Greetings to all of Gaming World!
I've been using RPG Maker since like 1999 (RM95), but did not start a game project until early 2002, then I eventually got RM2000 and RM2003, and that's why I am still into this wonderful hobby. So you could consider me a RM veteran. My favorite RPG Maker is 2k3, and my least favorite is VX.
To be honest, I have never released a good RPG Maker game in my life, only one shitty Dragon Ball Z fan sequel with only ONE mission. But in summer 2005, I started a project, then scrapped it in 2007. In fall of 2008, I restarted my project and called it Runic Cipher. Eversince then, I've been putting alot of work into the game, and I hope to release a successful demo here at Gaming World on August 10, 2009!
Other than that, I like to listen to heavy metal (no trendy mainstream shit), study history, ride my bike, exercise, play drums, draw, and play around with my good ol' roms from the SNES days! I miss how sites were back in the simple!
Last Edit: July 30, 2009, 04:44:56 am by Allen Hunter