Muslims to wear a pink armband at all times. All muslims to report to THE WHITE ZONE before takeoff to be educated in AMERICAN IDEALS and strip searched. you MUST NOT board the plane with christians, YOU WILL be taken to the plane at a later date, and then transported to an are close to, but not related to the cabin. YOU WILL BE SUPERVISED AT ALL TIMES. Communication is not allowed, and speaking in a FOREIGN language will result in immediate imprisonment for an UNDISCLOSED period of up to twenty five days, with potential for said period to be INCREASED WITHOUT TRIAL.
When the plane lands at the station, you must wait for the CHRISTIAN passengers to leave first, and then you will be escorted by ARMED GUARD to the national security help desk, where in public view you will be STRIP AND CAVITY SEARCHED for any weapons, explosive devices or books which are not THE BIBLE. If you are deemed to be a NON-THREAT then you will be allowed temporary access into our country, for an undisclosed period of up to twenty five days, with potential for said period to be INCREASED WITHOUT TRIAL.
Thank you for flying American Airways, we hope you enjoy your stay in THE LAND OF THE FREE.