What is this? I just typed up a lengthy post in response to thecatamite's statements on Link's Awakening and, right when I clicked "post", I was sent
here which meant that the content of my entire post was erased. ;_; I'm reserving this spot to type it again, and Ill become better acquainted with the copy and paste functions or risk losing a portion of my sanity.
Right, as I was just saying. Link's Awakening brings back a lot of nostalgia and memories of my childhood and, if I recall correctly, it was the first LoZ game that I had ever beaten. My favorite aspect of the game was the easter eggs that you could discover, especially the one where you could steal from the village store in Kakariko, and consequently the denizens of the island would label you as a THIEF. Any attempt to reenter the store from that point forward meant that you were met face to face with the angry clerk and a bolt of electricity that jolted you to death. I also have a sour memory of becoming stuck in one of the later dungeons( I don't remember if it was the last or the second to last one, not counting the giant egg.) The dungeon consisted of these large spheres that were integral to some puzzle in the dungeon, and I managed to become wedged in between the sphere and a corner of one of the rooms. It was frustrating because I tried time and time again to turn the game on, mash the buttons, and hope that I would become unstuck - I didn't, at least not for a while. It wasn't until one day that I was able to liberate myself from that notorious little nook. I don't know HOW, but I did. Also didn't Marcus or someone have a lot of trouble with one of the same dungeons? It took him like a year and some contact to Nintendo in order to finally beat it; his story was amusing but I don't remember the details...but, yeah, Link's Awakening