I have 1 niece, who I will probably never get to see again, since her mother is the biggest bitch in the world. She broke up with my brother a year or two after she was born, and has since been trying to get shittons of child support from him, even though he doesn't even get to see her.
Two years ago was the last time ANYONE in my family got to see her. We also got a funny story. Basically my brother lost his job, and got a new one. She heard he got a new job and re-filed for child support (to try to get more), and when everything went through, the services found out that he made much less, and he no longer has to pay, since he doesn't make as much. Sucks for my brother, but he seemed to enjoy the fact that she got what she deserved.
Apparently my brother got to see her recently. Either that or he's REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEALY slow about uploading things to facebook.
Anyways... She should be 9 or 10 this year.