While the SC2 campaign wasn't anything spectacular and the plot was filled with cliches I thought it was a pretty decent introduction to the SC2 storyline. Definitely glad they decided to split the story into 3 parts because while some of the missions weren't crucial to the story I think the overall length of the campaign added to the epicness of it all, plus there's so many upgrades between missions you won't even get them all before the final act. And not to spoil to much but I was glad you were able to play as toss for a bit even though it was short lived. I thought the ending was pretty great but a little irritated that they give you a point of no return but it only ends up being 2-3 missions and then the game ends.
I'm interested to see in what happens in heart of the swarm.
I thoroughly enjoyed it too, but as you say holy shit cliches batman! It was a fucking JOKE some of the time, the crap that Raynor and Findlay spouted was like right from Generic American Action Movie. Also as I suspected, there were def filler missions or rather missions that felt like filler to some extent, though in all fairness, every single mission was fun and unique in some way. It just felt like they could've easily have been cut to turn the campaign in half the size if they really wanted, but I'm not complaining because I enjoyed it all. And I'm excited to see where the expansions go.
Also, the final Crystal mission
was fucking awesome, loved all the Crystal missions in general, they were a great excuse to play as the Protoss.