BTW, I haven't bought CoD:BO. As I do not have money for a 60 dollar title.
You really think it's that fun? Honestly?
I suppose it depends on what you mean by that fun. I assumed that Ed plays multiplayer of other shooters. I think its fun enough that CoD multiplayer (any one of them) would be played if you like online first person shooters at all. If that level of fun is what you are referring to, than mostly yes.
If he normally plays Military FPS games online, then ABSOLUTELY.
If he doesn't play shooters online normally anyway, then no.
Because it's been stagnant since CoD4 and the only thing that's changed since is a gradual decline in quality?
With the exception of the introduction of Matchmaking Only Online for PC (ARRRGH), and the balance issues, I thought a lot of the changes from CoD4 to MW2 multiplayer were positive and numerous enough. Certainly not stagnant.
Military Online Shooter Tangent:I've played every CoD with the exception of a few console only releases, I played CoD4 first. I was never greatly interested in WW2 games before hand so I never even tried them. However, after playing CoD4 I felt I should give the older releases a play. After Doing so I came to the conclusion that hey were all good.
The ones I've played multiplayer on are CoD4, WaW, and MW2. All of them were pretty fun to play online.
I also loved BC2's Multiplayer. Though the recent Medal of Honor beta that I tried, multiplayer seemed like a dumbed down version of BC2 multiplayer. It was fun, but the whole time I felt like I should just play BC2, as it was far superior.
Tangent overOn topic:ATM I'm playing through DF: Black Hawk Down (all the way now, rather than just trying it). After 2-3 hours I'm already done with 12/16 of the missions, Luckily I also Got the expansion, though I've heard its less interesting. Gameplay wise, the SP in it is the best out of any Delta Force single player I've played. As in, it actually has a decent variety missions wise and the gameplay doesn't feel like "spot all the bad guys and win" While it still has that to a degree, it focuses on urban combat though so this has been lessened to make a game that is a bit more mentally stimulating.
Of course, it still pales in comparison singleplayer wise to most FPS games I've played. It's only just fun enough to bother playing and finishing.
Multiplayer is completely dull, and the only reason I bothered with Delta Force series recently was for Delta Force 2. Nostalgia and what not. My rose colored glasses aren't strong enough to make me really like these games. What a waste of money.