i was going to just post this in the LAST MOVIE YOU WATCHED topic but i thought it might make for an interesting discussion, so i'm putting this here. at worst it'll make this place look a little more busy.
i had never seen a david lynch film before(elephant man doesn't fucking count at all), so i watched
lost highway last night. interesting movie, and a pretty enjoyable experience. it really is the ultimate neo-noir, and i'm usually very skeptical when i hear people apply that term to films nowadays. it's a good watch if you want something that literally functions like a nightmare, which is a trait that i usually appreciate in films. it's refreshing seeing filmmakers who do their own fucking thing, regardless of what anybody else expects of them. i really dig welles'
the trial and the work of franz kafka, so it's pretty natural that i would appreciate the work of lynch, assuming this film is a good example of his work.
i do think i take the exception with lynch that a lot of people do, namely in his being a little too abstract, a little too GUTTURAL(if that makes sense) with his concepts. lost highway is a bright film, but i felt like it didn't have enough knowable substance behind the surreal presentation itself. kafka and lynch are really similar stylistically, but at no point is kafka ever needlessly artsy, whereas that's sorta what lynch's deal is to an extent. i don't feel like i can relate awfully well to the inner workings of his works, like his convictions are more scientific in nature.
i think lynch is ultimately a really good example of post-modernism at work. i never cared much for that rationale and approach to film/literature, which is probably why i feel a little distanced from him. i find him a little difficult to really rally behind, despite being an absolutely exceptional filmmaker. i feel like he drifts a little too closely to the style over substance route, which always turns me off a bit. it's like he's more about portraying instinctual understanding rather than knowledge and educated perceptions of the universe. i could be wrong though. i'm basing this off of one film, what i know about the guy, and scattered things i've encountered that he was behind.
i'm still utterly fascinated with the guy, though, despite my knowing better. anybody have any opinion of what the BEST lynch work is? anybody have a good idea of what the fuck this guy's deal is? this is the official DAVID LYNCH TOPIC so talk about this fucking guy already.