Took almost a year off when I got let go from my first job (I was 19-20) It was probably the worst experience of my life. I was basically a piece of shit who felt like doing nothing but waste energy trying to entertain myself until I went to sleep. I had no plans to go back to school and lazily looked for jobs, played a good bit of video games, I can't remember all of them but WoW was there for a part of it. I couldn't really stick with one activity/game/movie for long because it would eventually make me sick to my stomach and make me super depressed. Smoked weed, drank, etc. A real stand up guy.
I was happy when became a package handler for fedex last April even though was a real awful job for me, and I've found a new job since then. But It was the most exercise I had gotten in years (sadly) and lit a fire on my ass to be a little more active (not gonna do any crazy shit like join the army tho). I actually starting getting sorta on track with my life. I'll be 22 at the end of june and I haven't really done shit else when it comes to goals for the future(!) but some good things have happened, I feel like I've sorta become a better person or at least started to.
Idk why I posted all this but I guess the point is don't be a piece of shit and do this on your parents bill, even if your are waiting for school of something I would at least try to do ANYTHING besides stay at home all day collecting dust. I mean if you like video games and stuff that much to each their own, I would love to take some time off and chill somewhere really interesting but personally I gotta still sort some crap out before I can do that! A year is kind of long though.
EDIT: But in regards to Nemesis, you are going to med school so fuck all else do whatever the hell you want till school starts, just remember to shed your bad habits when you finally get the ball rollin (and it sounds like you will).
Last Edit: February 25, 2010, 03:54:32 am by pig style