I currently have a decent TV Tuner and it gets the job done for basic tasks such as recording TV. However, now that I am in college I do not have a TV anymore and I want to play some video games (don't tell me to use one of my room mate's TVs because they are usually using them. And don't tell me to get/bring a TV up there because there is no room). Hooking my consoles up to my monitor would require me to get a converter box, which are pretty expensive for what they're offering (if you know of a way to hook up a video came console to a monitor without a converter box, please let me know). So I figured if I am going to spend $50+ on a converter box, I might as well spend a little more on a GOOD capture card and get more value out of it.
The problem with my current capture card is that there is a significant lag between the image is shown on the TV to when it is shown on my computer screen. It is always about 5 - 7 seconds behind the actual stream. This is fine for recording TV since it really doesn't matter for that. For playing video games, this won't work.
My current TV Tuner is PCI, so I'm assuming that's contributing to the slowdown. I'm hoping to get a TV Tuner with any interface besides PCI and PCI-E x 16 (don't have anymore empty slots). I don't really want a USB TV Tuner because I'm pretty sure that will be just as slow as the PCI one I have right now. Besides, I'm pretty sure those are just for recording TV and taking VCR tapes to a digital medium.
I have been looking into getting this:
http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16815116037&cm_re=WinTV-HVR-2250-_-15-116-037-_-ProductAt first I was thinking about getting an ATI All in Wonder, but those look like they're lower quality and the only one that didn't was basically a video card and a TV Tuner combo, which I don't want. Also, I don't know exactly what a dual tuner is, but from the name I'm guessing it means it has 2 cable inputs (right?). I don't exactly need this, but I don't care if it has it.
TL;DR? So the whole reason I am starting this topic is to ask if any of you know of capture cards that have very little lag between the real time image, and the image on screen. I understand that there WILL be some lag, since the signal has extra ground to cover, but I'm hoping I can find something that will be usable for this purpose.