of these games is how they drag you in, not that you die really quick. I only played Spelunky for like five minutes the first time and didn't touch it for a long time after. because five minutes is nothing! are you seriously telling him to play just one level of Spelunky? REALLY? is that how you played, ten minutes at a time and then putting it down?
orrrrrr was it such a fun game you played it way over ten minutes?
the point you're not getting is that games which can engross you for over ten minutes usually DO. even flash games rarely have levels set so you can beat one in ten minutes and then drop it. it's because game devs don't like these games and they don't want to make them.
now he's changed his topic to casual games, which is fine, because games like Spelunky may not be works of art but they are fun, and they are very pick up and play, and they might invest you for thirty minutes. but games you can actually play and enjoy in five minutes have the same enjoyment as coloring by the numbers and wordsearches. if anything I'm arguing that if he's going to play a game he should sit down and do it because most games do not progress as quickly as chapters in a book or a song. people didn't play to the end of Act I Scene I in Sonic before putting it down, they played till you beat Robotnik for the first time because that's the REAL end of the chapter. doing otherwise is stilted, like watching a movie and paushing thirty minutes to do something else every ten minutes.
I am of the firm belief that the type of game that is designed to be enjoyed in five minutes was designed to counter more boring busy work, like actually spreadsheets and database garbage, not for play when you have other things you can do. as a result, I'm hardpressed to think of one that doesn't at least try to sucker you into playing more (compare a roguelike's multiple pathways to minesweeper's simple either you click or you dont win or lose gameplay)
obviously I am not irritated with ChristophiiggmufgdgdPHIMOSIS as much as I am interested in why he said what he said, and why other people didn't think it was strange! this is not a personal attack, I don't know the dude well enough to attack him and even if I did I wouldn't over this issue. I just have never in my life thought while a game was loading or installing "hmm you know what I can do, I can play another game!" unless I was at work where options are way limited during business hours.