Topic: Will Gamingw ever be getting an RPG Maker Game Database? (Read 6170 times)

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hey GZ, how are you. I'm glad you noticed my post amongst all the other dumb posts here.

FYI the Game design forum here is not going to change ever. I thought this was clear 3 years ago.
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Machinarium has pretty sick graphics, but I don't find it to be fun at all.

Half the games you listed were of my own creation, rushed even... What're you trying to say?  :hmm:
Though I guess I should be thankful to see those being brought up in conversation, giving them airtime.
And I have to agree with Nightblade, as the comparisons are sort of "Runescape VS World of Warcraft".


Right, but shitty rpgmaker games (and the people making them) are a big GW problem.

That's because this is GW, it used to be 100% RPGMaker.  Where do you think people are gonna post their crappy RM games?  Crappy RM games are going to be posted on RPGMaker sites.

yeah man who would ever want to play legitimately good, well designed indie games on the iphone when we could be playing a generic jrpg made by someone who's not old enough to drive???

I'm a little confused why you think that a person has to be young to use RM and can't be young if they're using GM.
Last Edit: November 03, 2009, 03:50:20 am by Lackeos
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That's because this is GW, it used to be 100% RPGMaker.  Where do you think people are gonna post their crappy RM games?  Crappy RM games are going to be posted on RPGMaker sites.

I'm a little confused why you think that a person has to be young to use RM and can't be young if they're using GM.

Well if you're 23 and still using RM something is wrong my friend.
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Well if you're 23 and still using RM something is wrong my friend.

Oh, better RPG's can be made in GM given the same effort?  Okay, then.  Because I like RPG's.
Last Edit: November 03, 2009, 03:59:54 am by Lackeos
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I'm a little confused why you think that a person has to be young to use RM and can't be young if they're using GM.

i said that because that is the bulk of the community, sorry but that's a fact man

That's because this is GW, it used to be 100% RPGMaker.  Where do you think people are gonna post their crappy RM games?  Crappy RM games are going to be posted on RPGMaker sites.

yeah, used to be.  that's because we've been trying to fix that.  gw doesn't want to be any sort of rpgmaker anymore.
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What a stupid topic
I am not excited about a single game here except maybe the Alliance but I am still waiting on that one

Why is it everyone mentions RM2k3 being good everyone else shits a brick? Who cares?


And in the end people who like Rm2k3 will still use it and people who like other things will still use those. Great work having this argument for the nth time everyone.

edit: seriously GW is only related to games in the most peripheral of ways any more that it really doesn't matter what it supports. Everyone else at the site ignores Game Design, but now that it's not DREADED RPGMAKER they can jump in and say "hey this is cool" from time to time. They are supporting games now not some STUPID HOBBY
Last Edit: November 03, 2009, 04:43:47 am by Jack the CRIPler
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Rpgmaker 95/2k/3 are all dying, XP is still thriving. But I do think we should focus on more genuine Indie games now. Aquaria, Machinarium(???) etc.
yeah but vx pretty much was the hammer that nailed RM's coffin

i still love my rm2k/rm2k3, but you gotta admit were not doing so great and RM in general is dying

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this thread seriously sucks and so do the arguments flying around

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Regardless of age or experience GW has the potential to promote games with great stories, rather than mini-games.

Now Gaming World has decided to go in the direction of promoting Game Design in general, rather than it's original idea of promoting the tools to create and tell a story. It's selling out to a more generalized crowd. Not that GW has been the greatest community ever created, but it used to own a decent chunk of internet space dedicated to those tools that allowed people to tell their stories. There are already many websites that promote the creation of indie games.

GW used to make more of a difference.

Yes RPG Maker is dying, but part of why it's dying it seems is because GW left it.

Ok, RPG Maker Games can be sloppy and seem to be a lot less professional than mini-games that focus mainly on gameplay/programming, but it all depends on how the website makes the image of RPG Maker Games out to be.

I will say this much. If GW was to promote RPG Maker games with an image of integrity, people on the forums that don't have faith in RPG Maker or any other tools that allow someone to bring their stories to other artists, would not be expressing the same point of view.

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Regardless of age or experience GW has the potential to promote games with great stories, rather than mini-games.

Now Gaming World has decided to go in the direction of promoting Game Design in general, rather than it's original idea of promoting the tools to create and tell a story. It's selling out to a more generalized crowd. Not that GW has been the greatest community ever created, but it used to own a decent chunk of internet space dedicated to those tools that allowed people to tell their stories. There are already many websites that promote the creation of indie games.

GW used to make more of a difference.

Yes RPG Maker is dying, but part of why it's dying it seems is because GW left it.

Ok, RPG Maker Games can be sloppy and seem to be a lot less professional than mini-games that focus mainly on gameplay/programming, but it all depends on how the website makes the image of RPG Maker Games out to be.

I will say this much. If GW was to promote RPG Maker games with an image of integrity, people on the forums that don't have faith in RPG Maker or any other tools that allow someone to bring their stories to other artists, would not be expressing the same point of view.

Dude, which "indie games" have you even played?

Psychosomnium and paul moose in space world and idk whatever else cause i dont play all of them etc but man, there are a lot with good stories.

man.  im sorry i keep trying to poop in your face, but man.
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Regardless of age or experience GW has the potential to promote games with great stories, rather than mini-games.

Now Gaming World has decided to go in the direction of promoting Game Design in general, rather than it's original idea of promoting the tools to create and tell a story. It's selling out to a more generalized crowd. Not that GW has been the greatest community ever created, but it used to own a decent chunk of internet space dedicated to those tools that allowed people to tell their stories. There are already many websites that promote the creation of indie games.

GW used to make more of a difference.

Yes RPG Maker is dying, but part of why it's dying it seems is because GW left it.

Ok, RPG Maker Games can be sloppy and seem to be a lot less professional than mini-games that focus mainly on gameplay/programming, but it all depends on how the website makes the image of RPG Maker Games out to be.

I will say this much. If GW was to promote RPG Maker games with an image of integrity, people on the forums that don't have faith in RPG Maker or any other tools that allow someone to bring their stories to other artists, would not be expressing the same point of view.

Stop, please - stop.

What a stupid topic

What a stupid topic

What a stupid topic
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oh ok you just wanna hear a story. why not head over to the lit forum?
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yeah I don't like it when people say RPG Maker is restrictive, I mean it is, but it's all technical stuff like no 64-bit color etc. Well ok it sucks for people who want to make a space shooter or an FPS, but I think it can make like any rpg you want to do reasonably well. I mean it is a restriction, but not being able to draw or write a story for shit is something people should concentrate on more instead of am I using right engine??? I heard Yume Nikki didn't work as far as gameplay but watching videos of it I do think it's proof you can evoke whatever feelings you want to in an rpg maker game, you just have to put a lot of consideration into what you're drawing/how the game feels etc. Half the time the game isn't even like full rpg maker graphics quality, it's a bunch of MS Paint images but it gets the intended effect because it's made by someone who knows what the hell they're doing

but yeah like I said it sucks if you want to make some sort of crazy real-time irrigation Action-Adventure-Bocce system in your game, those people should move to another engine because they're obviously more interested in the game part and should be able to deal with the extra work of coding etc. I also mentioned Yume Nikki because I don't think behind the scenes there's too much ridiculous custom-coding going on, probably a lot of things are actually very simple commands/events that get overlooked because they're so simple/average person has no idea what context to use them in

I actually think the most restrictive thing about RPG Maker is you can't edit while playing the game in some way. Or at least edit it and very quickly jump to point x/y in the game. I think this is way worse than no side/rear/birds-eye view battle system because it's trying on a person's patience to play through the game and make sure it looks/feels exactly the way they want it. Just thinking about it makes me wish really bad there was a way to jump to random points really fast like editing a movie on the computer, deciding on the fly that this should happen at this speed, this guy should be more to the right. The only thing that is even vaguely like this is BATTLE ANIMATIONS. I mean even seeing if a certain music track works best in a certain area is a fairly large pain in the ass, although that you could pull off with debug events, have one vase play track 1, track 2 etc. and decide which is best
Last Edit: November 03, 2009, 09:00:34 am by Ragnar
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youre a bad composer and dont understand art
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youre a bad composer and dont understand art

also low :(
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Yes RPG Maker is dying, but part of why it's dying it seems is because GW left it.

fffff no no no NO jesus christ

rpg maker isn't dying because GW left it, it's dying because the people who were using it either moved on or lost their interest in gamemaking, this has NOTHING to do with gamingw at all and i have no clue what misfire in your brain would cause you to think this

in fact GW never left it, EVERYONE left it, and i don't mean websites dude i mean people.  people stopped caring so it died!  i have no idea why you think this has to do with websites. especially GW in particular.

also shut the fuck up nightblade you're MAKING the topic stupid when you do that
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is GW dying?
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Now Gaming World has decided to go in the direction of promoting Game Design in general, rather than it's original idea of promoting the tools to create and tell a story. It's selling out to a more generalized crowd.

Yes, how dare we promote good game design instead of a single program, the nerve of us.
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The problem is no one actually listens. You keep saying RM died but a ton of people have replied that they still use or play the game. You say all RM games are bad but I replied earlier with 4 games that came out within the last year that I loved to play. You say no one cares but obviously people care or there wouldn't be a thread with this many replies in it right?

Having an opinion is fine, but saying that your opinion is fact and everyone else is wrong is bull.
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If this really is a stupid topic that there is no point in discussing, then a moderator should go ahead and lock the topic now.

Is it really less stupid to turn the argument away from:


Just so that it can turn into:


Oh yeah, and we had to ditch RPGMaker because GamingW only promotes good game design now. You can't possibly promote good game design when you already promoting something like RPGMaker. The two terms are mutually exclusive in that respect.
Last Edit: November 03, 2009, 04:13:15 pm by Bat #2