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Can anyone recommend anything decent to download off of Xbox LIVE for 800MSP as my copy of New Vegas came with some free points.

If you have Red Dead you should get Undead Nightmare DLC. That's what I'm playing and it's fantastic. The zombies are fun until you run out of ammo. You have a torch, but fist fighting a zombie is much more awesome.
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Skarik, that is impressive. Damn impressive. I also agree with swordofkings. Every FPS needs a tree/brush heavy level, I think.

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Cut my hippie hair, shaved my beard and lost 20 pounds. Fuck yes, I feel good.
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I just watched Harry Brown. That was a great movie. I need to find more like it.
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Street Fighter II: The Animated Movie. Yep.
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A delicious roast, potatoes and onions. It's in the oven now. It smells great and keeps the house warm.
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I just finished up The Ballad of Gay Tony and loved it. Especially Yusuf. Now I'm trying to get some cash together for Mass Effect 2. I have to play it.
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I was stabbed right below the eye with a screwdriver a few years ago. Right where the bone curves into the socket. Any higher would have taken out my eye.
Good times.
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Venture Brothers. Best Adult Swim show ever conceived. Ever.
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What you witnessed was nothing more than an experimental weather balloon that was leaking swamp gas which reflected light from something and you saw a UFO. Case closed.
You can trust me, I'm with the government.
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I heard this on the History Channel, actually. It's not going to end, but apparently the Earth's Axis is going to shift slightly and fuck up the climate or something. Don't quote me on this, that's what they said.
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I haven't played this game in some odd months. I hit level 40 and stopped caring. However, there's one thing I'm hoping someone can answer. A while back, when I played, I would randomly walk around in wherever, and I found a dragon. And this 70 guy wanted help killing him. (I could heal him). We ended up killing the damn thing after 3 tries and got some nice purple loot.
Has anyone else found this dragon? A dragon?
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Isn't it obvious?

It'll be revealed to be a joke. Just so they can laugh and point.
From what I've read, MGS 4 sounds fucking ridiculous plot wise. Am I right to think this?
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Maybe we'll be able to put them into GTA 4!
In all seriousness, though, they fucked up the layout, I think. It all seems a bit unnecessary. Although, I am loving the fact that you can install the games directly on the system.
I wonder if I could rent some games and install them...
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Ok, so recently my computer has been making a strange clicking noise. A good amount of clicks and stops for an hour or so and then starts up again. Now, I've heard that clicking on a computer is really bad. I'm unsure where it's coming from exactly. But I think that usually means a hard drive thing. I haven't made any changes to my computer, but I'm still a little worried.
I know it's probably stupid to worry, but I have some important shit.
Should I start backing everything up now before something bad happens?

EDIT: Not too long ago, it started clicking and everything locked up. I restarted and I got a disk read error. Holy shit.
I shut down and waited a bit then tried again. Cannot read system OS or something. I waited longer and finally the computer starts to work again. I know for a fact that this machine is fucked up, now.
What is the best way to back up data? I can't burn CDs because the CD burner went out one day. I'm thinking of uploading just the important shit to megaupload or something so I can download it on a new machine.

This thing probably doesn't have much time left...
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A VW bus with a bed in the back. I love those things.
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I have the perfect word: Gamopheliac

Seriously, though, I'm not surprised and I laugh at Jack! But then again, it's never great to laugh at anothers misfortune. I was expecting this. It's a conspiracy.
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I want to know if there are any hazards that can come from running something that has system requirements higher than your computer. An example, Spore. It needs a 2.0ghz and I have a 1.5ghz and it seems to run OK (albeit with all the settings OFF), so I'm thinking of trying some other games on my machine that are a little above what I have.
Are there problems that might pop up?
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Welcome to the forums, buddy. Enjoy yourself!
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badump ba bump

Who actually plays their 360 anymore? My gametag is rowain. Someone play GTA4 with me and Bunnymilk!!
I'm bored. I will. Wolfgang Murder
I'm on every now and then...