Yesterday I decided to take the plunge into the genre of Point-and-Click adventure games, and bought Real Myst off of steam for a low price of only 5.99 USD and it, so far, it has been well worth every cent. I will admit that I've never played any of the games in the series despite them being so acclaimed, but if I couldn't keep up with the number of games that I approach years later only to scold myself for not playing them much earlier. The game is cleverly designed with a lot of neat puzzles to solve and clues to piece together and although it has its frustrating moments, I feel pretty elated and accomplished once I make progress and that's why I adore this style of gameplay. In fact, once I beat Real Myst or even before, I'll most likely look into the other iterations in the series and, if they are as good as Real Myst, I'll get a lot of enjoyment out of them.
Black Friday is around the corner and I've looked at some ads and figured that it would be a good time to finally pick up a Nintendo DS lite in order to play some DS games that I've always wanted to, but never had the means. It's been so long since I owned a DS, possibly before any models aside from the original were out on the market, and I only played the remake of Super Mario 64 and a few other earleir titles which means that I really did limit myself so I was wondering what the consensus is on the "must-haves" for someone who will play any genre of game? I prefer RPGs and puzzle games but anything of quality is really fair game in my eyes, and I had a few titles in mind such as Dragon Quest IX, FF: The Four Heroes of Light, and possibly a game in the professor Leyton series would be fun, too. Oh, yeah, and I've heard a a lot about Phoenix Wright and I'm a little bit ashamed to admit that I've never played it, either. Does anyone have any other reccommendations for a prospective DS owner? Thank you in advance, GW community.
Last Edit: November 25, 2010, 02:05:56 am by AdderallApocalypse