Topic: What are you playing? (Read 140672 times)

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I started playing Minecraft a few days ago but I couldn't get back in to it after the first few initial hours of play. After I built a house, I felt like there where no other real goals for me besides build a bigger house or try to make something that's not nearly as impressive as what other people have made.
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STALKER: Crash Sky. Ha ha, properly because I haven't patched it up more. But it's fixed now. I just need to know how to beat those bandits with the help of those two clear sky guys, I'm even on easy, or just avoid them til later.
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upload and complete.

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And my other thousand games...(not literally)
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just finished the legion ending in new vegas.

not particularly impressive, but the was kinda cool. although admittedly i found myself kinda rushing through the legion quests because i didn't find them particularly interesting and was more generally curious to see if there was anything of note in that storyline(which there really wasn't).

also i didn't like how

still a solid game, though. just could have been stronger in some ways.
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playing OpenTTD. here's a ridiculously large image (19 MB).
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CALL OF DUTY BLACK OPS!!!!-Madddog game
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I want it so bad but I cannot justify £40 for six hours of singleplayer and a multiplayer I will never touch.
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You don't play CoD multiplayer? Why the hell not?
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autism game's
keep posting...
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Finally beat Clear Sky. What a disappointing ending. Figured it'd reveal more than that. Heck, it didn't reveal anything.

Dunno what I'm going to play next.
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I want it so bad but I cannot justify £40 for six hours of singleplayer and a multiplayer I will never touch.
no, you justify the £40 for the Nazi Zombies itself.
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Rune Factory 3 really hit the mark this time around I've been playing on my flash card and it truly feels like something special.... If you look past that half of the population in the town are pure nut jobs and maybe the fact that your a half human and monster which means the fabric of your existence is somebody had to be in to beastailty. (I'll go on a limb and say I blame the father).

When I played rune Factory 2 I didn't seem to like it as much as the Original I mean yes it had improvement but I didn't like how the layout of the town was and a few other things that threw me off  but now on RF3 everything improved and the layout is so much better.

Edit: And it keeps a good amount of the Harvest Moon feel hell might be better then harvest moon in some aspects.
Last Edit: November 14, 2010, 01:27:59 am by DDay
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no, you justify the £40 for the Nazi Zombies itself.

oh my gosh nazi zombies this has never been done before in a game
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You don't play CoD multiplayer? Why the hell not?

You really think it's that fun? Honestly?
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You don't play CoD multiplayer? Why the hell not?
Because it's been stagnant since CoD4 and the only thing that's changed since is a gradual decline in quality?

I have been playing Mother 3. I like it a lot. So I decided to make a Mother 3 themed texture pack for Minecraft. Go look at it it's pretty.

Anyway, Up to chapter 7 currently. I like this a lot more than Earthbound. I don't think that's a very popular opinion but I can't really see anything Earthbound has over Mother 3 at all.
Last Edit: November 14, 2010, 04:56:19 am by hobomasterxxx

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BTW, I haven't bought CoD:BO. As I do not have money for a 60 dollar title.
You really think it's that fun? Honestly?

I suppose it depends on what you mean by that fun. I assumed that Ed plays multiplayer of other shooters. I think its fun enough that CoD multiplayer (any one of them) would be played if you like online first person shooters at all. If that level of fun is what you are referring to, than mostly yes.

If he normally plays Military FPS games online, then ABSOLUTELY.

If he doesn't play shooters online normally anyway, then no.

Because it's been stagnant since CoD4 and the only thing that's changed since is a gradual decline in quality?
With the exception of the introduction of Matchmaking Only Online for PC (ARRRGH), and the balance issues, I thought a lot of the changes from CoD4 to MW2 multiplayer were positive and numerous enough. Certainly not stagnant.

Military Online Shooter Tangent:
I've played every CoD with the exception of a few console only releases, I played CoD4 first. I was never greatly interested in WW2 games before hand so I never even tried them. However, after playing CoD4 I felt I should give the older releases a play. After Doing so I came to the conclusion that hey were all good.

The ones I've played multiplayer on are CoD4, WaW, and MW2. All of them were pretty fun to play online.

I also loved BC2's Multiplayer. Though the recent Medal of Honor beta that I tried, multiplayer seemed like a dumbed down version of BC2 multiplayer. It was fun, but the whole time I felt like I should just play BC2, as it was far superior.
Tangent over

On topic:
ATM I'm playing through DF: Black Hawk Down (all the way now, rather than just trying it). After 2-3 hours I'm already done with 12/16 of the missions, Luckily I also Got the expansion, though I've heard its less interesting. Gameplay wise, the SP in it is the best out of any Delta Force single player I've played. As in, it actually has a decent variety missions wise and the gameplay doesn't feel like "spot all the bad guys and win" While it still has that to a degree, it focuses on urban combat though so this has been lessened to make a game that is a bit more mentally stimulating.

Of course, it still pales in comparison singleplayer wise to most FPS games I've played. It's only just fun enough to bother playing and finishing.

Multiplayer is completely dull, and the only reason I bothered with Delta Force series recently was for Delta Force 2. Nostalgia and what not. My rose colored glasses aren't strong enough to make me really like these games. What a waste of money.
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Rune Factory 3 really hit the mark this time around I've been playing on my flash card and it truly feels like something special.... If you look past that half of the population in the town are pure nut jobs and maybe the fact that your a half human and monster which means the fabric of your existence is somebody had to be in to beastailty. (I'll go on a limb and say I blame the father).

When I played rune Factory 2 I didn't seem to like it as much as the Original I mean yes it had improvement but I didn't like how the layout of the town was and a few other things that threw me off  but now on RF3 everything improved and the layout is so much better.

Edit: And it keeps a good amount of the Harvest Moon feel hell might be better then harvest moon in some aspects.

Yeah, I downloaded Rune Factory 3 maybe an hour after it was dumped and played through the first day. It's really good! Lots better than Rune Factory 2, though most things in life are more fun than Rune Factory 2 (nurrr let's basically make the game a 90s shareware trial version until you get married and have a kid *farts*). I'm not gonna get too far into it yet, though, because I'm still playing through Rune Factory Frontier and I want to completely destroy that before I move onto the next one

I actually dismissed Rune Factory offhandedly when I first heard about it. It had that "MCDONALDS: THE RPG" anime art style that every Tales game has, so I think there was some kind of subconscious association between the two that was turning me off. Welp, turns out that it's one of the better games I've played this decade. Fuck me, I guess! It's actually BETTER than the original Harvest Moon at the things Harvest Moon is known for, even if you ignore the competent dungeon crawler they grafted onto it.
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You really think it's that fun? Honestly?

I suggest you give it a go if a friend has it or something because BO's multi-player is greatly improved for example all explosives are a lot weaker,there are no perks that give you extra health/bullet damage at all,all kill streaks must be earned by guns or equipment and a lot of the maps are isometric.There are many other changes but those are the main ones.

As for Nazi zombies the two maps on the black ops disc are awesome but the new and improved CoD:WaW maps are where it's at (Nacht Der Untoten and De Riese are absolutely amazing).

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Yeah, I downloaded Rune Factory 3 maybe an hour after it was dumped and played through the first day. It's really good! Lots better than Rune Factory 2, though most things in life are more fun than Rune Factory 2 (nurrr let's basically make the game a 90s shareware trial version until you get married and have a kid *farts*). I'm not gonna get too far into it yet, though, because I'm still playing through Rune Factory Frontier and I want to completely destroy that before I move onto the next one

I actually dismissed Rune Factory offhandedly when I first heard about it. It had that "MCDONALDS: THE RPG" anime art style that every Tales game has, so I think there was some kind of subconscious association between the two that was turning me off. Welp, turns out that it's one of the better games I've played this decade. Fuck me, I guess! It's actually BETTER than the original Harvest Moon at the things Harvest Moon is known for, even if you ignore the competent dungeon crawler they grafted onto it.

Well I think the first Rune Factory was not as good as N64 or PSX's Harvest Moon but I really think they surpassed it this time and nailed every part in fact the story isn't that bad this time around.... at least I think since I only cleared one dungeon but for the fact your not just a random traveler that has amnesia well he dose have Amnesia.... sort of hard to explain it.

ambient occlusion loves my textures

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Wish you could find a way to get mr. saturns in there :(
Last Edit: November 14, 2010, 12:46:46 pm by DDay
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what the fuck are you guys talking about the first rune factory was TERRIBLE

i didn't play any of the others (because of how bad the first one was) but i don't see how you could possibly say that it is better than the psx or n64 harvest moon.

jesus it even starts off so bad.  when harvest moon outdoes you in premise it's really a bad sign.  harvest moon's premise was "i used to go to grandpa's farm as a kid but now he is dead so i am in charge of it..."  here's how rune factory starts without exaggeration:

"hi mysterious 15 year old girl living by yourself"
"hi stranger who are you"
"actually i don't remember my past do you have something i could drink?"
"sure but...actually nm why don't you just take this entire farm i have?????"
"uh okay!!!"
*cue a bunch of boring dungeon crawling*

edit: i forgot to include the title screen, it actually starts off with some young lad going "RUUUNE FACTORY!!!!!" at you and THEN all of that stuff

man it apparently got great reviews even but most of them are actually "you will probably not like this game unless you like harvest moon in which case you'll love it" but for me it was more like "why am i not playing harvest moon instead so i don't have to sit here and dungeon crawl"  i think rune factory is the one game i bought for the ds and completely regretted it, i think i even liked zoo tycoon ds better because at least its big problem was controls instead of making me furious or bored at every given moment
Last Edit: November 14, 2010, 01:01:56 pm by Vellfire
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