Topic: Star Trek (new movie) (Read 5491 times)

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I'm trying to picture Karl Urban saying "Dammit Jim, I'm a doctor not a ____" but I just can't.
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He says it all right.
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Wow I'm Sorry, adeline. BEEN THERE, am I right, guys?
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Honestly the actor for Bones was a bit out of place, I thought! Like he was a good actor obviously but he didn't really bring the charm I love from the original character.
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I've never been the biggest fan of Star Trek but I think I'd take any of the shows over this. It wasn't boring for sure but a good deal of it is just fan service. This isn't anything more or less than a Transformer movie.
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I can't believe you put Transformers and Star Trek on the same wave length.
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Sorry I meant not enough wessels, scratch that last post
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I can't believe you put Transformers and Star Trek on the same wave length.
I saw this yesterday and imo it was pretty much Transformers 2007 in Star Trek's universe.

Whatever that means.

I really don't like the MODERN ACTION/COMEDY VIBE or whatever. This was way better than Transformers, though. But they kind of fit in the same ACTION TYPE VIBE or whatever, with that quirky modern hollywood humour and booming sub bass during action scenes.

Also there was kind of a subtle Starship Troopers vibe there at times, and the entrance to the snow planet base really seemed like a reference to Aliens. That's pretty cool.
Last Edit: May 09, 2009, 11:23:11 pm by larsdood
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Well, as long as you acknowledge that the flaws of Transformers are much much more prominent than that of Star Trek, then I'm fine. Yeah, I understand the whole re imagining super high teck CG guns shooting, but I found ST to be a higher quality, tighter, better written, better acted film all around. It didn't rely complete on shitty action and hot babe to sell or make the movie at all.
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this is highly illogical....

I'd quite like to see this movie but I'm going to wait and steal it instead. I'm a thief
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Just watched this. Sure had a big CGI budget compared to the other episodes of the young indiana jones chronicles
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When it comes to star trek, I know just about as much as a girl. Nothing! However, if you pass in 5 box tops of pop tarts you can get a free moive pass to see it. I'll probably do this.
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I wish I had seen this thread earlier considering I was able to see Star Trek insanely in advance before it came out... For free, I might add. Twice.

Honestly, if you don't like Star Trek... Go see it.

If you're a Star Trek nerd... You'll love it. There's a lot of inside jokes and obscure references in the movie you have to pay attention to notice. Most of the inside jokes are rather obvious though. So if you don't know jack about Star Trek, expect to feel out of place when people start laughing at lines that wouldn't be funny under normal circumstances.

The movie is not a Retcon, in a sense, it's linear. Let's just say that the movie could spawn a whole new generation of Star Trek if it wanted to. There's plenty of complex nerdy stuff to play with if you're a writer.
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If you're a Star Trek nerd... You'll love it

This isn't necessarily true.

The thing with this movie, as loads of people have probably pointed out, is that is doesn't have any ideas. Star Trek had ALWAYS (every second of it) been really dumb, but when it was dumb AND meant well with some kind of humanity all comes together to explore the universe and better ourselves message, then it worked. For me, at least. I saw an onion video which was like "Star Trek Fans are complaining about the distinct lack of preachy moralising!" and yeah, I kind of am complaining about it.

Star Trek is my dumb thing - I don't need it to be well written, well acted or whatever. I almost prefer it the way it is, or was. What I do need out of it is more than just explosions in space, hot young pricks being cocky, hollywood humour, 'epic' music, and so on. Most of the Star Trek movies have some of these elements in them, but they usually had other stuff in it as well. Whatever, though - I don't really like the Star Trek films. It was the episodes of TNG and DS9 that I liked mostly.

The reasons you know this movie isn't trying to be more than Transformers for 2009 is because it is totally empty headed and entirely focused on being a good summer blockbuster, which it will probably succeed at being. I mean just take Uhura - she's wearing that miniskirt again. The Original Series only kind of gets away with that because it was the 60's and back then putting a black woman on the bridge of a military ship was an audacious move. This movie doesn't get away with that, fuck off. Then there's the whole lack of currency in the future - where was it? It wasn't in the movie, in fact there were representations of modern day brands in this movie. Suddenly the future looks alot less exciting to me. And also, McCoy still being a racist (a vulcan racist, but whatever). In the 1960's racism was alot more accepted than it is today and McCoy represented a kind of good ole boy character from out west who would have been all right with racism. It made some of the worse elements of the Star Trek audience feel comfortable - congratulations on including that character trait in the new movie where it is just totally useless.

All the shit that should have been retained from the original series was dropped and all the stuff that should have been left in the 60's has been dragged forward.

So yeah the Transformers comparison is pretty accurate and while all Star Trek is dumb, this movie doesn't even try.
Last Edit: May 10, 2009, 11:33:04 am by jamie
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If you're a Star Trek nerd... You'll love it. There's a lot of inside jokes and obscure references in the movie you have to pay attention to notice. Most of the inside jokes are rather obvious though. So if you don't know jack about Star Trek, expect to feel out of place when people start laughing at lines that wouldn't be funny under normal circumstances.

Man this is not true at all.  I remember all of one episode of Star Trek ever out of the maybe five I've seen (hint:  the Nazi one), but I'm pretty sure everyone ever is aware of Star Trek jokes!  HEH....THAT GUY'S WEARING THE RED SUIT........HE GONNA DIE......

Every time I heard the Star Trek people in front of me laugh at some 'inside joke' I knew exactly what it was.  I just didn't think they were all that clever and hilarious.  "HERE'S A THING YOU RECOGNIZE...HEHEHEHH.....GET IT?  HE SAID THAT LINE HE ALWAYS SAYS."

Don't get me wrong, I really enjoyed this movie, but I really groaned at a lot of the fan service.  Although I thought the Leonard Nimoy appearance wasn't that bad, since I thought they worked it into the plot fairly well (to the point where it actually MATTERED whether or not he was in it).  Seeing him really made me want to play some Civ 4 though.

edit: Also fucking NOKIA ughgh that was the worst product placement I've ever seen.  The Budwiser one wasn't that bad because idk people do drink it and drinks last a long time but phones?  Are we really gonna have the dang default nokia ringtone at the same time we have TELEPORTATION???
Last Edit: May 10, 2009, 02:07:20 pm by Velfarre
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i dont know any star trek jokes velfarre
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Young indy finds his whip... so THAT'S how it happened lmao. Rearrangment of original theme music overlays the new music for a few seconds incase you missed it
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You people are just mad because non-trekkies like it.
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I quite liked it
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This movie did not meet my trexpectations.