Topic: What are you playing? (Read 140672 times)

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Oprah's Favourite's Gifts on youtube, crazy audience.
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did any of you fuckas get dkc returns yet? i want to play it badly.
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Been playing Gran Turismo 5 Prologue again to warm up for the full game's release. Already pre-ordered GT5 from Amazon, so I should have it this week. Anyone else plan on getting it?
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Is it a black screen? If so, I'm pretty sure I know how to fix it. Install my pack, or any 32x32 pack, like normal, without the patcher, and select it, then load up a save I guess. After that, close Minecraft. Now use the HD patcher. It seems there's a problem with Minecraft trying to load 16x16 packs when the patcher has made it expect 32x32 or something.
it wasn't a black screen, it got stuck loading at the end. but that seems to have fixed it anyway

I actually like this better than the original textures. the other texture packs I have, no matter how good they are, all have this sort of remix quality to them. but this one works. even though it's 32x32 it's simpler in appearance, and with the ambient occlusion it ends up suiting the blocky landscape better than the original

if I'm not too sick over thanksgiving and I don't have too much work I might make a non-themed simple 32x32 pack or an earthbound texture pack. but there's a lot less overlap with earthbound

Bought Bloody Good Time yesterday. It's basically The Ship with a little too much red cordial, but that's not a bad thing.
I haven't heard about this until now. it sounds like it might be good, I loved the ship
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Been playing Gran Turismo 5 Prologue again to warm up for the full game's release. Already pre-ordered GT5 from Amazon, so I should have it this week. Anyone else plan on getting it?

Santa is goan get me it  :fogetsmile:
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i heard gt5 has Over A Thousand Cards... its amazing..
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A lot of them are "clone cars" though, meaning same cars but just different models or builds or whatever. Even still, the car list comes in at about 700 when you remove them.
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I haven't heard about this until now. it sounds like it might be good, I loved the ship
I haven't actually played The Ship, but it's the same gameplay style and it's by the same devs, so it's basically a spiritual sequel or whatever. It's like it a lot.

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yeah. what was great about the ship though wasn't really the hunt/kill game, it was everything around it. the ships, the 20s style, the disguises, needs, secrets, makeshift weapons. hunting shipmates is just what tied the game together, gave the whole thing an objective

from the one gameplay video I watched, it seems like there's a lot more emphasis on the hunt and kill, with cartoon-like injuries and stuff. I dunno what I think of it if that's the case, but I'm still considering it regardless because the ship is probably within my top 10 games I dunno I don't keep track
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i've been seeing last post by earlchip all day, skipping down and seeing that duff can, thinking 'what, there's no earlchip around here. what the heck' and hitting back.
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that's what I don't like about these avatars, this one and the southparkyourself avvie sitting on celebs one. I don't necessarily want to be this character but I think these are really good avatars, as far as avatars go
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mine is the belly of a man from a movie poster. it's a gut of a glutton. but i've got you know earl. duff.
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So I rented Donkey Kong Country Returns and it's pretty good! If you liked the old DKC games I don't see how you could pass this one up, the waggle controls aren't annoying and the music is great and the game looks pretty. Plus the game is pretty challenging, my only complaint is you can't play as Diddy in single player, you just use him for a jetpack which is pretty vital but still I miss swapping between the two.
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So yeah, Poker Night at the Inventory is actually pretty fucking good.
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So yeah, Poker Night at the Inventory is actually pretty fucking good.

It's ok wish there was more icons/character to play with.
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It's ok wish there was more icons/character to play with.

Yeah. I'm loving it simply because of character interaction. I do think that it would be cool if there were more gaming icons in it, and that it was a random four characters rather than the same every time. Would be very interesting. Would be cool if there were more things to do at the inventory than just play poker, but for a five dollar game it's pretty good.
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im awaiting my copy of RDR i ordered today and also waiting for BlazBlue:CS which got delayed to 2nd of December
Last Edit: November 24, 2010, 01:49:16 pm by hamburg3rz
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Yesterday I decided to take the plunge into the genre of Point-and-Click adventure games, and bought Real Myst off of steam for a low price of only 5.99 USD and it, so far, it has been well worth every cent. I will admit that I've never played any of the games in the series despite them being so acclaimed, but if I couldn't keep up with the number of games that I approach years later only to scold myself for not playing them much earlier. The game is cleverly designed with a lot of neat puzzles to solve and clues to piece together and although it has its frustrating moments, I feel pretty elated and accomplished once I make progress and that's why I adore this style of gameplay. In fact, once I beat Real Myst or even before, I'll most likely look into the other iterations in the series and, if they are as good as Real Myst, I'll get a lot of enjoyment out of them.

Black Friday is around the corner and I've looked at some ads and figured that it would be a good time to finally pick up a Nintendo DS lite in order to play some DS games that I've always wanted to, but never had the means. It's been so long since I owned a DS, possibly before any models aside from the original were out on the market, and I only played the remake of Super Mario 64 and a few other earleir titles which means that I really did limit myself so I was wondering what the consensus is on the "must-haves" for someone who will play any genre of game? I prefer RPGs and puzzle games but anything of quality is really fair game in my eyes, and I had a few titles in mind such as Dragon Quest IX, FF: The Four Heroes of Light, and possibly a game in the professor Leyton series would be fun, too. Oh, yeah, and I've heard a a lot about Phoenix Wright and I'm a little bit ashamed to admit that I've never played it, either. Does anyone have any other reccommendations for a prospective DS owner? Thank you in advance, GW community.
Last Edit: November 25, 2010, 02:05:56 am by AdderallApocalypse
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phoenix wright (all of 'em, plus ace attorney investigations), professor layton, hotel dusk and retro game challenge are my 'must-have's for the DS.  also ghost trick is coming out early next year, definitely get that.  feel the magic has a fun vibe to it, i would only get it if you can get it cheap though.  also you should grab gunpey ds, especially since it's usually like $5 or less from gamestop on a normal day, with some sort of black friday deals it'd probably end up being free.

if you're going the flashcard route don't get retro game challenge btw.  i will personally come to your house and murder you if you pirate this game (this goes for everyone (i am very serious about this you must buy this game with money))
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phoenix wright (all of 'em, plus ace attorney investigations), professor layton, hotel dusk and retro game challenge are my 'must-have's for the DS.  also ghost trick is coming out early next year, definitely get that.  feel the magic has a fun vibe to it, i would only get it if you can get it cheap though.  also you should grab gunpey ds, especially since it's usually like $5 or less from gamestop on a normal day, with some sort of black friday deals it'd probably end up being free.

if you're going the flashcard route don't get retro game challenge btw.  i will personally come to your house and murder you if you pirate this game (this goes for everyone (i am very serious about this you must buy this game with money))

Did you see the one for the 3DS

BTW I had Retro game challenge on my card for about 1 year and 1/2 so come get me baby XOXOXOXSTAB.
Last Edit: November 25, 2010, 02:11:55 pm by DDay
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