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if you're going to steal something why pay even a little bit for it :U
If an image says a thousand words, and a video shows 24 images each second, then why couldn't they condense everything I needed to learn at school into one hour long video :V
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ghosts of robots

If an image says a thousand words, and a video shows 24 images each second, then why couldn't they condense everything I needed to learn at school into one hour long video :V
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Did you mute firefox? Left click on the volume tray icon and go to mixer and see if it is muted.
If an image says a thousand words, and a video shows 24 images each second, then why couldn't they condense everything I needed to learn at school into one hour long video :V
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the easiest way I know of is to just buy a new screen off ebay (about $5) they're real easy to install too.
If an image says a thousand words, and a video shows 24 images each second, then why couldn't they condense everything I needed to learn at school into one hour long video :V
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Did you accidentally mute Fire Fox in your Volume control mixer?

Other than that or reinstalling flash I can't think of anything...
If an image says a thousand words, and a video shows 24 images each second, then why couldn't they condense everything I needed to learn at school into one hour long video :V
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Hold the nunchuck and wiimote as the handles then jump up and down!

it comes with a free POGOSTICK controller attachment of course!
If an image says a thousand words, and a video shows 24 images each second, then why couldn't they condense everything I needed to learn at school into one hour long video :V
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from what I understand, these things are really only useful if you are actually using them on your lap.  if you are just like using the laptop on a desk, simply elevating it a bit (with either a stand or a stack of magazines) will do wonders with preventing your computer from overheating though. 

This, only I used lego bricks to hold it up.

Also don't get a Belkin cooling pad, I had one and it gave me trouble non stop and then finally died a few months later.
If an image says a thousand words, and a video shows 24 images each second, then why couldn't they condense everything I needed to learn at school into one hour long video :V
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hahahaha that Jackie chan one is awesome.

If an image says a thousand words, and a video shows 24 images each second, then why couldn't they condense everything I needed to learn at school into one hour long video :V
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Though it's not really a challenge.

First go here and get your games name; http://www.norefuge.net/vgng/vgng.html

Then use google image or what have you to make your EPIC GAME boxart.
I'll start:

go! go! go! GO! GO! GO! GO!

You can view more epicness here: http://www.somethingawful.com/d/photoshop-phriday/randomly-generated-games.php

(sorry if this is in the wrong spot)
If an image says a thousand words, and a video shows 24 images each second, then why couldn't they condense everything I needed to learn at school into one hour long video :V
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I'm not quite sure what you're problem is but maybe you could get one of those VGA(or whatever you use) to AV boxes?
If an image says a thousand words, and a video shows 24 images each second, then why couldn't they condense everything I needed to learn at school into one hour long video :V
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you need one of the few dvd drives that is actually capable of reading wii disks. fyi, and they aren't easy to find. can't even find em on newegg. wii disks are written in reverse direction, so most drives wont read them properly

I'm pretty sure he's using the wii to rip them to the HDD
If an image says a thousand words, and a video shows 24 images each second, then why couldn't they condense everything I needed to learn at school into one hour long video :V
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@ thernz: I like the tiles a lot, but to me they seem a little to bright for that backgroud.

@SupremeWarrior: They look quite nice, I would add some highlights and shadows though :>
If an image says a thousand words, and a video shows 24 images each second, then why couldn't they condense everything I needed to learn at school into one hour long video :V
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that menu is kinda confusing. is there going to be any graphics to go along with those icons or what?
If an image says a thousand words, and a video shows 24 images each second, then why couldn't they condense everything I needed to learn at school into one hour long video :V
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-1 A rough draft of the story
-2 Enough graphics to test my engine
-3 The engine (board engine, menu, then bs and whatever else I need)
-4 Refine the story
-5 Some graphics
-6 Sounds
-7 Events and boards
-8 repeat 4, 5, 6 and 7 untill the game is done
-9 Music
-10 Bug testing

I think I missed some steps but that about sums it up :|
If an image says a thousand words, and a video shows 24 images each second, then why couldn't they condense everything I needed to learn at school into one hour long video :V
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why can't you leave your server at home and operate it remotely?
If an image says a thousand words, and a video shows 24 images each second, then why couldn't they condense everything I needed to learn at school into one hour long video :V
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I'd buy this :3
If an image says a thousand words, and a video shows 24 images each second, then why couldn't they condense everything I needed to learn at school into one hour long video :V
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if you're going to go through all that trouble of stealing wii games why don't you just download them :S
If an image says a thousand words, and a video shows 24 images each second, then why couldn't they condense everything I needed to learn at school into one hour long video :V
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Someone had to post an F1 car eventually, so....

Williams FW19


but more realistically, this is my dream car :3

EDIT: but with fatter slicks on the back
If an image says a thousand words, and a video shows 24 images each second, then why couldn't they condense everything I needed to learn at school into one hour long video :V
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I see your point so;

just means more programming for me \:S/
If an image says a thousand words, and a video shows 24 images each second, then why couldn't they condense everything I needed to learn at school into one hour long video :V
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I go to bed around 1-3am and get up at 8:30am :p unless I'm not working then I get up at 11am
If an image says a thousand words, and a video shows 24 images each second, then why couldn't they condense everything I needed to learn at school into one hour long video :V