I don't get it though, why would the US want to stay in Afghanistan indefinitely? What do we have to gain from it? Being there is just costing us more money ($1,000,000 per soldier per year), more lives, and is in the end an unpopular war overall. But, if we just happen to pull out right now, wouldn't Al Qaeda regain more power, and just continue on where they left of? And shouldn't we bring out this force to finish them off once and for all (a very tough objective I know, but there isn't a good alternative).
Back to health care reform... by mandating everyone to get coverage (but people up to age 26 to be covered under their parents plan... so this'll help those still in school/just starting work), prices should begin to go down. The reason premiums go up in the first place is because it's taking more money to cover those who need it; however, if a host of young healthy people (and millions who don't have it either) being to pay money into the system, the commonwealth pool will increase allowing premiums to go down for everyone just because there'll be more money for them to get coverage from. There will be an insurance exchange established as well, allowing for competition between private insurance companies across the nation (95% of people in Alabama for example have to go with Blue Cross Blue Shield essentially establishing a monopoly here). A public option would be better, but with the exchange and a greater common pool, premiums should go down. It still gets me how Lieberman, one guy, shot down the public option. It's not fully gone, as the Senate and House COULD bring it back after tough negotiations between the two bills... but I'm not going to hold by breath.
As for Obama as a person, I don't know I feel like he's one of the most sincere and honest people out there in politics, who really gives it his all in everything he's fighting for.Everything he'll go for seems to be an uphill battle, especially because of the sharp polarization of the Senate and House since his election, but I'll be keeping up with him, and cheering him on for the next 3, hopefully 7, years!