Hidden accents. This subject is something that I have always found to be sort of interesting.
So what is a hidden accent? Generally, it's an accent that comes out in your speech under what I believe to be unconventional circumstances. The most common form of hidden accent seems to be among the drunk population. A lot of heavy drinkers seem to admit that they gain an accent when they drink - not slurring, but an actual accent.. Or at least some sort of noise that resembles one! I know one person who does take on a sort of English accent when he drinks a lot. It's subtle, but it's definitely there.
I personally believe that it has to do with genetics and heritage. Take me for example. I'm completely Canadian, and I suppose I speak with an English Canadian accent. I barely even know a lick of French and I don't like trying to speak the language, but.. When I am at work (like I am now), an accent can come out of me. It usually only comes out in one or two syllables, but it definitely happens. I don't know if it is French or what, but when I have to make a page over the intercom or communicate with someone over the radio, I tend to try and speak VERY precisely. As a result, well, my mannerisms change slightly and the way some words come out really don't sound like they're coming from an English Canadian.
Take the call over the radio that I just made as an example. I had to get in contact with someone named Mary, and when I called for her, out came something that sounded like "Mah Yee?"
When I must page someone over the intercom to call a certain telephone number, sometimes the numbers that I say will have a slight accent. For example, sometimes three will come out like "ta ree" and I'll roll the R a little bit. This happens almost EVERY single time I say "three" over the intercom.
A few months ago, I climbed into a cab and told the driver where I needed to go. He asked where I was from, where I grew up! I told him that I was from around here, which made him wonder why I apparently had a German accent. I don't know what could have possibly come out of my mouth to make him think that, and as far I as I know there isn't even an ounce of German in me. Just mixes of Scottish, French, and some Russian somewhere far down the line.
So yeah, I've always found this to be sort of interesting how these accents just spontaneously emerge from people, moreso as they get older.
Do any of you guys have any strange accents hiding deep inside of yourselves? What does it resemble? When does it come out and how frequently does it happen?