Topic: Gene Therapy, a cure to hiv? (Read 1462 times)

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Hey guys, I was reading around the web and I found some cool news about Gene Therapy. You can find numerous articles with a simple google search, so for now I'll omit a link. bare/bear with me if this has already been discussed in some form.

As you know in 2000 or 2001(somewhere in there) scientists succeeded in mapping the massive expanse that is the human genome. Although we now know where all genes in human DNA are, we don't necessarily know what they do. However, imagine: going to a clinic and coming out with a different hair or eye color. Imagine: taking your 14 year old autistic son to the doctor, and coming out with a completely normal teen aged boy. Such is the power of gene therapy. This is still a widely developing field, and many current forms have horrible side effects. (naturally)

Let's digress for but a moment. Last year (whether you know it or not) german clinicians successfully CURED the human immunodeficiency virus, otherwise known as HIV, the virus which causes Aquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. The process involved a bone marrow transplant to a leukemia patient (who also had HIV). This particular marrow however, contained an incredibly rare mutation(found in less than one percent of the entire population of Europe) which makes that person impervious to most strands of HIV. Although scientists had known of this mutation for some time, they had no idea if it could be implemented in a cure. Although this is a cure for the virus(some articles will claim that it is not known if the patient's HIV was actually eradicated, but to the date, HIV can be found no where in his system) it is not a practical one, as 1/3 of all bone marrow transplants are fatal to both parties, and the mutation is so very rare.

This is where gene therapy comes in. There is a gene, just like anything else, that makes human beings susceptible to HIV. This gene is called CCR5. Possessing this gene enables HIV to gain a foothold into your Tcells. Scientists now have the power to remove this gene. Without the gene, human cells become impenetrable to HIV. Human trials have already started(at the beginning of this year) and the results, although not astounding, are very much visible: lower viral loads, and an increased white blood cell count in infected members of the trials. The process involves removing T cells from the patient, and clipping their CCR5. The cells are then injected back into the patient, where they naturally divide and multiply in the system. This time, immune to HIV. This was only the first trial, and the scientists behind it say that the next ones will involve a larger amount of T cells removed, and a more precise target area in which they are re-injected. If this therapy can be perfected, ultimately I believe it will cure HIV. In the mean time, combined with anti retroviral drug therapy people living with HIV/AIDS will be given a new lease on life, the virus(although not eradicated) will be held firmly in check. Also this gene therapy has NO side effects, a rarity in the field. The anti retroviral drug cocktails which hiv patients currently must endure cause horrible side effects due to the toxicity of the pills.

Is anyone else as amazed by this as I am? Do u think this could end in a true cure? I suppose only time will tell.
But one thing everyone should know is that:
HIV/AIDS is a scourge of the human world.
It does not just attack the body, it attacks the mind and soul
It does not only kill you, it kills the people you love.
Last Edit: July 30, 2009, 10:30:52 am by Kami
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TBH I need some jean therapy, these are getting really worn out. Maybe I can claim it's a "Look"

Also anyone noticed how therapist is THE RAPIST??? WHAT'S UP WITH THAT HAHA  : D
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it's funny, a pound of this costs the same as an ounce of condoms heh heh
speaking of DESERVING AIDS, the DSM IV TR says to screen for AIDS only if your client is a homosexual or a drug user
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It does not just attack the body, it attacks the mind and soul
It does not only kill you, it kills the people you love.

awwww :(
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100 people get diagnosed with swine flu and everybody wants to wear a mask. A million die of AIDS and no-one wants to wear a condom.
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As a bit of a futurist and a singularitarian, these things interest me quite a bit. I sincerely hope gene therapy takes off and helps create an era of humans capable of defending against these horrible diseases. Some (stupid) people say "well that's playing God".

Humans: playing God since 1990.
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I for one think that as a society we need horrible diseases like HIV and cancer to test our morals and give our scientists something to do.
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100 people get diagnosed with swine flu and everybody wants to wear a mask. A million die of AIDS and no-one wants to wear a condom.
great bumper sticker quote!
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100 people get diagnosed with swine flu and everybody wants to wear a mask. A million die of AIDS and no-one wants to wear a condom.

I think it's because pig flu might have a greater potential for instant death and a) no one gets aids (except in africa) b) you can last a few years if you have aids (like magic johnson), and I believe you're wrong because I haven't seen anyone wearing masks yet everyday I see used condoms lying around on the sidewalks
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jesus christ inri
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What are you bitching about
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a million die of AIDS and no-one wants to wear a condom.

my girlfriend got tested don't bring me into this

That’s right, you have the young gaming with the old(er), white people gaming with black people, men and women, Asian countries gaming with the EU, North Americans gaming with South Americans. Much like world sporting events like the Wolrd Cup, or the Olympics will bring together different nations in friendly competition, (note the recent Asian Cup; Iraq vs. Saudi Arabia, no violence there) we come together. The differences being, we are not divided by our nationalities and we do it 24-7, and on a personal level.

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Well the only reason magic johnson lastd so long is because he had(has) such an incredible amount of money he uses it to pay for teraphy sessions etc. I mean, not that many people would be able to last so long. I believe has has spent well over 300 grand, i may be corrected tho.
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But that's what is commonly believed. People think things like aids/cancer/car accident only happen to other people but some people think pig flu might become spanish flu 2 because spanish flu also started mildly like pig flu but then it killed millions a few months later
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I think it's because pig flu might have a greater potential for instant death and a) no one gets aids (except in africa) b) you can last a few years if you have aids (like magic johnson), and I believe you're wrong because I haven't seen anyone wearing masks yet everyday I see used condoms lying around on the sidewalks

No one gets AIDS? People say that it's a gay disease, but that was only in the early 80's. HIV has since spread to the rest of the population. HIV continues to infect intravenous drug users(they're not always obvious either, you probably know one)
, and is the leading cause of death in younger black females(heard it on the radio). HIV/AIDS is still a huge problem in the united states.
Aids is somewhat controlled in the U.S., but many people have it. Too many. Also with the nature of this virus most people get it, and do not realize. However, with modern medicine and awareness many people realize they have HIV before it progresses to AIDS. With common anti retrovirals most HIV infected people live almost full lifetimes. 

100 people get diagnosed with swine flu and everybody wants to wear a mask. A million die of AIDS and no-one wants to wear a condom.

This is a powerful statement, but man you know. Sometimes unprotected sex just happens. (Especially when you're drunk) Not that I'm defending it. I'm simply saying it's time for a cure.
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Also with the nature of this virus most people get it, and do not realize.

This is also my point, no one gets aids until they find out months or years later
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We could all have aids... right... now.... :fogetshifty: :fogetsad:
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We could all have aids... right... now.... :fogetshifty: :fogetsad:
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