Where's the love for Fantasy? Also, non-fiction. I tend to read a lot of magazines lately, too, like Scientific American and Maclean's and Popular Mechanics (and Reader's Digest *welp*).
is maclean's actually any good? it just looks like a canadian time/newsweek
i have heard good things about 'freakonomics' you could try that out if you think you can wrap your head around it
right now i'm reading an anthology of dfw essays, that mcsweeney's that chris ware did, some comic analysis book, crying of lot 49, and the sound and the fury. i have also read a small part of dan brown's body of work, gonna look into some susan stewart collections because she's a cool lady, and i have been hoarding redundant issues of boulevard for a while but idk if i will ever open one. i should probably finish yiddish policemen's league since i started it before i left for school. someone left this book about eating bugs on a table so i read half of that and that was pretty interesting and non-fiction, it was
this one. i don't think i could eat a tarantula, it would not feel right. anything else would probably be ok though. i don't know, they seem too mammalian. actually they probably don't have the hairs anymore since those are irritants.
i have been meaning to check out z magazine and off our backs and believer for a while but the only one i've actually looked at is believer, note to self read things