I don't think my standards are crazy. I think when it comes to things I don't like I just draw a line between what is harmless and what isn't harmless. The stuff that isn't harmless I say I hate! The stuff that is harmless I just keep my trap shut about. I don't want to be one of those guys who loves to insult things, I've never thought of myself like that.
Although, sometimes I just get tired of letting things go, you know? Like I see one comment too many like this:
yeah lady comedians are usually awful.
and I just decide ahhhh heck just say you hate that. Just say it, who cares. Maybe it's mean, but just do it, because it isn't something that deserves to be left alone, really, even if the person didn't know what they were actually saying. That's why I decided to say Ellen Degeneres stinks, because I think she encourages an irrelevant and lazy view to life which I realise is ridiculously vague but I wasn't prepared to defend it right now! Perhaps I will in my treatise. All I care about is if people are trying! That is even more vague!
Female comics!