I don't know that this warrants spoilers, but I'll put them up anyway.
Beating the game gets you the opportunity to play through the game as Sheva. I've decked her out in her Ho-bag gold get-up and OH SHIT! Now, not only are you dealing with bad controls, but now you're looking over the left shoulder. It takes a bit of getting used to, especially after playing through the game once as Chris. Also, it doesn't matter who you're playing as, your AI partner is always dumber than a box of pine needles.
Yeah, the fight with Wesker and Jill is terrible. AI partner doesn't help much either; case in point, I got a hold of Jill and we wound up facing a wall. Sheva kept trying to dry hump Chris because, apparently, she couldn't get in between Jill and the wall we were looking at. I could have fit a Mack truck in the space between Jill's wriggling body and the wall and nope, Sheva couldn't get in there.
I also have to say this: During cut scenes, there are SO MANY times when Chris or Sheva could do something to prevent Person X from changing into Monster Y. It never fails; there is a great monologue where our heroic duo stand there like morons and watch as the bad guys do something that turns them into monsters. Seriously, a lot of trouble could have been saved if the dynamic hero-folk would just PULL THE FUCKING TRIGGER.
The next RE had better be scary. Not the "OH NO I'M FRIGHTENED OF THE AWKWARD CONTROLS" type frightening, but the "OH NO I'M ABOUT TO GET EATEN BY 5168453684 HORRIBLE CREATURES!" type of fear.