HUNDLEY JUST POSTED #hundley_just_posted
Anybody remembers the existential anxiety the game could induce, eg. the future Kakariko's graveyard race through NEON torch flames in darkness (whyyy???? why NOW, why not earlier or later in the game??), dark hollow ambience instead of merry happy We're Racing - music, all the while trying to process that cool kind gravekeeper is fucking dead and still around to obsessively challenge you to a race??? aaaa.
I get what you mean. I don't want to make this the Zelda thread, but... here I, Zlavoj "Zelda" Zizek, make a pr post that I had to even print for myself (as so ever eloquently describes some new shit... man how do you do this writing stuff? how do i manipulate people like my text???"
listen to the fuckin man!!!! i actually had whole lot to say than this but i spent +½h reading the rest of the posts so gulp you are a victim of good posting season i guess. we'll get right back some day...
well oh yeah, we can say this: we can make a goddamn justin bieber X ghostbusters game with simplified presentation etc, so we can't really just make it a simple rule and call it a day lol. but i think what u said generally touches on what i said about games giving existential crises & basically you are trying to make a sense of your experiences or try to figure out how everything relates with each other ... like uh, MEANINGS. you try to figure out what everything means. Unfortunately you are given random or arbitrary data to work with ahhahahah. this is why i'd spend ages trying to get into the panorama box outside mario's castle in mario 64 because of COURSE you MAY be able to get inside, i read it from the gaming magazine... yoshi is there...
fuck now all thoughts are just a blur or one big blob so dunno which is dumbtopic or this topic but fuckitall fuckitalllllllll ah hell!!! ah hhhecccck!!!!!!!!
The combination of aiming the industry at children + the graphical and system limitations are huge factors to what made older games so evocative/afforded them such bizarre and unparalleled experience, and why games nowadays rarely capture similar magic.
it's harder to do interesting things with a video game world that is meticulously modeled to look like a movie or like life unless you bring in something totally out of place (e.g. head popping out of ground nightmare scene in that n64 flying game, the glitches in red dead redemption where the wildlife and people get their models and behaviors mixed up). i and probably a million other nerds have said this [in our nasal, whining voices] and i'll say it again: virtually everything past gamecube level/2007-ish graphics, commensurate with increasing recency, looks like complete dog shit. it just looks really bad to have super fucking detailed models and shaders, looks like literally nothing, not life or even like a video game, and i feel like some aspect of gamers has evolved and left me behind, because the vast majority of modern games completely lack any sort of style whatsoever and i don't understand how anyone can be satisfied by them. games should look strange as fuck, not like thousand dollars worth of dolls and dollhouses made in maya. i think humans conceptualize better games when they are regarded as disposable immature faux-medium outside the sphere of artistry (so that every meaningful/well-concocted/inspiring moment seems like an outlier/pleasant surprise, makes the rare moving vidgame moment all the more poignant).
NES black as a concept vanishes; games now have nothing "behind" them at all. (some... GTA has bluescreen, now the best you can hope for is a distinctive skybox...) Glitches are less likely to emerge as the result of irregularly designed systems colliding and more likely to emerge as boring bullshit. I watched some glitch videos for more recent games ie 2013 tomb raider and such - it was more on the level of "a weirdly long canned killing animation concluded with the generic enemy guy ending up on top of a nearby barrel". therefore, everything's boring bullshit. qed
We've had at least one extremely good Zelda theory thread before - i just missed it - so i'd love to hear anything else people have to think about it. that's a really stellar thread to read through anyway. I don't have anything to add about zelda but i love to read people who grew up with it bloviate. oh, i can add this: My first experiences with Zelda were playing it through Zelda Classic on my pc, so i permanently expect the game to start up with screenful of animated flames + crackling sound.
I had to copy this post just because SOMEBODY JUST GREW ANOTHER PAIR!!!! *plays ACDC like SUPER LOUD outside famous utubers house, all glasses break at the same time in neighbourhood*
Undertale, edc, hundley, guana... all...
ya i watched playthu from beginning and ya its a boring metagame, what gives? all the same reasons cicada hundley said. @guana, curiously also lost interest at the skeleton introduction time, maybe there's a pattern here? maybe it was the time when you get a final solid proof that the writing/dialogue is going to be at that level for the rest of the game, same for the structural / gameplay elements.
...m-maybe we need another topic for this one...*GULP!*... ya i think mayb the game wouldn't go down that easy today but hey, i think main issue is really the difficulty and amount of battles? i totally enjoyed the story and characters but i had to give up with the game with heavy heart around the time of fourson sewers, so i even missed out 1/4 of the game.
and yeah, im gonna take a hit for this but I didn't like Mother 3 all that much when it came down to it. there's lot of really neat stuff implemented well in the game, stuff on the level that it probably won't be seen in other games maybe forever, but maybe u guys recognize when I say that there's a bit too much of that fan service-y "earthboundiness" in there (like, in terms of just making a very different type of game, or mature game, or realize full potential of Mother 3's own stuff) and perhaps Itoi really isn't the best when writing serious shit? like earthbound was just a collection of crazy locales with crazy people with crazy events... where the Main Title exists just to scare the fuck out of children and intro is likewise a bit too intense for kids... It Does Make You Think.
fallout 4
hundley you should give your characters +20 constitution and 4 intelligence because holy shit at your resilience with some of these corp vidcon series ... nay, dont worry, its almost admiration though, "what integrity, what willpower to dredge thru his beloved interests, this man certainly has the balls to live his life... maby u goit high wisdom as well...
ok well i again wanted to say stuff but i think it pr much misses the point of new vegas (im not even bringing up earlier games) but hey it's skyrim makers so i don't think it's a surprise and fruitful convo to continue further anyways?
PS I am an odd hermit, so I don't know if this game's existence is common knowledge or not, but if you really loved the hell out of Phoenix Wright, you probably owe it to yourself to try Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective. It's made by Shu Takumi and, while it's really quite different than Phoenix Wright, I think it possesses a lot of the qualities that made Phoenix Wright a compelling series of games. I actually AVOIDED PLAYING THIS GAME because it has one of the most uninteresting titles I've ever heard, but it's actually surprisingly good stuff, charming in much the same way that I thought Phoenix Wright was charming.
Like I said, I actually have no idea if this game's existence and ties to Phoenix Wright is common knowledge or not, so accept my apologies if I am eagerly passing forth UTTERLY VALUELESS INFORMATION. All I know is that *I* had actually heard nothing at all about this Ghost Trick game until I accidentally stumbled onto it, which is never some greater indication of whether or not anybody else knows anything about it.
!!! I'm pretty sure... well, i HOPE...*sweats profusely* i PRAY... that people know that game was one of the top games of our times? i spend some two days just watching the longplay of it (the guy playing it knew every puzzle and only messed up few times). fuck cave story fuck fez fuck undertale, this is the shit. it's uh a pretty left-field surprise but wasn't it like that in the old days? somebody has an vision and own way to do things, then pulls it out... unsuspecting poor sucka-kids stare at Darklands cover and make the worst decision of their lives there and then...
btw as a background: prior to watching the game i barely had any working experience with what kind of art or story or interaction style Shu Takumi has... i just think the game stood really well on it's own merits. very little metagaming shit or self-conscious stuff, just some really nerve-wracking, addicting episode structure...
ALSO: here's betting millions of dollars that somebody is going to make a retrospective review of the game in future, include it in the Unofficial Gaming Canon of 2010, then lots of people flock in to first say "they were there" and then make tons of copies of the thematic or art style or gameplay of the game. like, somebody does Pitchfork etc styled kingmaking affair like what the indie crowd did from grassroots to stuff like Fez and Undertale, but this time it's top to bottom. Well Of COURSE The Germs Is Equally Important As Michael Jackson You Dimwit.