Games What are you playing? (Read 140672 times)

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the first one is nearly unplayable in its horribleness and I've owned the second ever since it came out and hadn't played it yet. Still....because of how shitty the first witcher is.
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back to fallout - I've just recently played Lonesome Road, the last DLC for NV. I like it, it brings back that feeling of being lost and not knowing what you're doing. ulysses is a total blowhard tho! unfortunately not a super interesting guy. I think all of NV's 4 DLCs were great additions to the game, really the only worthwhile DLC I've ever seen

I've still never played fallout 3. I know some people here said it's not really worth playing in comparison to NV, but I've also seen some nerds elsewhere say F3 is way better than NV. I've read a little about it, seemed a little depressing but not in a good way

they've apparently recently started releasing some info about Fallout 4 but it's in a not very interesting looking ARG format, so I guess I'll just wait it out even though I'm kinda excited to hear more about it
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I've still never played fallout 3. I know some people here said it's not really worth playing in comparison to NV, but I've also seen some nerds elsewhere say F3 is way better than NV. I've read a little about it, seemed a little depressing but not in a good way
I never really understood why these games were that polarizing, personally. I definitely got more out of New Vegas, but Fallout 3 did enough things right that I'd call it worth most people's time. To a degree I feel like it comes down to whether you want more exploration or more narrative. For me, Fallout 3 was more about just going out into the wasteland and getting lost doing stuff, while New Vegas was more about storytelling and these tense relationships between all the people in the world.
If you can handle more Fallout after finishing New Vegas, it's probably worth a shot. It's not really the same, and can get insanely boring just hiking around for no apparent reason, though you can always just stick to the main story and skip all the unnecessary shit. Since you liked New Vegas, I'm guessing you dug the narrative, so you kinda need to expect a whole lot less of that in Fallout 3. Does have its moments, though, and the DLCs are actually pretty worthwhile much in the same way they were in New Vegas.
I think all of NV's 4 DLCs were great additions to the game, really the only worthwhile DLC I've ever seen
I have to ask, since I completely missed this when I went through Honest Hearts: Did you read the Randall Clark diaries? If not imho you should read them, even if you're just looking at it on that website. There's some pretty neat storytelling in the Fallout games, but I don't think anything else in those games really comes close to that.
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My gaming has spread into a cornucopia selection of genres as of late. I've been playing Yoshi's Island on my phone, Killing Floor and Terraria with my friends online, Dark Souls getting my ass beat, and its all been interspersed with bits of Blops 2 (though none of my friends play it, unfortunately). And I plan on playing Co-op with my older brother on the PS3 version of Resident Evil 5.
And then I got a bunch of games on my backlog listed as hiatus that I need to get back to at some point...
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imo the difference between fallout and fallout new vegas are the same as oblivion and skyrim, respectively. Theres just more player interaction and it envelops you in it alot more efficiently.

I guess no one here has heard of project brazil then:

it looks pretty sweet.

I'm trying to get the new xcom expansion to work on my computer, fuckin transhuman cyborgs
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the first one is nearly unplayable in its horribleness and I've owned the second ever since it came out and hadn't played it yet. Still....because of how shitty the first witcher is.
Dude, seriously? Why are you shitting all over my hopes and dreams.
I have been looking for a new game to get into and inspire me that isn't the same old shit for so long now, BRICK WALL AGAIN?!
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I've still never played fallout 3. I know some people here said it's not really worth playing in comparison to NV, but I've also seen some nerds elsewhere say F3 is way better than NV. I've read a little about it, seemed a little depressing but not in a good way
I never really understood why these games were that polarizing, personally. I definitely got more out of New Vegas, but Fallout 3 did enough things right that I'd call it worth most people's time. To a degree I feel like it comes down to whether you want more exploration or more narrative. For me, Fallout 3 was more about just going out into the wasteland and getting lost doing stuff, while New Vegas was more about storytelling and these tense relationships between all the people in the world.
If you can handle more Fallout after finishing New Vegas, it's probably worth a shot. It's not really the same, and can get insanely boring just hiking around for no apparent reason, though you can always just stick to the main story and skip all the unnecessary shit. Since you liked New Vegas, I'm guessing you dug the narrative, so you kinda need to expect a whole lot less of that in Fallout 3. Does have its moments, though, and the DLCs are actually pretty worthwhile much in the same way they were in New Vegas.

I figured it'd be the opposite actually! NV was the first Fallout I played, so I didn't fully understand the narrative the first time through. I mostly just enjoyed wandering around the mojave sorta role playing a character and interacting with the different factions.
I think all of NV's 4 DLCs were great additions to the game, really the only worthwhile DLC I've ever seen
I have to ask, since I completely missed this when I went through Honest Hearts: Did you read the Randall Clark diaries? If not imho you should read them, even if you're just looking at it on that website. There's some pretty neat storytelling in the Fallout games, but I don't think anything else in those games really comes close to that.

yeah I encountered those and I thought they were pretty great, but I don't remember if I read all of them or got the right order down. I'll have to check em out again
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I dunno how you could possibly think its different? Other than a focus on alchemy and some dumb sword switch thing its got the exact same game mechanics as alomst every other third person dungeon crawler. The story is the worst though.
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Well I knew next to nothing about it except for the name over and over. I've played precisely two minutes of it thus far (I started the game up after the like 12GB install!) then chose character class. I just thought there'd be something to it, given that I've had it for so long and there's a third one being made and shit.
By "same old shit" I mean "different to the few games I play now" by the way. I'm currently just playing CK2/EU4, a couple of Indie titles, and some older PSX RPGs. That's basically it.
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Been playing "Lack of Love" since it became easier to track down an iso. It's basically EVO or Spore but more contained. Game has almost no text other than the UI but it's still alien to me in how it tries to contextualize the environment to game mechanics.There is a urinate button, a sort of mating call button and several other buttons that make you do something..... It's oddly compelling in just how mysterious everything feels. In spore there was just a lot of "HERE'S WHAT YOU DO" and is full of these straight forward set pieces, but in this game everything seems minimized to its barest form. I like it so far.
Last Edit: November 27, 2013, 10:02:49 pm by ratsect
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FF a realm reborn

I'm making a paladin or dragoon named don quixote
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If you can't kill people and steal their shit I'll prolly quit

I quit mmos cus they're geared towards dorks who don't wanna de level or lose they shit
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You like cut throat PVP? (I do too) I don't play MMO's at all though.
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I don't think FF14 has any PVP at all, FF11 barely did but barely anyone did pvp for the years I was playing. However you could delevel in FF11 from dieing too much, and a raise spell just to get back some of the xp you lost, so if you wanted to really be a dick, you could drag monsters into someone else's party to try and kill them.
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yes I played on pirate lineage 2 servers where the rates are bumped up long ago. Its the funnest pvp mmo i've ever played. If you hit someone outside town you turn purple, that means free game for anyone to kill but when they hit you they turn purple too, etc... If you hit someone and they don't hit back and end up killing em then you turn red. When you turn red you get an exponential equipment drop rate and you can drop pretty much anything on you. and in that game getting anything good takes fucking forever.

So I'd make a dwarf and run mobs (monsters, like fifty of them) after me and fake death, do the same with the dagger class. And I made a tank once and took out like fifty brazillians.Brazillians are big on those servers too. We used to play 14 vs 150 brazillians.
Tower sieges are actually blowing down walls and running in and defending from inside. It was pretty crazy.

yeah ff14 is ok but all these games are boring because there is no major loss element. And no anger. It actually spurs alot of communication and player interactivity. I don't play many mmos but i've never played one as close to it. I think guild wars is supposed to be but I think they take out the leveling and grinding aspect of it. A bumped up l2 server had just enough to where it took you fucking weeks to get high up and really good shit and some dickhead could just come and fuck that all up.

it was so great. Black ops has nothing on taking a nerds life away.
Last Edit: December 06, 2013, 04:15:39 am by Mope
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and there were certain places where the 17 year old game devs couldn't fix glitches. For instance in one really big leveling area you could stand on a corner and become invisible. We hated the brazillians alot. Our clan was made up of euro, canada, us and brazillians that hated those brazillians too. So we would jump one of them and they'd call like 40ppl and we'd sit in that spot with like four and kill all of them.
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oh yeah and I read ff14 pvp is like wow pvp. its alot like wow honestly
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Do you have an visceral hatred of nerds or something? Or you just enjoy schadenfreude in general and nerds happen to be an available target in mmos?
That is, is this some sort of directed attack or 'just' trolling/griefing?
For me it was never about making someone else miserable. The satisfaction came from succeeding in the harsh difficulty of dealing with other players in a game of basically no law and where most people have much to lose.
I played Minecraft pvp servers, where you drop everything you are holding and all xp if you die (though only a small portion of your XP becomes a 'drop') and depending on whether or not the server is running vanilla or factions there might be no real way of protecting your chests from looters. And even if the server is running factions, if you die, your faction temporarily loses control points and a non-friendly player can claim over some of your land, break a wall, and then take all of your stuff anyway.
The only problem is, Minecraft's combat is terrible. The only reason I enjoyed PVP was purely for the insane cutthroat nature of it. Whether it was murdering a random passerby for their stuff or just being stressed about the same happening to you, it was just a mix of intensity and incredible satisfaction, mixed of course with the inevitable agony of losing stuff to someone with vastly better equipment than you.
Last Edit: December 06, 2013, 06:08:36 pm by Warped655
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no I'm talking about the kinds of people who are just really annoying and devote way too much time in it.
its hard to explain. Like you can run around and have fun with it and gear up and do that but there are people that are really obsessive, the kind that would sit in a party for two hours straight bitching at everyone the whole time when they fuck up and for someone like me to come running in with booku mobs to ruin his whole thing is a form of satisfaction.
yes shadenfreude I guess. Its not necessarily about just being a dick though. its just fun to fuck with people on it on a game where you can't the players social interaction drops dramatically. And I'm not necessarily just talking about griefing and shit. You'd be way less likely to go find some people to level with or hang around on wow just because of the sheer fact that if you don't it could possibly mean taking way longer to lvl or not getting to catch up with that dickhead that pked you.
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Ah, you mean 'alpha' nerds then. Being a dick to people who you think deserve it because they are dicks.
And also apparently in mmo's interacting with people is... uncommon otherwise? Well, like I said I wouldn't know. I don't play MMO's.
I can say the reason for it is sort of BECAUSE I don't care for co-op typically (There are exceptions of course) and from my understanding that is a huge part of MMO's what with raids and all.
If I'm killing 'mobs' for the enjoyment of killing them, I prefer singleplayer because like to learn at my own pace (meaning, I suck for a long time initially and people don't have patience for that and I'm soft and squeamish about being insulted for sucking) and then once I do get good at the game I get 'kill greedy'. This eventually flips on its head though, I've explored 80-90% of a games gameplay content like I have in Killing Floor I return to wanting there to be other players because otherwise the game would be a boring grind solo and the only thing left to experience it with other people.
I'm all about PVP in general.