The only thing I loathe about dish washing, is ramicans. Those little cup-like dishes/bowls for coleslaw or dips. Fuck I hate those things with a passion.
I fucking hate those things. And I hate their name! Why can't they be called "little condiment cups"??
I worked as a busser at a place that required all front-end staff to wear long-sleeve oxfords buttoned all the way up (sleeves and collars) with ties and aprons. It was hot as fuck and impossible to keep clean when you're cleaning up after people who leave a table looking like they just ate off the floor. Then you're expected to help with dish AND food prep. Holy shit. THEN you see waitstaff just standing around drinking soda, not doing a goddamn thing when there's shit to be done. Please cut me some slack. On busy nights, I envied the dishwasher, because he was paid as much as I was, but he didn't have to dress like a tool AND do the dirty work.