It's so hard to form an opinion on falcon shield because he'll be cool for a while and then he'll go APESHIT retarded.
hahaha that actually amused me, and no I'm not being sarcastic. I am amused in a sort of sad way.
Let me put it like this: I'm too old to sit and hide behind my screen. In real life, I would never be spontaneously rude or obnoxious to people for no reason. Consequently, I won't do that online either. But when people do that it kinda gets to me in a way. Yes, yes, now I'm a sitting target...I let the internet get to me, I'm pathetic.
But it's absolutely not what people say/write. It's that they do it. I feel truly sorry for the poor fellow who can't get it up, has family problems, breath smells like shit, never talked to a girl or whatever reason that compels him/her to act like that.
And to an extent that people don't care any more. It's like the unwritten rule of the internet. Actually it might be written down somewhere.
So, go on with the insults please...