My perfectionisticness is driving me crazy and I cant decide!!!!
Im making a system where if you get a item like from a chest...the chest pops open and a graphic of the item fades up from the chest...then when you press Space or whatever it disapears....Now thats all great and working well and all, but I also made a "counter" that shows up on the corner of the screen that incraments when you get that item showing you your total quantity of that item...It works pretty slick!
But my problem is the displaying of the quantity....
A. Should it show the item pop out of the chest and the quantity box pop up with
another picture of the item...a "x" and the amount like this:
B. Or should the only graphic of the item be out of the chest and the quantity box just say like "x 1" with no picture in the box?
I need some 3rd party advice on this one!