I found the game to be lacking of tutorial and nice introduction to the whole system. I almost quit the first time after losing to the first encounter.
I mean, there are 14 characters and I feel a bit overwhelmed with all the skills and stuffs so I'm expected to learn about them bit by bit. Losing to the first encounter ever in the game is pretty discouraging. I don't mind dungeon crawling and difficult game ( I play all Shin Megami Tenseis and beat all of them :O ) but the game should at least has an easier introduction battle and let the players learn some basic elements of the game, like changing party during the battle etc.
I really wish you could change the enemy sprites, because I don't think those fit the games at all. They look too childish and cartoonish, which doesn't really go well with the facesets.
I really like the battle though. It forces you to think and not just attack spamming. I also like how you custom so many parts of the game, though the battle seems a bit too fast for me. Most of the time I couldn't make out who's attacking whom, since the damage pop and the battle animation are played almost continuously without breaks in between. If we are able to adjust this, it will be really great. The essence equipment system is great and is better than normal equipment, in my opinion.
I have a bit of a problem with party changing menu. I expect pressing left when the cursur is at the left most will cause the cursor to be at the rightmost and vice versa, but in the game it get me to another page where there is no party member there. I'd have used UP or DOWN for changing page instead of left or right. It isn't much of a problem, but I happened to accidentally switch page quite often so this annoys me a little.
Overall graphics and presentation is , unfortunately, disappointing for such good game. The core game and the system is great already, but with better presentation I'm sure this game will do great and appeal to more people. I wouldn't play it if I have never heard of your name and played your other game before, to be honest
One last note...thanks for cutting out the Demon Tower intro in this one<3