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Welcome back. Just saying it now so I won't have to say it next time.
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Just watched it. Painful video.

But he turned himself in after internets got hold of it. http://www.news.com.au/story/0,23599,26370708-2,00.html

Nothin' like some good internets justice....
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I am mentally unstable and have been diagnosed with bipolar disorder and a slight case of MPD.

Blame a internet
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Why didn't he just wear a speedo. He's trying so hard to hide his dick in the second part, man.
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Chef, you have a very weird sense of humour but I like it. But some of these I don't get why you've fav'd. I don't know if other people feel this way. But please explain why you fav'd this:

Also, if anyone else wants to know why Chef fav'd a fav, don't be afraid to post.
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Yeah, but that is a freakin nerd, I've encountered Asian people who look like that and I do not look like them, plus I dislike them a lot. Seriously man, I really don't look like that guy at all.

You look just like that fucking guy, dude. I seriously thought that was you for a moment
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She is 67? Holy crap, that is the hottest 67 year old I've seen. She is hotter than 20 year olds man
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Man, Martha Stewart looks HOT
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Enough said about "minorities".
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I don't think so. My fingers are just weird.
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Yeah I am. She has other nice qualities too.
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yeah man for the record it'd be really really easy to pick you out of a line up

No shit, I am like 6'5. But didn't know my face was that stand-out.

yeah shave that head clip them eyelashes and stop wearing mascara nd you'll blend right in with all the other brownies

My eyelashes are long as shit. But I like them. And I would look so bad with a bald head, man. I don't really wear mascara except that time I did that video with all the womanly makeup on.

justjoshin yah

who the fuck came up with that saying anywas its pretty dumb

What saying? Joshing? Climbtree's real name is Josh. Maybe it was Climbtree.

Anyway, no one's posting pics so here's another one of me I guass. I need some new pix, didn't take any in a while


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Am I that recognizable by face btw? Like if someone randomly posts a pic of me, people would go OMG STRANGELUV? Well I guess the brown gives it away
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i acutally did not catch on with your name

Hey dude. Yeah it's me. Hope you're cool
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Nah I did not shampoo and it gets oily as fuck and sticks together and looks gross

Or maybe not idk
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Man I'm a fuckin creep  I look like a fuckin lesbian
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She did not know I was behind her  boy was she in for a surprise