Topic: How do you study for a degree? (Read 1939 times)

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yeah, you prolly figured this out already but don't listen to shepherd on this matter.
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Make friends with mature students. it may not be appealing to hang out with OLDER PEOPLE but they'll be much more helpful in helping you with your studies!
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Make friends with mature students. it may not be appealing to hang out with OLDER PEOPLE but they'll be much more helpful in helping you with your studies!
Hmm, maybe that is true. I am just having a hard time trying to summon some motivation and get myself to studying and stuff, mostly my fault for choosing a subject I don't really have an interest in. Although I heard we were going to be programming little robots to do things using C programming language which got me interested in the open day that I went to.
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what i do is look for inspiration outside the classroom. teachers and lectures are a great help for me but only if i have a way to frame the information in my mind. so i am always looking at things that inspire me to do little projects or make me happy.

here are two things that inspire me a lot to do whatever i need:

also i know this sounds obvious but make friends in your classes, they don't have to be older or anything, just make friends everywhere you are. say "hey, im supremewarrior. what's up??"
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Although I heard we were going to be programming little robots to do things using C programming language which got me interested in the open day that I went to.
Yes I am also interested in this but we only do it third year for like a little while. It's kind of cruel to label it "Gaming, Simulation, and Robotics" when only ~1 month(dunno the exact amount but I heard it is very very short) is spent on actual robots. HOW WILL I WORK FOR IROBOT OR BOSTON DYNAMICS AND MAKE ROBOTIC SLAVES?
don't mind me, just postin' after a few brewskies
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that kid is incredible, holy shit.
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-Focus during the lecture and stay alert like your life depends on it.  I didn't learn to do that until my third year of college.
-Do everything right away, regardless of when the deadline is.  You might think "It'll probably take me an hour to do this homework, and they gave me until next Tuesday to do it, so I'll allot myself an hour on Monday night to work on it."  That's definitely the wrong attitude for numerous reasons: a) you might have dramatically underestimated how long it will take b) that gives you no extra days to ask the teacher or classmates about anything that confuses you c) you might have forgot what you heard in the lecture a week ago
-Don't think that college is leisure city.  You have to treat it like it's the challenge of your life, like you would boot camp, a professional fight, or something along those lines.  I don't know how you got the money to pay for college, but a lot of people get the money fairly effortlessly, whether it involves getting scholarships based on your high school gpa, signing a promissory note for some loans, or getting money from your parents.  It's easy to not see the significance of the money spent when it was so effortless to obtain.  But in actuality, it's dead serious.  If you drop out after 1, 2, or 3 years; and don't work in the meanwhile, then you'll have to reflect on how you could've had a stupid job and been up $60,000, instead of down $60,000.  I'd probably be correct to assume that you've never had anywhere near $60,000 in the bank, but for motivational purposes, at least take one second to imagine how good you'd feel about that, and remember you're giving that-up to try to successfully complete college.
-Study at least a little bit for every class, every day.  That helps a lot to prevent you from forgetting information, compared to studying in big chunks, one day a week.
Last Edit: October 09, 2009, 04:05:32 am by Lackeos
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yeah, you prolly figured this out already but don't listen to shepherd on this matter.
You are envious.

I have a winning formula. Never had problem with my exams and my marks oscillated from 7 to 9 (that's good). And I have supersplendid time.
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i use the same method and i'm having a really really horrible time. it works until you get a busy patch.
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Although I heard we were going to be programming little robots to do things using C programming language which got me interested in the open day that I went to.

I thought this was cool as shit until I actually had to do robot assignments.  Pain. in. the. ass.

But then again so are regular programming assignments  :welp:
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Well what's so bad about robot assignments?
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have as much sex with as many college girls as you can
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Well what's so bad about robot assignments?

Like any other programming assignments, they drive you up the wall when they don't work properly.

The difference is that on top of that you literally have a machine trying to drive itself up a wall instead of turning to avoid it.
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That's simple inverse kinematics I'm surprised you'd have trouble with that
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the key is to study things you're interested in. if you find your brain incompatible with the subject matter presented in the class, it might be wise to consider changing your area of study, or at least to be a bit more discerning over the classes you choose. on a professional level, college is really just there to give you a degree; the rest is purely for your own personal benefit and growth.

nobody should ever feel ashamed or reluctant to change their area of study. it's impossible to really understand going into college how much you will get a kick out of your initial major/minor. i was lucky in that my major choice was spot on. i was a good writer and thought i'd get a lot out of an english major, which was a lot more accurate than i had expected going into it. my minor was totally off. i was going to study journalism but learned very quickly that the topic is of absolutely no interest to me whatsoever, so i dumped it and studied film theory for my minor, which i enjoyed an awful lot.

i guess this is a lot more complicated than i'm giving it credit for, but it really bothers me how many people i know genuinely dislike attending lectures in college and generally participating in the academic side of college. because of my interest in the topics, and the quality of the professors i had, i found attending lectures effortless and enjoyable. everyone should endeavor to enjoy college as much as possible, and this should naturally include the in-class time as much as it does the out of class time.
Last Edit: October 10, 2009, 09:16:51 am by Hundley
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That's good advice hundley thanks! I didn't really know what to choose when I was deciding on subject area I really have no interest in most of the subjects the degrees are in, so I was really just hopeless I just chose computer science as it was what I was doing in college but in more detail.
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i guess this is a lot more complicated than i'm giving it credit for, but it really bothers me how many people i know genuinely dislike attending lectures in college and generally participating in the academic side of college. because of my interest in the topics, and the quality of the professors i had, i found attending lectures effortless and enjoyable. everyone should endeavor to enjoy college as much as possible, and this should naturally include the in-class time as much as it does the out of class time.

i really agree with this, i mean i complain about assignments as much as anyone else but all in all i really love going to my classes (well, most of them, being a liberal arts college i have to take some classes i really don't like)!  i love going to my film class, i love going to my computer graphics class, hell i even like calculus this semester.  i see these people doing subjects they cannot stand and i don't get why anyone would want to do that.  even if it seems like a bullshit major, do it.  all that matters is that you have some sort of degree.
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But doesn't that limit your jobs to the degrees that you have? Example: If I did a degree in Geography I won't be able to work for Microsoft!  :fogetlaugh:
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Most CS job interviews ask you technical questions.  If you know all the information (no matter where you learned it from), you'll get the job.  The degree just means you can stick to something for four years.
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man you guys are really overthinking this whole college thing