(This was little to the only thing I could find)
Do anyone Remember the old Rm2k/Rm2k3 communities known by the names Epiphany Gaming and Cedar Woods?
I know a lot of notable members here originally derived from such places.
Such people known like Christopho, Silvercrow, Angroth and Hell Shiny Raccoon and even Serenity !
I was talking to Some old members and was just curious if who here has ever come here.
I kinda wish Cedar woods had to keep in gear and be up and running to this day cause in the weekend of the rebuild revival I set up for Cedar Woods 2, we got +2000 active members from the old CW and EG and swarmed the forums. It was great activity!
So have you ever been to EG or CW of any revision or version? Where you an active community member? Name some memories you have of this place if you have any?
EDIT: I Found some gold stuff on Cedarwoods. Cedar Woods, A History - Christophomicus (Click to reveal)Cedar Woods, A History
Written by Christophomicus
Back on July 28th, 2004, a small RM Forum known as Cedar Woods was born. Brought to life on the InvisionFree system, its creator Rei- had made these forums with the intent of forming a small, yet focused, RPG Maker community. It was at these forums that Rei- �recruited� many of today's strongest standing CW veterans: Lara (known at the time as Pupp), Silvercrow, Christophomicus, Rei himself, The Invincible Man, Kelikan, King of Games... along with these members are also ones that have since disappeared, such as Maxwell, MasterAuron10, Rianeva, Sinjay, RubyAngel and Summoner. It should be noted that many members of CW were from a now-nonexistent site known as Darkolic RPG, ran by Darkmax and the aforementioned The Invincible Man. Rei- himself was a member of Darkolic before running CW. At some stage into its life cycle, just before Christmas 2004, Rei-'s account was hacked, and CW quite literally fell to pieces. The members retreated to Silver Forums, a board long ago set up by Silvercrow, and ran by Silvercrow, Christophomicus and King of Games. During the week that Cedar Woods was down, Rei- built another temporary forum by the name of RMKSoul, where all of CW temporarily migrated. It was not until much, much later that an old member, Snoo, came back under the guise of Nightmare, and secured us a �proper� forum, this time using the InvisionPowerBoard system, and acquiring us hosting first through Aerocore, then through Warmech. This stage of the forum lasted for some time; staff changes that remain today were put into place, and many new members joined and/or became active at this stage, including The Supreme Inquisitor (a real life friend of Silvercrow's), and Soveliss (known as Antitheus at the time). A site was finally being made, and a customised skin was made for the forums. (This was Cedar Woods, this was how Rei- had dreamed of it being.) Many memories were made here, and events such as The James Hales Saga, The DirtyDerek (obnoxiously named <{~D!r7Y-=-D3r3K~}> at the time) and the Community Game, Kaigan. On a small departure, back on the InvisionFree boards, a small project by the name of �Epic� was born. To describe it, I'll take a few words from the topic itself: I was thinking we could release a group of 'short' games under the name 'Epic' and the names would go like; 1st Epic, 2nd Epic, 3rd Epic, 4th Epicand so on. All would have no relation to each other but have certian characters, themes, creatures and other things that carry on through the series. Each game would be around 1-3 hours long, not long at all (hence 'short' games) The only remaining Epic game is now being developed by Christophomicus, known at first as Epic: The Genesis Project, now as The Genesis Project, Phase One: Imperfection. Keep an eye out for an early 2007 release. ;) By now, CW was looking for its own domain, which by now had reached a quality that was quite a step up from the original InvisionFree boards. Eventually, Rei decided to plan on merging with Epiphany Gaming, a sister site run by Vash. Yet, it all went wrong. A fight sparked with Nightmare, already a dynamic character, caused him to withdraw all hosting, and after de-admining Rei- and RubyAngel, the boards quickly deteriorated and eventually disappeared entirely. Everyone, after a long hiatus, migrated to Epiphany Gaming. This was roughly toward the end of March, 2005. Staff remained the same as it had at CW, with the addition of EG's staff. Rei-, however, disappeared for the greater part of the year, leaving Silvercrow as the primary CW figurehead, in his administrator position on EG. As time went by, people gradually learnt to call EG home, and remembered CW but gave up on it ever returning. August 28th, 2005, Christophomicus was moved from a Global Moderator position to an Administrator role, and Rei- returned shortly thereafter (The two events are not related). EG went through a number of server crashes, and almost a year later in July, fell down for over a month. People migrated to Monkey Productions, Omengate Sanctum, and any other forum that would have them. In September, EG started fresh. A whole new board was created, and there was a fresh slate to start anew. Then the hosting company fell through. At this stage, Christophomicus and Silvercrow decided that EG was not worth keeping alive; it was already dying before the hosting company incident. Finally, a month later, midway through December, Rei- began a collaboration with Wyrm, and behold, Cedar Woods Version 3 was born. Wyrm would work on the site and perform all the coding operations, whilst Rei- worked on restoring CW to its former glory. And that's where we stand now. Welcome to Cedar Woods! Enjoy your stay. -The Cedar Woods Staff