Topic: [FULL] Forever's End: Episode One (Read 2481 times)

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Well, this is the only time I have heard of lagging issues so I wouldn't worry about it, and I'm not sure exactly what you mean by "non-adventure battle system."
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i mean, like i dont know what they call it, turn-based i think, but yeah, im not patient enough to do that,
i dont know how to explain it, other than: i prefer an ABS, you know, like zelda, and not like pokemon/ff
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Oh yeah, well I'm afraid I don't have that, but I still urge you to give it try. You may still enjoy it!
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C= i will...

buuuuut, i can't because this is my parents pc (mine is effed up) and as most parents, they are paranoid of 'viruses'. theres no pursuading them to let me, either. anywho, ill find a way to try it, this game looks good from the screenies and all C=
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So... I decided to suck it up and play through the lag. And I found out what caused it: the number of monsters on screen, apparently. After I took down like 3 or 4 monsters, the lag stopped altogether and the game ran normally. It did it again in the . Maybe it's just my comp though, I dunno.
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Man, sorry about that. No one else has had that problem before. Well, I'm glad you were able to play through it for the most part. I'm just surprised it didn't do it to you on . Lag aside, how are you liking it so far?
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It's pretty good. It's well made, and it seems like a lot of care was taken into making it.
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:D Thank you. Glad to hear it.

One thing I want to know that I really haven't heard much about is what do you think of the monster hunting sidequest? It took me forever to code it, and I was just wondering if anyone has found it enjoyable.
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Sorry I haven't tried it yet. I'm getting to it, I just need to get some wi-fi. I live in the middle of no-where and I'm stuck with slow/limited internet until I can get to a hotspot. Tomorrow I'll try to get to the library to download the game.

Still, looking great. =)
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Thanks james. Hope you get the chance to play it. I know the download size is relatively large.
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So I did get the chance to play the game, and I have to give a few suggestions and a bit of praise. =)

- The music could be placed a bit better. The FF7 Parade Theme plays inside of the castle, and you don't know where to go at first, so it might be better to either tune the volume of the music down while your inside of the castle or put a song that has a little more variation. The song was used in Final Fantasy 7 and 9 for when there were actually band players, so the presence of those musicians came first, and that seems to be why it worked so well.
- The dialogue is great, but the one part with the guy who gives you the monster tracking equipment goes on forever. There are other parts that seem to have kind long dialogue here and there.
- On the opening displaying internet aliases for credits seems a bit weird. If you marketed/promoted the game on youtube to a more general audience than those only tolerant to rpg maker projects, they may find that a little weird-feeling.
- Even though the MP3 music is great, you could compress it to make the size of the game smaller for slower connections
- Walking around the castle looking for the dock took forever for me, while that FF8 song was playing. You may want a kind of castle theme midi or mp3 to play on those parts, as the FF8 song sounds like there is "battle all around you" while you're just waking up, strolling around the scene.

+ The graphics, and mapping is awesome. It feels like a true SNES rpg.
+ The opening is really absorbing.
+ It really does have a great story.
+ The battle system and battle graphics are really good.
+ The potential for a very interesting full game, kind of like Demon Legacy or Onyx, is huge.

Bottom Line:
Recently, I experimented with releasing my project, Takuto, as a visual novel with loads of text on among other various communities. I found that people didn't have big enough attention spans, and I felt that if I want to go far with the dream of getting hundreds of thousands of people to experience my story, I'm going to need to tell my story in a way that will grab them from the get-go, and then keep them going.

I feel that it could work as good advice to you, here. You are a great director with a good project, that has potential to really grab people right from the start and keep them playing. Just remember that, if it's your goal to have a lot of people view and play your artwork, you may have to find ways of keeping them playing throughout the course of the game, keeping every part fun and absorbing (people that have played 2d snes rpgs before might be tolerant enough to walk for 5-10 minutes through a place, looking for where to go, but most will want a snappy, quick, experience).

If you believe your story is great in your heart, it really has the potential to give quite an experience to viewers. The opening shows that you are a very good director, and a great writer. I do wish that the entire thing could have that same impact, including those parts where you're walking around the castle. Hope you can release another demo with improvements all around. =)
Last Edit: January 18, 2010, 04:47:26 am by james_the_composer
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Thanks for the feedback, james. It doesn't sound like you got very far into the game, but I appreciate you giving me a telling me your advice from what you've played. I actually did compress the music, there is just a large number of Mp3 files used (about 43 I think), so it's actually a lot less than it could have been. I only know the internet aliases of the people who helped me, and I plan to keep it that way. I don't want to put people's real names all over the web. In truth, I'm not terribly comfortable putting my own name out there.

Yeah, I will definitely cut down the dialogue with Farnstein about monster hunting. I'll probably just give the player a choice whether they want to hear the explanation or not.

Thanks for the feedback!
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Eliminator just recently posted an extremely well written review for Forever's End, so I thought I'd share it to anyone who is deciding whether to download the game. It's a great review that covers near every facet of the game. Note that there are a few minor plot spoilers (nothing too major though).

Last Edit: January 28, 2010, 12:45:52 am by NicoB
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Quite a nice game! Has higher production values than most rpgmaker games. The monster hunter side quests work well but I think long term they may get a bit boring when all you want to do is progress with the game.


One thing I did notice was at the begining of the game your told that ordinary items are in red chests and special items in other coloured chests yet the first legendary crystal is in a red chest! Not particlarly important but it struck me as an odd choice...
Last Edit: January 29, 2010, 09:40:35 am by Jingle My Bell Bitch
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One thing I did notice was at the begining of the game your told that ordinary items are in red chests and special items in other coloured chests yet the first legendary crystal is in a red chest! Not particlarly important but it struck me as an odd choice...

Haha, I didn't think about that. Yeah, I should probably change that. The monster hunting isn't necessary so you can skip it all together if you really want to (though you will miss out on some cool items in addition to some additional help against bosses and regular enemies). I'm thinking I may add another layer to the system and allow the player to challenge other NPCs to battles using only monsters for both sides, but I'm still not sure.

Anyway, thanks for giving it a chance, and I'm glad you're enjoying it.
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Haven't;t played it yet, but explaining at least once is a good idea. I'd suggest , however, avoiding making it too easy to tell whether a chest holds a special item or an ordinary one as it could invite cherry picking.  I'll reserve any further comments until after I play.
Last Edit: January 30, 2010, 04:12:58 am by Terrorantula
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Haven't;t played it yet, but explaining at least once is a good idea. I'd suggest , however, avoiding making it too easy to tell whether a chest holds a special item or an ordinary one as it could invite cherry picking.  I'll reserve any further comments until after I play.

Yeah, it mainly gives the player something to shoot for. Ordinary items are just as important as rare ones in this game.
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*Has just started playing* Actually I LIKE the way Farnstein forces the monster hunting on the player- It gives the impression of a hard-nosed researcher who insists people help him with his research- whether they like it or not! I say keep it!
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*Has just started playing* Actually I LIKE the way Farnstein forces the monster hunting on the player- It gives the impression of a hard-nosed researcher who insists people help him with his research- whether they like it or not! I say keep it!

Yeah, that's what I was going for. I think I'll keep it, but I will at least add an option that allows the player to skip Farnstein's long explanation about it. Players can still read about it later in the Hunting Guide if they're interested.
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'K. I'm enjoying it very much so far.
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