I got this new Fallout 4 DLC "Far Harbor". And it's actually ok!!! Still all of the same problems with the rest of Fallout 4, but the story is a bit more interesting. The location is OK, even if there's a ton more they could have done with it. The whole location/story centers around this RADIOACTIVE FOG that fucks up the location, which could have been a really cool idea since it scares the shit out of (most) everyone who lives there, but then they decided to not really have the fog do anything when it comes to the actual gameplay or exploration, so it's not something that will bother you as much as they narratively want it to. And there's also the irresponsibly greedy price tag of $25 that should deter everyone from playing it, since it's not fundamentally that much more content than the Fallout 3/New Vegas DLCs, and nowhere close to $25 worth of good times.
So I guess when I say Far Harbor is "actually ok", I mainly mean that it's better than the rest of the crap in Fallout 4, but not really worth going out of your way for if you already strongly dislike the rest of the game. I only ended up with this thing because I made a tragic error in judgement and bought the season pass for Fallout 4. So a lot of my enjoyment of this comes from the fact that I got SOMETHING out of this otherwise terrible purchase that I had begun expecting to get absolutely nothing out of. But I guess I kinda wanted to like it, and met much less resistance than I did with Fallout 4, though this may be my just essentially getting acclimated to the flaws of the rest of the game, and lowering my expectations accordingly.
But I don't give a shit about this, I just felt like generally warning people not to dish out $25 and expect something magical out of Far Harbor. It's better than Fallout 4 I think, and it's got some pretty cool moments in there, particularly if you save-scum and play around with some of the (actually pretty cool) endings, but there are better things to spend $25 on. You can probably buy Wasteland 2 for less than that by now, which is something much closer to what everybody wants out of a game like this.
So whatever. I mainly wanted to write about this game
Her Story that I played because I was in the mood to play something horrific and idiotic that I could use as fodder to make a message board post about OFFENSIVELY BAD VIDEOGAMES. I try to be a nice guy, so I'm not usually in the mood for this, but I picked up this thing for a dollar
in the current humble bundle during this nauseatingly ironic mood, figuring I'd play this thing for an hour and then SCOFF LOUD ENOUGH FOR MY NEIGHBORS TO GET WORRIED THAT I HAVE SOMEONE TIED UP IN MY BASEMENT.
BUT I WAS WRONG ABOUT THIS GAME. It's actually extremely cool, and totally something that needs to be played by people who really dig intentive interactive fiction and don't mind a game that is like 88% cutscenes.
It's such a stupidly simplistic idea for a game, and I can't believe it works. You are a DETECTIVE OF SOME DESCRIPTION and you are going through clips of some person being interviewed. But you are on an extremely shitty computer with completely ineffective indexing and cannot watch the clips in the right order and are provided with entirely shitty methods of searching through the clips. And that's it, that's the entire game. You don't have to put the clips in order, you just watch the clips.
But the basic structure of the game is really brilliant, as your only tool for going through these clips is a limited search engine, and you end up going through the game kinda arbitrarily picking keywords and thoughts out of viewed videos, just stuff relevant to the title character and the case in question, and trying them out in the search. This may not sound like much, but it's actually a surprisingly personal way of going through it, giving you essentially the role as editor in this narrative mess of video clips, letting you follow the concepts that stick out to you. Given the jarring nature of it all, the story ultimately unfolds in your own head rather than on the screen, which is something the designer of the game should be pretty proud of accomplishing.
So yeah, idk. It's a dollar on Humble Bundle this week. It may intrigue others a lot less than me, but I was pretty sucked into it. There's probably the downside of knowing anything about this game, and I went into it without an especially critical eye(figured the game would shit its own pants), or any real knowledge of the game's expectations of me, so the surprise of it all was a treat and probably colored my impressions of it. AND I HAVE RUINED THAT BY TELLING YOU WHY THE GAME WORKS.

Sorry. But I think it's a surprisingly well written and acted game, which should count for something even if I've ruined some of the surprise by talking much about it.
[spoilers]: it's strange how very few people seem to acknowledge the possibility that the main character of her story is insane. like, reading on wikipedia and reviews and such, everyone pretty confidently takes her word as fact here, even though there's absolutely as much room for her to be legally insane as there is for her story to be a factual account of her existence. this is a bummer, as i'm pretty confident that her sanity isn't something we're really supposed to be able to CONFIRM OR DENY in the game, and this enormous room for doubt in both directions makes for a substantially more interesting story.
fallout 4
hundley you should give your characters +20 constitution and 4 intelligence because holy shit at your resilience with some of these corp vidcon series ... nay, dont worry, its almost admiration though, "what integrity, what willpower to dredge thru his beloved interests, this man certainly has the balls to live his life... maby u goit high wisdom as well...
ok well i again wanted to say stuff but i think it pr much misses the point of new vegas (im not even bringing up earlier games) but hey it's skyrim makers so i don't think it's a surprise and fruitful convo to continue further anyways?
hahahaha, i missed you man.

anyway, i am actually pretty good at staying away from just trash videogames, but the fallout series is my one weakness. and fallout 3 was generally a pretty playable game despite it being a bethesda game and all, which is why i gave 4 a shot. AND i was experiencing an EXTREME EXISTENTIAL CRISIS and LOST THE WILL TO LIVE so i pretty much just did nothing but play fallout 4 rather than face the reality of my failures in life for a short while. JUST CURL UP IN THE EMPTINESS SO MUCH THAT I FORGET ABOUT THE EMPTINESS.
maybe i should revise my fallout 4 review to reflect whether or not it is a good tool for dealing with the emptiness of existence
i will begin.....
Fallout 4 Is A Bad Game To Play When You Have Lost The Will To Live Because You Will Lose Your Will Further But There are So Many Places To Brainlessly Wander Around That Maybe You Will Forget About How Bad Everything Is When You Are Furiously Running Around Collecting Metals So You Can Build A Ten Story Apartment Building From Which You Can Throw Your Repulsive Fallout Four Avatar And Watch His Miserable Remains Shatter Into A Thousand Miserable Pieces. Thanks For Your Time Got Bless And Game On.
PS I am an odd hermit, so I don't know if this game's existence is common knowledge or not, but if you really loved the hell out of Phoenix Wright, you probably owe it to yourself to try Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective. It's made by Shu Takumi and, while it's really quite different than Phoenix Wright, I think it possesses a lot of the qualities that made Phoenix Wright a compelling series of games. I actually AVOIDED PLAYING THIS GAME because it has one of the most uninteresting titles I've ever heard, but it's actually surprisingly good stuff, charming in much the same way that I thought Phoenix Wright was charming.
Like I said, I actually have no idea if this game's existence and ties to Phoenix Wright is common knowledge or not, so accept my apologies if I am eagerly passing forth UTTERLY VALUELESS INFORMATION. All I know is that *I* had actually heard nothing at all about this Ghost Trick game until I accidentally stumbled onto it, which is never some greater indication of whether or not anybody else knows anything about it.
!!! I'm pretty sure... well, i HOPE...*sweats profusely* i PRAY... that people know that game was one of the top games of our times? i spend some two days just watching the longplay of it (the guy playing it knew every puzzle and only messed up few times). fuck cave story fuck fez fuck undertale, this is the shit. it's uh a pretty left-field surprise but wasn't it like that in the old days? somebody has an vision and own way to do things, then pulls it out... unsuspecting poor sucka-kids stare at Darklands cover and make the worst decision of their lives there and then...
btw as a background: prior to watching the game i barely had any working experience with what kind of art or story or interaction style Shu Takumi has... i just think the game stood really well on it's own merits. very little metagaming shit or self-conscious stuff, just some really nerve-wracking, addicting episode structure...
you know, i kinda doubt the word on this game really got out. in general i feel like nintendo handhelds had been a somewhat niche market. i had completely ignored everything on the DS until years later when a friend of mine purchased me a cheap, clearly stolen DS from craig's list as a birthday present, and i grabbed one of those HIGHLY ILLEGAL carts to pirate games. the ds was a pink nintendogs model, the touch screen vigorously abused, the hinges unpleasantly squeaky, with a child's name written sloppily on the back in magic marker, which rubbed off on my hands exclusively at notably inopportune times. in my first few days of playing it all i could imagine was this system being RIPPED from the hands of a crying child as the burglar firmly pressed their metal boot to the child's face. so i had assumed this would be the WORST POSSIBLE GIFT, but it was slightly alarming how many really quality games ended up on the DS during that time. not even just ghost trick, there were a lot of really stellar games that i think got overlooked because people(like myself) generally saw the DS as a child's console/dumping grounds for shitty movie-games/cute nintendo crap, and figured nobody was really honestly giving a shit about the development on there. there's still a lot of total, irredeemable bullshit on there, but there's a handful of extraordinarily good games on there. very cool how wrong i ended up being about the system.
there was this couple year period on the DS where designers were like HEY NOBODY'S LOOKING, WE CAN MAKE GAMES ABOUT DEATH AND DESPAIR AND THEY AREN'T PAYING ENOUGH ATTENTION TO STOP US. i mean, even fucking square-enix managed to make a solid original game on the system, which isn't something that i've been able to
really say since the 90s. but that generally ended with the 3DS it seems, and i believe there hasn't been a 3DS games that isn't a sequel or a remake and i would shed a tear if i had any tears left. but at least there were GOOD TIMES on the DS, which is probably more than we deserve. or at least more than i deserved, seeing as how i played all these games on a system that was probably stolen from a child still in a coma from a vicious attack from a craig's list scoundrel.