Okay, this is not a thread about me having trouble sleeping. It's problems with sleeping too long.
The problem: Ever since I got back from college I've been sleeping until 11:00am or later. This generally leaves me feeling tired and groggy from sleeping too much, and it makes me feel bad about wasting a lot of the day. I generally like to wake up at 8:30-9:00am. I set my alarm for 9:00am, and wake up for it, but I always end up falling back asleep before I can even get out of bed, even if I try to get myself up and active. There's nobody home to wake me up and make sure I get awake, because my dad has work and my brother has school.
background: I generally go to bed around 2:00am. This leaves me a solid 6 hours of sleep (this is what I am most comfortable with getting, and what my body has apparently been 'trained' to work on. I've never suffered negative effects for sleeping so little).It's not because I'm staying up too late, because for the past 3 nights I went to bed at midnight, and I actually slept LATER on those nights (until 2:00pm on one occasion!). Also, in college I used to stay up until 2:30-3:00am and wake up around 7:00am, no problems, several times a week. The room I sleep in used to be an attic, before the house expanded, and as such has one tiny window in the corner. I believe the issue MIGHT be because I'm not getting enough light for my body to know it's time to wake up. I'm not sure if this has any basis in reality, though.
point of thread: Does anyone know why I can't wake up, or have any tips on how I can wake up? Has anyone ever had similar problems? I just really want to start waking up at a decent hour.
don't mind me, just postin' after a few brewskies
somebody’s Barkley --- could be another’s Monopolo.