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I'm about to give up because there is no way we will all agree on something. We all have different opinions and we all want something different. Someone has to step up, take charge, and introduce a concept to follow even if not everyone likes it.

We could, you know, have a vote. Right now it seems to be a tossup between futuristic and dungeon crawl.

I propose this ingenious third option;
A horizontal dungeon crawl set in a major city! Most dungeon crawls see you moving down... down... down... until you reach the bottom floor. Each level gets harder and has higher rewards, right? Why not have it so that each chapter unveils more and more of a big, futuristic city to the player? Each new area could have its own minigames and enemies, as well as the occasional NPC, but there wouldn't be much of a plotline past the backstory and the occasion NPC's quest, or something.

My idea for the backstory would be some virus-ravaged city where the last few inhabitants cling to life, and the player must make his way through the various parts of the city (outskirts, ghettoes, industrial district, marketplaces and stuff) to get to the rich pharmacom controlled area where the cure for the virus is. The evil corp. is sending more and more guys to stop him as he gets closer. We could work on the story as we progress, or if people REALLY don't want a story (for fear it will become to tedious) then we could just establish together before we begin and then make our parts.

What do you guys think?
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Thanks for stabbing the Middle East in the chest again, Israel. This is another example of bullshit foreign policy by the highest level of government fucking over its people and the people of neighbouring countries!

Seriously. The fact that the Israeli government doesn't realize that this is a bad idea (or does and forges ahead anyways) is appalling. There are lots of brilliant political minds to come out of Israel, how is it that they can continuously make AWFUL fucking decisions?

How hard is it to say "hey, I know you guys killed some of our people, but here is some land we took from you back and some food to give to your starving people. Oh, you don't want it because you hate us? Well, we'll just leave it here on this table then, and go back to our homes. If it's not here when we get back, we'll understand!".

I would never be pro-terrorism, but there is a far greater chance that the terrorism in Palestine will stop once the Israeli government stops raping Palestine then the Israeli government stopping their slow but steady schemes (lol) to dominate their region once terrorism stopped.

This is a pretty ridiculous quagmire, and if so many people on both sides weren't such assholes to one another then it would have been settled fifty years ago.
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Yeah, I am not aiming this at anyone specifically, but if you are not king of Mount Manly it is advisable to not grow long hair and then keep ridiculously clean shaven. Like, I am pretty masculine and even I was a bit worried when I shaved my beard back when I had lady hairs.

Right now I am so fresh and also possibly so clean, and I wear my hair really short and sometimes in a mild faux hawk (which does not look nearly as gay as people seem to think it automatically does). I don't have a beard right now so I am also clean shaven. My hair is pretty boring, I have to say. I used to have it really long, and then when I got it cut I had it cut in that layered look (which, by the way, is where the hair underneath the hairs on top are a bit longer so that it looks like you individual layers of hair, rather than having them all cut to one length.
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I think the Chain Game's main focus is to tell a story over the course of a game from the various perspectives of the people making it, ALEX is already a compilation of (mostly) minigames without any real plot, and while it was fun I don't really think another one is needed (I mean, I'm all for ALEX IV, but a new, very similar project).

Also, I'm really sorry DP. I was thinking of BravoSector's section (which is just painfully badly written), I don't know how I made that mistake! Yours actually really got the story back on track, if anything. My bad, man.

I am not against a minigame intensive chain game, but why does it have to be set in a dungeon crawler without a plot? So long as the plot is fast moving and isn't weighed down with pointlessly drawn out dialogue windows, it could be set anywhere.

I think what the next Chain Game needs is some censoring on behalf of the community by the people involved. Yes, in some way it does contradict the point of the chain game, but in other ways it will help it get over some of the humps that might turn players off (Like 5-6-7 in CG3, which were all pretty boring). If there is some awful section in someone's chapter, who's to say we can't take it out for the good of the whole? If someone kills off all the main characters for no reason, then I don't think they really care about the CG, anyways, and we should have a free hand on editing that section.

@Erave: I didn't say CG4 should be a "SERIOUS GAME!!!". I said it shouldn't be a humour game, because humour games tend to go way off kilter. There is nothing stopping a regular ol' game from being funny as hell without it being a humour game (which usually implies excesses of fourth wall violations and general nonsense). Earthbound was hilarious, for instance, but took itself completely seriously in a way, which only added to it. It broke the 4th wall a couple times, but everything made some weird sort of sense inside the world, but it was so quirky that you couldn't help but laugh. It wasn't a humour game, it was just a very humorous game. There is a big difference, imo!

I'm telling you guys; we should set this in the future and have cybernetic enhancements/robots that can be built using better equipment as our DBS. The world of cyberpunk is ripe for an upbeat game!
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I am actually really excited for you because you seem like a pretty cool guy and I think you will make a good dad!

You should have a man shower where all your male friends bring you gifts and shit, because it isn't fair that only women get to have one! Sure they hold it in their eggsac for 9 months, but you have to provide the danger seed to start it off, so you should get gifts too.
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Jesus Christ, is that Spike Lee?

Also, 30 Euros? Dude, that's like $45 Canadian (or $90 American lolololol).

You could buy a lot of things for 45 dollars, man. That was 6 new GI Joes back in the day!
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If it is set in a school I am not going to play it.

I think the best setup would be this;
A number of random titles are generated (discarding bad titles, like the Erect Wife) and distributed to people who have signed up. We start a private forum like RPG thinks we should, and each person submits their segment and the next person picks it up. We do have someone "guiding" the process, if not being in charge of it, so that its direction stays on the right course. There could be a seperate section wherein people discuss their ideas for the overall storyline (nothing too specific, but vague outlines to give other people a hint as to where to go). This way, we'd be able to get something of a coherent storyline put together.

I, personally, vote for anything but a "humour game". A game can be funny without being a humour game, and it doesn't have to take itself seriously, but I think CG3 kind of crapped out at Erave's and DP's sections, because they failed to keep coherent, which a lot of people associate with "humour games". I am not entirely sure what the guidelines were for this in previous CG's, but I'm thinking providing a set of resources at the start for everyone to use would be a good idea. There'd be no limits to editing them or adding new ones of a similar style, but they'd give everyone a similar goal to work towards.

Then, everyone who signed up beta tests the whole thing, along with a couple people who we all recognize as being good beta testers.

I, personally, vote for a futuristic game. We could use guns for the battles (which I would like) and I'm sure we could brainstorm a good combat system to use throughout based on futuristic technology (perhaps robot battlers, like in Robotrek?). It could be a light-hearted take on the whole cyberpunk genre with lots of upbeat dialogue that, placed against the grim backdrop of a megacorporation-run future would be pretty hilarious.
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The last haircut I got was awful. It turned out alright, now that it's grown in about a week (which is enough time for it to realize wtf and react like hair should) but when I was getting it it was horrible. The woman was TRYING TO BREAK MY SKULL I swear to god. Every time she combed some hair she jabbed the comb into me as hard as she could. Now, my skull is pretty tough so whatever, but my ears were beet red afterwards because she kept hitting them with the fucking comb, and then the scissors, and then the shaver. And I asked for a specific length and she cut it way longer than that, so I asked her to cut it a bit shorter and she kept warning me OVER AND OVER like that was the WORST THING I could do, even though I have gotten that length before.

Now, I don't know shit about hair, and when some bitch keeps saying "THAT IS REALLY SHORT" it starts to worry me! I am glad it worked out though, although my ears were in genuine pain. Like, did she really have to smash the comb into them? There wasn't even any hair there! Plus it cost me $24 bones (inc. tip) which is nonsense, because it's such a fucking simple haircut (short).

I seriously think I'm just going to get my mom to cut my hair for me next time. I don't really give a shit how it looks, and if it means $24 in my wallet then I am please as Punch.

Plus this girl reeked of smoke. Thanks for being a horrible cunt!
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Steel, I think "lel" is a nazi codeword for "lol".

Also, I hardly think steel is trolling, here. He has taken great offense to your opinion and is pointing out as much, and I don't think it was entirely his fault that this topic got switched to personal attacks on your loony-bin quality racism.

Every post you make to defend yourself sounds like you are accusing him of being some sort of troll out to get you while he plays his "sick little game" like he has some ulterior motive. zomgz it's a conspiracy get to the chopper

Also, I don't really see much "spin" on his part. Most of your words are pretty straightforward to me, at any rate! I also like your custom title, KK4; "Slit. Your. Throat." That is really cool, man. You honestly strike me as the type of person who would wear a trench coat to school one day with a number of small calibre semi-automatic weapons hidden underneath it, or the almost-as-bad type of person who dismisses such notions as being "too pedestrian".

Also, this
Quote from: A
Ron Paul opposes mandatory vaccinations, even in the case of national emergencies such as smallpox outbreaks.
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Wouldn't Yehoshua be Joshua?

Uh, praise Joshua, I guess!
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hahaha steel

Also I really hope he somehow wins the ticket! Stephen Colbert as a Republican president would be the most absurd thing to ever happen to politics! (not really)
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Firstly, where would this fantastic meeting taking place? Because if it's close enough so that I can actually attend, I will make suggestions.

I don't want to make a bunch of suggestions and then not even attend, I'd feel like an ass.

edit: also, 500 posts!
The Misadventures of Crimebot