Topic: Missing link disproven (Read 2638 times)

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quit it coxswain

i mean you are right but quit it or alexross7 may leave again and i will cry myself to sleep at night

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yeah but lucy was thought to be our last common ancestor
Lucy's species(australopethicus afarensis) did not evolve into chimpanzees. It was the first ape(EDIT: I read the article it seems that Ardi might have been primarily bipedal too, idk I will read more into it) that was primarily bipedal, which in turn gave rise to a number of mutations that led to a bunch of other branches being created, such as Paranthropus(Paranthropus Boisei looks fucking monstrus, search for pictures of its skull on wiki), which died out, and Homo(homosexuals) which includes our species(Homo Sapiens Sapiens) and our immediate "relatives"(Homo Neanderthalensis, Homo Erectus, Homo Habilis, etcetera).
look below
What religion is against evolution?
I am fairly sure that the denomination of christianity/islam/Abrahamic_Religion_Template that you follow is against evolution, and probably against vaccines too(this is a stretch but I'll take my chances.)

Evolution merely says that life will evolve.
Evolution explains the diversity of life and how all the different species that we know today came about from a common ancestor.
Like , a tiger will become a cat.
Wait what? What sort of twisted view of evolution do you have? Do you have any understanding on how it works or do you just assume WELP CATS SORT OF LOOK LIKE TIGERS SO MAYBE THEM SCIENTISTS ARE RIGHT ABOUT THAT MAYBE CATS ARE LIKE BABY TIGERS THAT DIDN'T GROW UP BUT NO WE ARE NOT MONKEYS NO SIR
I am not against it.
Yes you are, stop trying to confuse the people reading this post with pseudo-emotional crap.

Noah only took a few species of animals onto his ark.
Yeah well, Zidane couldn't find the second Pumice piece so he couldn't get Garnet to learn how to summon Ark. Tough luck.
Life evolved after that, and it became so abundant throughout the Earth.
So, Noah must have created his ark using some sort of funky radioactive alloy that sparked DNA nucleus decay that went on through the descendants of these species. Or MAYBE radiation and the Sun have been doing that ever since life came about(actually that has been going on since forever but whatever), ever since life was just a bunch of proteins in a lake of muddy water, near a volcano that smelled like rotten molten shit(methane does that).

Creation isn't against evolution , but rather abiogenesis.
Creation=Sentient being creates a bunch of life forms and watches what happens. Evolution=The process of one organism adapting to an environment so that it will survive better through mutations. The diversity of life today came about through such mutations, there was a (proto-)cellular organism that lived early on when life started on this planet whose descendants gave rise to fungi, animals, plants depending on the series of mutations each generation received that were influenced mainly by the environment in which these organisms resided in. ps this post is a clusterfuck and may not be completely understood because I am a dumb foreigner that doesn't speak english

The truth is , no person on Earth can tell you if that fossil is genuine.
No person on earth can tell you that your mythology is genuine. Fossils aren't put there by evil religion bashers that want to smite the lord or whatever it is your narrow mind has thought up to rationalise with whatever it is that you dislike about evolution.
Evolutionists will TRY to see apes in humans.
Humans, anatomically speaking, ARE apes. Great apes even. It's all about the way our skeleton is arranged, being an ape doesn't necessarily mean that you have to fling poo around, but I guess that would be convenient for you, woudn't it?

Ask any evolutionist if they think humans look like apes , and they will say , "Yes"
Because they do. Because they are.
Ask any creationist if we look like apes , and they will most likely say ,"No".
Because G-d says that humans look like him, and are made of dirt that was imbued with souls.(give me strength)

An African who has never heard of electricity , will commonly mistake a plane for a bird , because they aren't used to the idea that humans can fly.
In the same way , our point of view comes to us in the form of fact.

Welp, sonny boy, them negroes might see a coca-cola bottle and be so excited that they decide to dance around it feh hehNo. Shut up, you ignorant racist piece of shit.

There was once an indian who stood on top of a cliff , and the Indian was looking at the water , and saw a boat appear out of nowhere.
The boat only appeared to him , because his brain tried to make sense of it.
Your eyes will see what is there , but your brain will tell you what you are seeing , and it could lie to you.

See, I like how every person trying to bash a scientific theory without knowing what he's talking about will always come up with some bizzarre inane parabole that tells the life of a peasant and how he managed to become enlightened by looking at a grass field or staring at the sky and suddenly realising OH GOSH LORD THIS IS THEB EST THING EVER THANKS FOR BLOWING MELIFE INTO ME I AM LOVING THIS BY THE WAY. Stop being so full of shit.
Last Edit: October 04, 2009, 05:29:41 am by fatty
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thanks for that fatty.
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Ι feel like such a youtube person now
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Evolution explains the diversity of life and how all the different species that we know today came about from a common ancestor.

No , Evolution has nothing to do with where we come from.
It simply means  change.
When Charles Darwin wrote "The origin of species" , he wrote it in a manner that seemed quite simple to understand for simple folk.
Most of the people in this world , including religious and non religious , don't even know what evolution is , let alone how it works.
What Charles Darwin suggested , is that life evolved (Changed) through means of natural selection (The selection of the fittest , within nature) from a common ancestor .
The theory of evolution through natural selection , alone , has been proven , but scientists still can't 100% accurately say that all life are from a common ancestor.

I am fairly sure that the denomination of christianity/islam/Abrahamic_Religion_Template that you follow is against evolution, and probably against vaccines too(this is a stretch but I'll take my chances.)
I don't follow a church.
None of those religions are against Darwin's theory of Evolution through natural selection.
But they are against his philosophical ideas that maybe all life came from the same ancestor.

Humans, anatomically speaking, ARE apes. Great apes even. It's all about the way our skeleton is arranged, being an ape doesn't necessarily mean that you have to fling poo around, but I guess that would be convenient for you, woudn't it?
There are many animal skeletons that have the same shape as another animal , yet looks completely different on the outside.

You think they look similar?

Welp, sonny boy, them negroes might see a coca-cola bottle and be so excited that they decide to dance around it feh hehNo. Shut up, you ignorant racist piece of shit.
There are some African tribes that have never seen electricity.
How was I being racist?
There are white Africans too.
Seems like your putting words in my mouth.

See, I like how every person trying to bash a scientific theory without knowing what he's talking about will always come up with some bizzarre inane parabole that tells the life of a peasant and how he managed to become enlightened by looking at a grass field or staring at the sky and suddenly realising OH GOSH LORD THIS IS THEB EST THING EVER THANKS FOR BLOWING MELIFE INTO ME I AM LOVING THIS BY THE WAY. Stop being so full of shit.
It's not a parable .  This really happened when the Spanish first came to the Americas.

I really don't see how you believe in these fairy tales that people tell you.
After scientists had just proved that the chance of life evolving from nothing was impossible , Richard Dawkins then suggested that aliens came to Earth and seeded the planet. Watch Zeitgeist , which is an accurate movie.
Richard is good at circular reasoning.

Even though it is a creationist website that I got it from , I did a little of my own research and found out this picture to be true.

Millions of micro-Earthquakes happen each second. Do you really think that a skeleton could sustain it's perfect form and would mineralize perfectally , without the fact that those millions of tiny earthquakes would shatter the fossils within only a few thousand years?

Maybe the fossils somehow survived millions of years of cracking and erosion.
But what about the fact that animals (Carnivore animals) would have probably eaten the flesh from the bone and would have taken the bone to some remote location?

If your going to rely on the methods of dating the bones , by dating the index layer , then how come there have been humans underneath dinosaurs?
There have been fossils of dogs buried underneath dinosaurs (more than 10 feet below).

I will accept that in the trillionth of a trillionth of a trillionth of a trillionth of a chance , it might have happened.
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I really don't see how you believe in these fairy tales that people tell you.
After scientists had just proved that the chance of life evolving from nothing was impossible , Richard Dawkins then suggested that aliens came to Earth and seeded the planet. Watch Zeitgeist , which is an accurate movie.
First you are confusing the theory of spontaneous generation with the theory of abiogenesis.
And second, that alien nonsense doesn't answer anything, it only displaces the problem.
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I am going to comment as I go along reading your post by the way

No , Evolution has nothing to do with where we come from.
It simply means  change.

I don't recall saying something different?
When Charles Darwin wrote "The origin of species" , he wrote it in a manner that seemed quite simple to understand for simple folk.
Most of the people in this world , including religious and non religious , don't even know what evolution is , let alone how it works.

Wink wink?
What Charles Darwin suggested , is that life evolved (Changed) through means of natural selection (The selection of the fittest , within nature) from a common ancestor .
The theory of evolution through natural selection , alone , has been proven , but scientists still can't 100% accurately say that all life are from a common ancestor.

Nothing can be accurately one hundred percent be said about about such a thing but I'd rather trust people that have invested years of research and actual work on what they have to say than some guy looking up facts at Kent Hovind's site. Not to mention that while evolution does indeed work through the process of natural selection, the "selection" part only makes sense because the diversity is also cause by random mutation cause by a number of factors such as radiation, heat, diet, etcetera etcetera.
I don't follow a church.
None of those religions are against Darwin's theory of Evolution through natural selection.
But they are against his philosophical ideas that maybe all life came from the same ancestor.

Sure, but there are contradictions with other modern theories, such as gravity, the earth not being flat, etcetera that go against the religious scriptures that are the basis of all belief in said religion, be it Christianity, Islam, etcetera. We should not be arguing religion, my bad for bringing this up because I'm such an atheist.
There are many animal skeletons that have the same shape as another animal , yet looks completely different on the outside.
What are you talking about? Did you get my argument at all? I was merely saying that humans, just like chimpanzees and gorillas, are great apes. I did not suggest any other genetic or anatomic relation beyond that but you seem to think that I said "Humans are apes, chimps are apes, therefore humans are chimps", which would not surprise me because I'd expect that sort of reasoning at this point of conversation.

You think they look similar?
You know, I could just point to a picture of a bunch of hominid and ape skeletons lined up in similar positions and counter your argument of IS THIS A BANANA OR IS THIS A PINEAPPLE with another stupid ODD ONE OUT picture.
There are some African tribes that have never seen electricity.
How was I being racist?

You probably were not, but that argument could defeat your entire point. You are choosing to adhere to your uneducated hunches rather than trust what scientists have been trying to work out for years. Explain to me why anyone should believe you whose entire reasoning is based upon HEH THEM SCIENTISTS, THEY ARE SUCH DEVILS THEM LIARS FEH
There are white Africans too.
I'm going to take what I said back because you are probably trying to pass it out as if you were either talking about albino africans or white/european residents of south africa but everyone knows what you said and it's not that.
Seems like your putting words in my mouth.
Hopefully, our relationship will reach a level in which I can also put other things into your mouth as well :naughty:
It's not a parable .  This really happened when the Spanish first came to the Americas.
I... okay nevermind.

I really don't see how you believe in these fairy tales that people tell you.
I really don't see how you believe in these fairy tales that you randomly come across on the internet, such as creationist websites.
After scientists had just proved that the chance of life evolving from nothing was impossible , Richard Dawkins then suggested that aliens came to Earth and seeded the planet. Watch Zeitgeist , which is an accurate movie.
Richard is good at circular reasoning.

Nothing did not evolve into something, stop trying to confuse abiogenesis with evolution! Abiogenesis is the process of something non-living turning into something living, for example, think of this scenario: A bunch of really complex molecules start to form near the edges of a boiling hot volcano in the bottom of the ocean in a completely life-devoid planet. These molecules start becoming more and more complex by forming more and more chemical reactions. They finally reach a point in which that said molecule can replicate itself by taking advantage of other molecules around it only to dissolve them in order to rearrange their atoms into forming a copy, or copies of itself thus becoming something that can be considered by some people living. That is just one possible scenario.

Even though it is a creationist website that I got it from , I did a little of my own research and found out this picture to be true.
You do realise that this is putting the piltdown man and the nebraska man, a hoax and an accidental misclassification respectively, together with Lucy(Australopethicus Afarensis), Heidelberg man(Homo Heidelbergensis, which is not even THERE in the scale, chronologically speaking, Homo Heidelbergensis is closer to being the last common ancestor of modern humans and neanderthals which came about sometime before Homo Erectus became extinct) and Peking man(Homo Erectus, quite possibly not our direct ancestor, however it probably did live near and have ties with the population of hominids that eventually evolved into us). Also, the fucking site's name is

Millions of micro-Earthquakes happen each second. Do you really think that a skeleton could sustain it's perfect form and would mineralize perfectally , without the fact that those millions of tiny earthquakes would shatter the fossils within only a few thousand years?

Maybe the fossils somehow survived millions of years of cracking and erosion.
But what about the fact that animals (Carnivore animals) would have probably eaten the flesh from the bone and would have taken the bone to some remote location?

What? So you mean, a carnivore would somehow carry a Homo Erectus all the way from africa to eastern asia just to have lunch? That's one badass carnivore you got there.

If your going to rely on the methods of dating the bones , by dating the index layer , then how come there have been humans underneath dinosaurs?
There have been fossils of dogs buried underneath dinosaurs (more than 10 feet below).

nononononononononONO NO. NO. You are stupid. No. Where in the history of the world did we ever find humans and dogs underneath dinosaurs? Point to any source that claims so that is not related to/authored by a creationist or at least has actual evidence as to how this happened and somehow managed to be concealed by the evil paleontologists and scientists wanting to BASH THE LORD.

Also, I hate people that mistake "you're" with "your" because, did I mention it, I am also a grammar nazi

I will accept that in the trillionth of a trillionth of a trillionth of a trillionth of a chance , it might have happened.
I am willing to accept the slight chance that you might just be an ignorant uneducated fool and not somebody with severe mental ilness because the latter would make me feel bad for even having this argument with you.
Last Edit: October 04, 2009, 03:58:30 pm by fatty
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Creation isn't against evolution , but rather abiogenesis.
just read this

Scientist made experiments
Abiogenesis has been proven to happen
where is your god now?

besides it makes total sense to me. We are made of millions of non-living chemicals. It's in its complexity that we make the classification jump from non-living to living. A classification WE came up with, not some mysterious master of the universe who is very intriguing.
Last Edit: October 04, 2009, 04:27:26 pm by DJ Soup
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After scientists had just proved that the chance of life evolving from nothing was impossible ,
so scientists agreed that its impossible for life to have come from nothing? Who'd have thought. I always just figured a big 100 pound of nothing just forming itself to make Adam but with this new discovery, I'll really have to reassess my beliefs!
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There are white Africans too.


do you got doo doo on your fingers? I mean you must have because I can't possibly imagine anywhere else you would be getting such enlightening information from.
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man do you guys really read this stuff and jump on board without a doubt or are you doing it for debate purposes, because if this was say INSIDER STOCK INFORMATION i would not invest. just because you've got a pretty good hunch CREATIONISM or whatever is going to be a bad investment doesn't make alternatives any better! put your money in a term deposit and you don't have to worry about losing
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Watch Zeitgeist , which is an accurate movie.

youre being trolled fatty
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I may covet his chipset making abilities but I doubt he is intelligent enough to be trolling
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I may covet his chipset making abilities but I doubt he is intelligent enough to be trolling

zeitgeist though man zeitgeist thats baaaaaad