I'm paying $715 AUS ($655 US) a month for a large room in a college-esque student dorm. I really like the room; has a skylight, freedom of use of facilities (commercial kitchen/cool room, heaps of fridges, washing machines/dryers) and the dudes here rock. I'll often get a knock on the door from dudes who barely speak English getting me to come and drink Scotch with them and play cricket or watch AFL and explain it to them.
All utilities are included apart from internet (which you pay for by how much data you use, for example you pay $50 AUS for 10 gigs and use that etc). I have an air conditioner/heater, lamp (SHIIIT), TV and a nice bed which came with it. I've spiced it up a bit with some hip hop/'cool' movie (Taxi Driver, Pulp Fiction) posters so y'all can suck on that, I'm THAT cool. Yeah, heh.
It's not exactly cheap, but it's a good deal for what I'm getting and the dorm environment is awesome. Next year me and my mates are hoping to move to a nearby suburb and that'll be about $1400 a month split between 3 people in a townhouse. Keen for that, even if it might hinder uni work.
When you guys post could you also post if you're at uni, working full time or whatever? I'm at uni and working part time at two jobs (heh, well, heh, three, cos I'm a rap superstar. Last gig I got paid 20 beers. Money in the bank, bitch).